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Old June 21, 2021, 07:56 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Thanks Dien, sometimes my knuckles need rapped.

Thank you.

I too, often fall into looking at ideas with more...


Than I want in my life, now.

Younger people pursuing their opportunities, are more suited to taking on the S & P, often coming with the territory.

Simplify, and then, cull and crop.

If what is left is anything I can do, willingly, THEN, I'll take a deeper dive into it.

At this point, even buying a lottery ticket feels like a lot of work. But I still look forward to your discoveries.

Never too old a dog to see a new trick, not necessarily to do one, but to watch from the porch next to the rocking chair.

Thanks for all you do.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

I haven't written exactly about that business with the writers, but... I have written about other businesses with the exact same structure that you talk about...

For example, one of the businesses I've written about is providing speech interpretation services for the deaf. (The exact title of the article is "Profit by Helping the Deaf," I think you'll find it in my second book for Green Tree Press.)

I actually talk about three different ways to do this business, and two of them involve contracting out the work... Where you don't even need to be able to interpret for the deaf, because you have others do it for you and you contract the work out.

Essentially, you have a list of interpreters on hand who you call when you have a job for them...

The structure is pretty much exactly what you're talking about...


I come across quite a lot of businesses in my research, and I simply can't write about everything that I want to write about!

There was one business that I wanted to write about which I wasn't able to fit in...

It's similar to the deaf interpretation business, but this is providing translations.

Most translation agencies specialize in a small selection of languages... However...

This translation agency can provide translations for virtually any language, because they outsource all the translations.

It's run by one guy... and he has a big network of translators who he farms work out to.

The founder of the agency once had a situation where his client wanted them to translate the names of ancient roads that extended out from the center of the Ottoman Empire...

The Ottoman Empire disappeared in the very beginning of the 20th century. It was centered on what is modern day Turkey. But...

The Ottoman language is effectively a different language from modern Turkish. So he had to find people who could translate from ancient Ottoman!

He only found two people who actually understood the ancient Ottoman language - and one of them had recently died.

So he hired the one that was left to do the translation work.

His business did the job and they got paid!

Perhaps a good way to approach your idea might be to get specialist writers on your books...

Off the top of my head... Those who are great at writing nonfiction, those who are great at biographical writing, those who are great at writing on scientific topics, those who are great at technical writing, talented humor writers, etc.

If you can get a bunch of writers like that in your network, I don't see why it can't work exactly the same way that it would work for deaf interpretation or for translating languages...

Thanks Gordon!

Best wishes, Dien

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