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Old January 18, 2021, 05:11 PM
MikePT MikePT is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 180
Default Photos That Sell – Any Tips?

Hello everyone!!

Happy 2021 everyone!!!

Hope everyone started 2021 well and safe.

My asking tips of the beggining of the year:

Any tips on photos that sell? Ogilvy talks about it.

I sell toys for kids, and I have an intuition that I could be selling much more if I use different photos or video. Like, changing the background, doing a stronger visual contrast.

The toys are cute and "irrestible". The close-up photos I use are very good. I use happy face child on the photos too.

However, I would like to know if you can suggest any examples you recommend to study?

Ogilvy ads are an example for me.

Thank you.

Wishing 2021 starts to soon back our normal lifes back.

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