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Old July 26, 2021, 07:23 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Two and a half examples.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

You've got me excited! I'm definitely interested to know more...!

This is one area where you are an acknowledged expert!

I agree with you that Trump has skills to create a movement of people who adore him... He's deeply tapped into some people's gripes and fears... (I believe such power can be used for good or evil... It's definitely a source of power...)

I think I'm starting to get your drift...

You can control individual people REMOTELY...

Looking forward to more!

Best wishes,


First example: Erie PA, shortly after you left...we wanted to contact Dan Kennedy. We did, got put on a waiting list and on a certain date, at an exact time, Dan would honor us with his half hour listen.

So, that is one example, which Kennedy had mastered. He could look at his calendar and weeks in advance, KNOW who was going to call him and when and about what. He took total control of other people's time in the future and made them appear at HIS beck and call.

Two: Glenn Osborn has shared many stories of first flirting with gatekeeper, sending packages of WOWZA to them, and getting Execs to answer their phone when he called, he also, was able to get a person, one person, to surrender his time to Glenn on demand. Although, I don't know if he considers it that.

Half. I will be at the Cleveland airport on an exact date, at an exact time, because somone has taken my time months in advance.

Now we're just scratching the surface of this "mindset".

It isn't marketing to crowds, groups, avatars, or buyers. It is choosing ONE person, or having that person CHOOSE YOU, and then take control of their time. And if you can do that satisfactorily, AND present a Win/Win/Win proposition to them, then again, WOZAW LOOEY.

Imagine a writer, who has a book, and is seeking an agent for a publishing house, and the writer KNOWS which one. She then sets it up, the magnet under the table, and begins to take control of this agent's time, only because it is mutually beneficial to do so.

It is on the SQ1, although out of sight. The small POA tip on the lifeline, combined with the time in between, the thoughts from the above and the POP, or several of them...there is a group POP, which hasn't been revealed yet.

There are tons, and you and I have read and studied them, of literature and information on persuasion and remote direct marketing...but there is very little about the idea of controlling someone's future behavior, all without their knowledge, consent, and totally unaware. It is very powerful stuff, sir.

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