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Old July 26, 2007, 05:43 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default The HIGH IMPACT package. Why not start with a drip..then a drop


I'm not sure I understand why you have to send out so many of these right away...because of the exclusivity being offered? Is it because you want to put this into a "first come-first served" type of thing?

Could you not do that in one section of town, or as a test, the next town over? Instead of 100 dentists (whatevers) you send your HIGH impact package to 5. That probably is affordable to get started, isn't it?

Now I admit, I don't know what you're trying to do. I do know about HIGH impact packages. Last one I rec'd was a satellite picture of my old neighborhood. It came in a tube that begged to be open.

What a kick I got out of seeing it. It got my attention, and he got my return call.

Again, my best advice is to start with the drip, drip, drip method if that is all you can afford to do...and plow back the profits until you get the roaring river of profits.

Try to THINK around this thing, how could you do it different, better, bigger, smaller, in a different package, with an off key singing telegram delivery...and are you prepared for the back ends?

Of course it depends on what you're selling, but I've got NO experience with a HIGH IMPACT package to a compiled list...Good Luck with that one.

Gordon Jay Alexander
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