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Old June 21, 2015, 05:17 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Different types of toll positions...

We talked about "toll positions" and retail stores... And how most retail stores do NOT have a toll position. But, in very specific circumstances, it's possible that some do...

We also talked a little bit about copyrights and trademarks as toll positions as well...

What are some other toll positions? Well...

A patent is a toll position. If you have a product which is patented, then nobody can legally sell a product covered by the patent without your permission, while the patent is in force...

A secret formula can be a toll position. For example, take the product WD-40. It is protected by a secret formula. Nobody can make anything exactly like WD-40, without knowing the secret formula! (As you can imagine, they hold on to that secret formula quite tightly...)

By the way, Wired magazine analyzed WD-40, and claims it knows the ingredients! You can read their article here...

What they don't tell you is that this may not be enough to duplicate the product. For example, it's like knowing the ingredients to make apple pie, but not having the recipe. What specifically do you do to these ingredients, and in what order? Unless you know that... You might end up with a heap of mush instead of delicious apple pie, even with the same ingredients!

An exclusive distribution agreement can be a toll position. For example, McDonald's will only sell soft drinks made by the Coca Cola company. That's a toll position for Coca Cola - it locks out Pepsi from every single McDonald's restaurant!

How about more "modern" examples? They exist too...

A list of email prospects for a particular type of product can be a toll position. For example, let's say you sell books on how to train boxer dogs. Your email list is a toll position for anyone wanting to reach these specific boxer dog owners!

A great domain name can be a toll position. That's why single word names can sell for thousands or millions of dollars. For example, sold for $30.18 million in 2012!

As you can see, there are lots of toll positions... Of course, there's more to it than this - but this is the foundation.

I'm talking to Harvey Brody, and again, we're hoping to bring everyone up to date...

Harvey's doing extremely well, and is very happy, healthy, no stress, etc. He still is doing extremely well, both from his "old" toll positions, and new ones... People know Harvey's "old" story, but very few people know the amazing things he's been doing the last 30 years or so... (Gordon and I are among the few who have been privy to this story...) However... If he feels there's enough interest in this topic, he may be persuaded to share more information with everyone...

If you could ask your toll position-related questions to Harvey, and get him to answer, what kind of questions would you ask?

Best wishes,

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