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Old February 25, 2021, 03:57 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default The big secret.

If everyone knows it, hardly a secret eh?

But here is one, a big one...and I am confident that it will be simply brushed off, looked at, and get an oh yea, or oh right...and will get glossed over and never looked at again.

The power of a secret exposed, it remains a secret to those who only see the surface...few ever crawl inside. So, it doesn't matter if you know it, I know you most likely won't use it or ever consider it again. Which is ok.

Now I've worked under several Non Disclosure Agreements (NDA) and won't get into specific details but I will say, copywriters can use this secret for 80% of their offers, maybe more, if you learn the depth of it. Are you ready?

Here tis:

The single greatest action response mechanism is an appeal to ....

wait for it...


Whether I was perusing old magazines from 1860 or books on psychology from 1910 or studying the secrets of remote direct marketing there runs a common thread.

We humans are a dang insecure bunch.

Now it took me a decade of Elmer Wheeler/Elmer Leterman and Maslow and Crane to SEE it, to understand it and then to later USE IT.

Only Psychopaths and some Sociopaths lack insecurity, in fact, it being a hallmark of their anti social behavior, they think they are superior.

The rest of us, we aren't.

Appeals can be blatant, like Charles Atlas sand in the face or Karate training in the comic books of yesteryear. And they can be very subtle, when selling prestige, how you will look (jewelry, makeup BILLIONS of dollars).

Well there is the secret, now feel free to ignore it.

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