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Old May 30, 2022, 12:08 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Myth buster and truth.

Business Opportunity, often known as Biz-Op, and money making opportunities, where a business need not be formed...

Is an evergreen market, the myth is that many Op seekers are too poor to buy your offer.

TRUTH: Best avatars, ideal prospects for customers who buy Biz-Op or Marketing information are not the desperate wannabees.

The best target for your offers is someone already DOING, having some success and wanting to scale it up or improve their ROI, and are looking for ways to automate, scale, outsource, or in general to eliminate as much slop and mess from their lives as they can.

Stay away from tire kickers, looky loos, and TIME WASTERS, they will eat your lunch if you let them.

Target those of an Entrepreneurial mindset, even if they only do their Biz Op on a part time basis, much more likely to become buyers.

MORE truth vs. Myth later.

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