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Old February 28, 2021, 08:08 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Writing and overthinking - is this what's stopping you?

Sometimes (actually, more often than I'd like to admit!) - I get a kind of "writer's block"...

And I find it hard to get started...

Just recently, I think I understand what's behind this...

Sometimes it's tiredness... (As I find you need a clear mind to write well...)

I suspect this is why a lot of famous writers who have documented their process, write first thing in the morning, when the brain is refreshed...

But other times, I think the cause is "overthinking"...

Sometimes when you think to much about something - and rather than just doing - it stops you...

I guess it's a form of "paralysis by analysis" - but in this case, with regard to writing...

What's the solution?

I found this article quite helpful!

How Overthinking Sabotages Writing Creativity and How to Stop by Colleen M. Story

I won't go through all the advice she gives in there, but here are couple of keys...

"Have I taken action? If not, you’re overthinking."

"Stop Thinking and Start Writing"

I think it can be that simple... Just start writing, rather than thinking about what you're going to write... (Everything can be fixed up and improved later.)

I think trying to enjoy and play with what you're writing is important too... (Sometimes perfectionism can stop you from enjoying the writing process!)

I hope that others who may have similar problems find this helpful!

Best wishes,

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