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Old July 29, 2012, 04:22 PM
Skip Rosell
Posts: n/a
Default Re: A-frame signs by Skip Rosell, eh, eh, by Jason Hatchett

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

What thickness is the plywood (1/2 inch 3/4 inch)?

Probably doesn't make a difference other than the price of the plywood.


Thanks for asking Tom,

I tried both but I found with the 3/4 they were too heavy to carrier in and out of the store at night and in the morning. Some of the women could not lift them off the ground. So I now use just 1/2 for all the signs.

This does make a big difference in price.

As far as the kind of plywood I use PTS grade. That means Plug, Tucked and sanded. They might call is something else in your area. Just find the least expensive plywood that is smooth. That could be called A/C or B/C. just the best you can buy for under $20 a sheet. Then the hinges, paint, chain for the side so it does not open all the way will cost under $10. That way your costs are no more then $15 bucks per sign.

Best of success,

Skip Rosell
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