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Old October 2, 2021, 11:31 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Pursuing a TOLL Position strategy today; the good, the bad, the ugly.

As most SowPubbers know, Dien and I have spent a lot of time talking to Harvey Brody, the Godfather of Toll Position Strategy, and he has been generous with his time and knowledge.

As recently as last week, I conferred with Harvey on an interesting project.

It turns out we get several inquiries a month about Harvey and his strategies, we seem to be the de facto home of all things Harvey Brody, and I want to address some recent questions about Toll Positions.

My take is this: Today, one must adjust to modern times and marketing while pursuing a toll position and even then, ADAPT the strategy to suit your own needs.
If you have the money, you can BUY some Intellectual Property which is still producing profits, but if you lack funds, then building a toll booth from scratch is going to take time.

And a lot of PEOPLE contact.

One time, I enjoyed that, the people, as I became more and more of an old curmudgeon I wanted less and less to do with people and focused more on hands off, no people contact strategies like the Automatic Product Vending sites and such.

Now buying a toll position is easy, give your money to the current owner, you get the IP (or business or whatever).

Building one from scratch gets complicated, a lot of moving parts, a ton of phone, email, back and forth, negotiation, all the things most Internet Marketers don't want.

Which makes the done for you solutions so popular. Sites like clickfunnels which has 100,000+ people paying monthly has made Russell Brunson a fortune and given him a net worth of upwards of 40 million bux.

I advise younger people (under 40) to pursue toll positions because they can be a legacy and give you money for decades, but if over 40, my opinion is to find a more DONE for or with you type money making venture.

That being said, we adapt...both Dien and I have Intellectual Property which is valuable to us, and this 21 year old forum is a form of a Toll Position too

Harvey Brody is a money making genius, no doubt about it, but to get to that level may be beyond most of us, and want to avoid the complications of working with other people.

But if you have any questions, we can probably give you some general advice as has been passed on to us these last 15 years.

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