Thread: calender stuff
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Old October 9, 2006, 04:38 AM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: calender stuff

Know what you mean about fingers ect, Bob. Have a broken little finger that didn't heal right and it sure puts a kink in the typing and instrument playing.

Seriously, there are all kinds, types, and sizes of calendars. Why can your client not find them in the usual sources such as stationers, ect? My husband does some calendars for friends etc but he's not doing it commercially.

My print shop idea wasn't far off the mark as many of them have mock-ups already done of different calendars that they can run off quickly to meet most demands. If your client has two days, they can get what they want, with or without customizing on them.

Have a feeling I'm not understanding what you're asking or just lacking the info I need to be maximally helpful to you. Either way, we tried, eh?

Sandi Bowman
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