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Old March 8, 2002, 07:30 PM
Dien Rice
Posts: n/a
Default Jealousy and ignorance....

Hi Eve,

I agree with some of the things you said in your earlier post, in that I think much anti-rich feeling is probably jealousy combined with ignorance.

I also think Don Alm is right about the hypocrisy of many of our politicians.

People are jealous of those who have what they don't. And they're even more jealous when they don't understand how those people got what they have!

I've come across the common view that the only way you can get rich by "ripping people off" - many people really believe this. They don't realize that this very belief of theirs in fact is holding them back!

This is also true in academia. There are some smart academics who have this kind of belief too. However, you will find many radical views in academia too. I think the hallmark of academia is its diversity - you'll find a full spectrum of views, from the most liberal to the most conservative. From the socialists to the laissez-faire capitalists. Academics I think are more likely to be independent thinkers. Well, as long as you're not too independent! ;)

Knowledge really is power in business. I've worked in the past with a great guy who is making good money in his business - but he works like a dog. Typically, he works 6 days a week, from about 8 am to 8 pm sometimes.

I see this as the "business trap" which I want to avoid. His problem is that he's using no leverage! He's in a time trap and he's not sure how to get out.

But most people know nothing about leverage, and it's much more difficult to apply leverage if you're a salaried employee than if you're in business. I think the solution is the right kind of education - education on how to be an entrepreneur. They generally don't teach you this in school - but I think times may be slowly changing....

- Dien Rice

A great book on how to use leverage in your business....