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Old July 8, 2022, 04:51 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Claiming your "greatest master" status...

Hi Gordon,

You sparked an interesting thought...

Often, by claiming something and repeating it often enough, many people will accept and believe it...

For example, Gary Halbert multiple times (in his newsletter) called himself "The World's Greatest Copywriter."

In fact, he referred to himself as that (and other superlative nicknames) in a sales letter he wrote... coming from Joe Polish!

Such as...
"For a number of years now, I've been a subscriber to another newsletter writer. I'm not quite ready to divulge his name but he has numerous nicknames like... the 'Prince of Print'... 'Ace of Space'... 'Marketing Guru'... and... 'The World's Greatest Copywriter'."

Now, you gotta back it up somehow... One of Gary Halbert's main claims to fame was his "coat of arms" letter, which he said he believed was "the most widely mailed letter in history" (from here).

However, a big claim, with some "backup" and repetition (and even putting it in other people's mouths - as Gary Halbert put it in Joe Polish's "mouth" in a sales letter he wrote for him!) - can mean your "big guru" claims can stick!

Hmm... Interesting train of thought there, if I do say so myself...

Best wishes,


P.S. Gordon, did you know that this is the longest-still-running online small business discussion forum in history? I think it's true...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Ok, Dien, feel free to join in...but this conversation is intended to show our audience how they probably are a wizard/guru of some sort already...and we can help them refine their images.

So, Dien, how long have you been writing digital newsletters?

A. A long time (fill in the exact number if you want Dien).

How many digital newsletters have you done, I get at least two.

A. Several.

Dien, who do you know that has been publishing digital newsletters longer than you?

A. A few, but not many.

So, my conclusion with this imaginary convo is...Dien Rice is an expert on writing digital newsletters which either make him money, gives him names to add to his lists, or to simply share his expertise with the people,

Now, if I saw a course on writing digital newsletters, and you can simply google it to see the thousands out there...

And having done very little, but some, research...I haven't found anyone selling digital newsletter courses who ACTUALLY have the experience Dien does.

So, he is the digital newsletter wizard, eh> or guru> or I'd bet you a cookie he has more hands on doing experience than 95% of those selling courses on digital newsletter publishing.

SEE? I hope my point is made. Be it magic, NLP, physics, crystal skulls, tensor rings...we have members here today...

ALL of the WIZARD/GURU status with their experiences, but they struggle to find ways to let the public know, and profit from their expertise...and one shortcut fasttrack way might be by honing an Avatar which your market can relate to instantly.

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