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Old February 2, 2021, 08:38 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default This is exciting news!

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Since I'm right in the middle of a deep dive into "planning", I thought I would share an idea or two.

21 years ago, when we started Seeds Of Wisdom, I already had a couple of decades under my belt as a Planning advocate. Between my submarine qualification card and some Individual Habilitation Plans (IHP {plus IEP, IPP, PPP, etc., etc.}) and my golf progress charts...

They formed a solid foundation for any sort of planning.

In the last 10 days, I've visited dozens of sites which are selling some sort of Planning information.

Plan a webinar.
Plan a course.
Plan your Internet Marketing Business.
Plan for coaching.
Plan, plan every where's a plan, man oh man don't need no plan...

But here is one of my observations.

Almost all treat a plan as a map to a destination.

Few go beyond that. Or, they lack LIFE context.

And I too, have often offered to help build a destination plan, but because of the Square One Workshops, I have always recognized it as a PART of the journey on the lifeline.

See, some people want to make $5,000.00 a month from their Automatic Product Vending sites, which is a good goal, DOABLE, and worthwhile, but then I would ask...

then what? What will you do with the 5k coming in, and how much of that is Net Profit (the whole point, I would think).

And how does this FINANCIAL goal and plan fit into the overall life plan?

This CONTEXT is what I have found lacking in the hundreds of PLANS available to you. I've found a lot of these selling for 97 dollars.

And then there are PLR or other types of shared or joint venture revenue. One site lets you buy a plan for 97 dollars and you can then resell that plan for 25 and only need four sales.

That is but one example. Selling plans, planners, plan software, goal trackers, time trackers (within a plan), Pomodoro and Schwartz 33 minute work plans, etc., etc., etc.

TIME keeps on ticking, whether you have a plan, a goal or destination. And even after you have achieved the goal, your lifeline continues on.

I am a big believer in Planning. I also think a lot of ADJUSTMENT is needed for a good plan to be executed, because there are always unknown, unseen obstacles or blocks. This Covid-19 crisis has shown us all how quickly our apple carts can be overturned by something we have no control over.

But your PLAN OF ACTION? That you do have mostly control over.

On Valentine's Day, our special report on planning will be available, mark you calendar and plan on picking up a copy, I'm planning on you to do so.
Hi Gordon,

This is exciting news!

What I like about your approach is it helps you deal with obstacles that OTHER APPROACHES can't deal with...

I'm looking forward to it!

Best wishes,

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