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Old July 16, 2007, 11:42 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Yes. And No. Let's go back a few years, shall we?

Hubert Simon. Wrote one of the best little books and one of the least recognized ones too; circa 72-73.

"Out of the Rat Race and Into the Chips"

Second best ten bux you can spend, after you have a copy of Fly Low and Collect the Dough that is.

Back in them thar days of long ago...NEWSLETTERS were the big info products sold to small businesses. Hubert sold several, one to restaurants, I remember reading it in, I believe the late 60's sometimes, when I had aspirations of being "Chef Ramsey" on Hell's Kitchen. Had the temperment, couldn't cook for crap...anyhow.

Jump ahead a few years.

Dan Kennedy. He didn't discover or invent the "KIT", but he took it to...for you MAD TV fans...





And the small biz kit has been successfully sold for years. They are industry specific...Joe Polish with his Carpet Cleaning.

The Nielsen kids (then) with their Coupon Kit. Their mom with House Cleaning. (More Entrepreneurial but the same idea).

A chiropractor probably receives an offer a week for some info KIT to improve his her business...and of course the 15k or more seminar too.

Dry Cleaners. Restaurants (still)...

To answer the question Copy Cub...YES. There are still plenty of people marketing to small businesses. And no, it may not be worth it.

In Millard's case he has the business background that allows him to say, "Hey, I've been there, done that, and here are the mistakes I've made..the same ones I see you making today..." And then into his pitch.

I think it pert near impossible for a Copwriter or a Marketer to break in to this very crowded Business CONSULTANT field...where you can't swing a comatose marketer without knocking down a few turkey lipped BUSINESS CONSULTANTS.

Doesn't mean there ain't room for more. Just as in Jim Straw's Millionaire in a Year Course, there is ALWAYS room for those that work and follow directions, or at least follow the Masters that have come before.


And offer a FREE appraisal of their current marketing's hard to turn down FREE...and using that research and K N O W I N G what advertising costs in my area, what marketing COULD be done...I can present either an on going consultancy program, or a one off, here's what to do. AND, if they choose to do any advertising...

I advise them to USE ME rather than an agency or (heaven forbid) any Rep or anyone PAID by any media. They are biased and their checks depend on selling the business owner advertising. MY pay comes from actually doing something that COULD help their business...and this is where the other part comes in...

I don't care who it is, or what they DO...any and EVERY copywriter, consultant, marketer for hire...has been told NO THANKS (even if we've been paid) on our ideas for THEIR business.

You can still sell KITS. Courses. Newsletters. (All being done to the tune of millions of dollars)...or other stuff.

There are, in my opinion, lowing hanging fruit in the orchard to pick.

Gordon Jay (Mr. INDEPENDENT Marketing Appraiser) Alexander

PS. And I even tell you about some of them in (bet you saw this coming, right?) Fly Low and Collect the Dough.

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