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Old April 26, 2019, 09:41 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,486
Default Speaking of chatteling. Facebook marketplace. Food service equipment.

For me, Facebook Marketplace has replaced Craigslist. It is an amazing place to sell and to find things to sell.

I like daily mundane, used by the masses products. Like AC, vacuums, blenders, both household and small business items.

Are you familiar with my PARADE OF LIFE metaphor as written in THE CHATTEL REPORT: THE SPRINT TO FREEDOM?

In a nutshell, people have needs/wants as they go through life. People with babies need cribs, etc.

If you don't have an active Facebook Marketplace in your neck of the woods, then you may have to extend further out.

Yesterday I visited a local dealer of ICE CREAM machines, and talked to someone in the restaurant supply business and then with my chattel mentee, who is doing restaurant equipment.

YIKES, what a big business, with a lot of opportunity for someone who is either qualified or knows someone who knows the equipment.

So, yesterday looked like this:

Talk to guy with 5 million bux in his hand a dream of games.
Visited and talked to people doing restaurant equipment.
Talked to people about CHALK BOARDS.
Talked to a guy who is writing a book.

And spoke with a young man who doesn't know what to do.

Interesting stuff going on. When you speak to many different people doing different things, it is useful because you learn things from one area, and can, maybe apply them to the other.

Too many of us get stuck in a rut of the same old, same old, and limit our contacts to certain groups, or businesses, or thoughts.

CIRCULATION has always been one of my key concepts.

As my saying goes, Circulation beats storage 8 days a week.

When you circulate your mind, an open one, it becomes filled with a lot of sight one might not have, who has his blinders on.

LISTENING to people's problems, experiences, expectations and their solutions and activities is a wonderful way to keep fresh.


PS. Lottery club exactly as expected, almost all, barely missed, nearly had one, got close...but alas, no cigars. One guy, Richard, who goes by Rick...we've been calling him RICHIE Rich lately because of his wins, told us to call him Ricky Poorman now. HA! Such is the life of a committed lottery player.

By the way, I'm known as small ball, because like in baseball, I play for singles, base hits, and usually play two digits...although some call me Small Balls, well, cause I just won't spend my hard earned money on hope. Give me 25 bux from a fifty cent play, and I'm happy as Babe Ruth.
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