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Old June 2, 2022, 02:53 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: Storytelling VS Reason-Why Copy – What Is Your Experience And Thoughts?

Hi Mike,

I tend to focus on writing the kind of promos I like to read myself...!

So, what I like to do is to make sure I give value... I like the idea that someone can read one of my promotions, and still benefit, even if they don't buy...

I'm not saying you have to do it this way - many people don't...

However, I seem to have a very low "unsubscribe" rate on my email lists... I think that's because I try to give value with every email...

Because of unsubscribes, you have to give value with your emails. However, another "formula" I know that others use is to give value in some emails, and have pure "sales" copy in other emails...

Often I give value by telling stories that people can benefit from...

By the way, I'm not sure if you should write emails just for the sake of writing emails.

I'm on the email list of one copywriter, who emails every day. Often, they're about something that happened to him that day... which is often something that doesn't seem all that important to me...

The problem is, I don't find all those emails valuable... So I find I'm reading his emails less and less.

On the other hand, there are other copywriters / marketers whose emails I always look forward to...

Personally, that's what I aim for!

I think you always need to give a "reason why"... It seems crazy to me not to have one! But you can easily have both a story, and a "reason why"...

It's harder to write a story, admittedly. But... the good thing is you can accumulate an "archive" of your stories, which you can then use in other places... Like on social media, if you choose to. Or, if the stories are good enough, you can even compile it into a book...

Best wishes!


Originally Posted by MikePT View Post

What has been your experience and results on Storytelling VS Reason-Why copy?

For what I study, Storytelling can be super powerful. However it takes a top notch skill to do it.

And in particular on selling information, what is your experience/thoughts?

Your thoughts and experiences?


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