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Old June 26, 2019, 07:14 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: The Ozarks
Posts: 305
Default Re: Harvey Brody's higher gears...

The higher gears is perfect for this time in my life.

I've been working on a concept that will allow anyone with a modest investment to be able to live a self-sustaining lifestyle in a home that provides for itself, so to speak. All of this without having to live like a scratch farmer in a shack over the hill.

All the creature comforts, all the bells and whistles, with independence.

On a completely different note... because of all the expert researchers here:

(Gordon, if this is not the place to ask, please delete)

I have been trying to find out ANY information on a "Belly landing" incident I was in the fall of 1961. It was a flight from Springfield MO to Kansas City MO. I think it might have been Sept. 13 or 14th. I have called folks, researched online, and found no record of this. Can anyone give me a tip to find out if there is a record of this?
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