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Old September 14, 2021, 10:54 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default An Entrepreneur read the WSJ...

The cow was sitting on a block of ice.

Apparently, the cow's owner was offering a solution to a problem as reported by the Wall Street Journal.

I think the cow's owner was a guy named Ray Crock.


PS. One can probably pick up a used TAYLOR made ice cream machine cheaply, but trying to flip it would be a problem, unless you sold it as an expensive mixing machine, sans cold.

Although I am making fun of it, the "right to repair" movement is gaining traction and could impact scores of high end manufacturers in the near future. Exclusive service contracts have long been the industry standard, built in profits with the sale. Now, buyers want choices.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Yes, you're right Glenn... That is the acid test!

People can vote, but you really know what they like when they fish the money out of their wallet (or type in their credit card or PayPal details)...

By the way, I always get a lot out of your posts!

One of the things which is so important about what you do is you highlight the importance of humor in "breaking the ice"... and achieving rapport. Not many people talk about that!

In fact, I remember reading advice to AVOID humor in sales... Which I don't agree with.

But - in most cases - I think it is good to stick to "non-offensive" humor...

(There are a few cases, though, where that would work, such as when you have a "common enemy"...)

Best wishes!


P.S. I've been saving up humorous news stories I come across... Here's an example...

In Wisconsin, someone drove a car through a McDonald's drive-through... with a cow in their back seat!

Maybe the cow was there to provide some fresh milk for the milkshakes?

If so... I'm impressed!

Wisconsin woman sees cow in the backseat of a car in McDonald’s drive-thru

Last edited by GordonJ : September 14, 2021 at 12:10 PM.
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