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Old November 5, 2021, 05:41 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default I LOVE the "finger thwap" story!

Hi Glenn and Millard,

I LOVE the "finger thwap" story!

I did something similar to help get me my wife...

This was at least two decades ago... I had just been reading about NLP...

I was meeting the young woman who later became my girlfriend, then my wife...

We met in a park on campus (this was at university)...

I thought I'd try some "anchoring"...

While we were sitting and talking, I (genuinely) complimented her, and when I did so, I gently touched her upper arm in a casual, normal way...

Then I did it again (also while genuinely complimenting her)...

Now, if I wanted her to have a good feeling, I'd just gently touch her upper arm...


...We're married today, with a little one-year-old tyke running around...

I didn't use "anchoring" all the time... but I believe it helped to lay the "seed"...

Best wishes!


Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

I appreciate the finger thwap story.

It is apparent that the use of anchoring with the right words makes the money here. There have got to be plenty of places a person (man or woman) could use this technique without being offensive to get better service, more attention, and deals.

Maybe it is just better to "Flirt Tip" everywhere you go.

It would be interesting to hear more day-to-day stories of regular folks who have used these techniques.

I thanked a restaurant owner by explaining a simple referral method for more customers and he was so happy that he refunded my bill and NEVER charged me again when I went to eat.

These tips WORK !
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