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Old January 7, 2021, 07:44 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Keen to try a "roast"...

Originally Posted by jsansi View Post
Mine gets regular use, maybe weekly. Doing leftover new years ham into pea soup today.

It does well with meats you want to braise. And things like hard boiled eggs. Spaghetti sauce. Quick cooked artichokes. Have done batches of yogurt, but the key to that is finding a good "starter" culture ... because they can produce a vastly different result.

Use the minimum amount of water. Pressure cooking is fast, but it takes time to heat up a lot of liquid.
Hi jsansi,

Thanks for the inspiration!

So far I've just made the soup... But I'm keen to try a more kind of "roast"-type of dish (which apparently can be done too)!

Best wishes,

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