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Old September 20, 2021, 04:29 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,506
Default Cia, mcD and critical mass...

No beef but lots of secret ingredients which effect brain chemistry. THEY now have control of the masses who consume their products ( I too, can't call it food) and the switch has been thrown...and this explains it all.

Ray Kroc, CIA, chemical mass... I heard it on a podcast, so it must be true.


Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks Gordon,

Couple years back to make a Milkshake you put a few scoops of ice-cream
in a metal cup.

Pour in milk.

Stick it under a high speed mixer.


Now there is No Milk OR Ice-cream in the DANG Milkshakes at McDonalds, Burger King and most other fast food Restaurants.

I join some of my McDonalds LIFE STYLE neighbors for dinner
and Am AMAZED at what is being sold as FOOD today.

My family raised Steers. Planted a Garden.
Made Home Made Ice-cream using real milk, strawberries and cream.

So I KNOW what Beef is Supposed to Taste like.

Affect me.

Because Like SPOONS at Restaurants. (Have you noticed you don't get a Spoon with your Sit Down meal anymore?)

Fast food places have CUT out Strawberry Milkshakes. Which are the only kind I like.

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