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Old April 11, 2018, 11:15 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
Onwards and upwards!
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default Hell's Angels gang's fierce revenge when banned from a restaurant in Canada...

When the Hell's Angels motorcycle gang (and crime syndicate) are banned from a restaurant, what do they do?

In the United States, chairs would be thrown, and they'd shoot the place up...

In Canada, the Manitoba Nomads, a branch of the Hell's Angels, were banned from a restaurant...

And they wanted to exact revenge...

So they went to the restaurant's Facebook page, and...

They left one-star reviews...

They do things a little differently in polite Canada...

Best wishes,


P.S. Here's the story...

Manitoba Hells Angels target businesses by posting 1-star reviews

P.P.S. I've visited Canada (Vancouver and Toronto) in the past, and had a great time... One day, I hope to make it to Montreal...
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