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Old November 30, 2021, 12:30 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Why more people should adopt this.

Thanks Dien,

I often start at the finish line, not only with writing, but with all planning.

In fact, it is a piece of the foundation of the SQ1, the whole BACKWARD CHAINING concept. Also, a keystone of Harvey Brody's view from the rooftop and steps down the ladder.

But, as you relate it, I often do this with scripts, and with the last 5 years of heavy study (meaning I've streamed a ton of TV/Movies), I often try to guess the end or twist from the first few minutes. Writers love to end where they started. So this is some dang fine advice here. Hope to see some of the results of your methods.


Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
I've managed to improve some of my systems...

For example, when writing longer pieces... I write them "bass ackwards!"

I used to always start at the start, and write till the end... Keeping everything in my head...

The problem with that is when you get interrupted, it really throws you, because you lose all the stuff in your head...

Now, I break a longer piece into sections...

And... I write the sections in (roughly) backwards order... Starting at the last section...

Also, I'm happy just to jot down notes (to be fleshed out later)...

Writing in this "nonlinear" way somehow seems more "robust" to interruptions... They don't throw me as much any more...

Also, it means I write the introduction last. That's often a good thing, because I can "mull it over" in the back of my mind while I'm writing the other sections, so I'll (probably) end up with a much stronger introduction, which will "grab" people...

Best wishes,


Last edited by GordonJ : November 30, 2021 at 01:55 PM.
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