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Old October 9, 2018, 10:40 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default NEW persuasion kit. First of it's kind. Limited edition.

An email from a stranger, asked about persuasion, I asked for what prupose, and he said for seduction. He, apparently had read about the million dollar a year escort. I couldn't help him.

But, ironically, his email arrived at the time I'm putting the finishing touches on my PERSUASION KIT. A beta test version will be made available by HALLOWEEN or Oct. 31.

I'll take a handful of reservations.

First, this KIT must be sent, and I'll send it anywhere as long as you pay the postage. Prefer USA and Canada, and it will be sent via Priority Mail.

The PERSUASION KIT is a color coded system for putting together strategies of persuasion and influence. It is intended to meet the needs of both copywriters and also sales presentations and all efforts at influence.

It includes dry erase cards, each color coded.

Here is a basic outline of the kit:

Select your TARGET. Choose a card with the demographics on it.
Create your INTERSECTION. This is where your effort meets your target.

Select a PRE-OCCUPATIONAL INTERRUPTER. There are several types of attention getting devices, the KIT helps you select the right one which matches your target's wants.

Select your HOT BUTTON WORDS. You want to select the right words which will resonate deeply with your target, these can often be of a covert nature, and when you use the right words in the right combination, it works like magic.

Plug in a tested and proven CALL TO ACTION. What exactly do you want the target to do? Then what? Then what next after that?

The reason I have FINALLY created this color coded card system is I don't have the time to get involved with people whom ask for my help, but I can give them a lifetime (over 50 years) of HOW TO information they can use for their own benefit.

Why a KIT and not my usual pdf report?

A couple of reasons, but most of all, to test the efficacy of the card system.

Can you create a persuasive promotion/sales pitch from the color coded cards?

And I want a very small number of people to have this, not the masses. It is just too much of my life's work to give to people who simply are seeking the Holy Grail of influence.

See, there are as many elements as you want to create in persuasion steps, some old type salespeople use the AIDA formula of Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. They keep it simple.

Others have complicated and convoluted 17 to 26 steps of a sales letter, and all those copywriting and influence rules AND LAWS.

There aren't any rules.

Basically, to influence anyone you need their attention. You gain favorable attention with a MEANINGFUL idea which they BENEFIT from. Then you provide proof, and stoke inner desires. Then give them a specific action to do.

If you are selling something, the Call To Action will be a BUY IT action, not a think it over action.

If you are trying to get a girl to go home with you, you being all sorts of a cool pick-up artist and all, then that is the ACTION you want eh?

There are hundreds of courses available today on Copywriting, persuasion, influence, salesmanship and propaganda.

There is NOTHING like this KIT. How could there be? Who else spent hundreds of hours researching 150 years of remote direct marketing advertising? Or had access to over a Billion Dollars of direct response ads? Or who worked with Joe Karbo, Melvin Powers, Jim Straw, Gary Halbert directly and gained from their expertise?

Start with a target. My new color coded cards have pink, blue and green. pink if your target is female, blue for male, and green for either. Then you select demographics, Male Baby Boomers? Or Female millennials?

Where are they? As you actually and physically create the INTERSECTION. Almost like a board game, you have an INTERSECTION Card.

Place your TARGET card at the INTERSECTION, then select the PREOCCUPATIONAL INTERRUPTER CARD, the attention getting device.

Followed by the proof, the reasoning, the benefits, the reasons.

And then you deal THE SECRET card onto your effort, the hidden persuaders, the powerful emotionally packed words which trigger action.

Are you interested? Want one of the Beta KITS? Let me know, or ask questions here.

I think this will be my last project re: business, persuasion, influence as we have gotten some interest in our creative projects including TV and content, and movies. So, I plan to be moving along. But would like to leave a little legacy, and this KIT just might be it.

A color coded card KIT of persuasion, influence and salesmanship.

What a deal.

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