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Old September 15, 2017, 09:20 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default A weird business with oranges...!

Here's a weird story you may or may not have seen...

A lady in Italy has figured out a way to make clothes from oranges!

And no, it doesn't look like this...

Orange peels are normally thrown away. However, orange peel has a lot of fiber, and she figured out a way to turn that fiber into a yarn, and therefore into clothes...

So who knows, we could all be wearing oranges some day!

(Will wearing oranges help with your Vitamin C levels? Inquiring minds want to know! )

Apparently, the orange peel fiber can also be made into a flour. This can be incorporated into foods like muffin and cakes, perhaps to make it a little bit healthier for you...

Just an indication of innovations happening every day...!

Here's an article about it...

How Sicilian oranges are being made into clothes

Best wishes,

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