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Old January 27, 2021, 10:23 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Good points, bigger issues too.

Originally Posted by MM1969 View Post
From what I can tell it's not only the Catholic Church, but in general religions have this issue. By supressing emotions and access to information, they hope to keep everything and everyone in control. As we can see, they're having a harder time maintaining this since we have access to Internet.

Now this brings me to another issue - social media. I'm sure you have noticed how they are currently supressing people who think differently. At the moment it's only extremist right wingers, but what will stop them from limiting others from free speech if it doesn't seem fit to their TOS? They are in the goverment now. People from Twitter, Facebook, Amazon etc. I'm fearful of what's to come if they know everything and will use all of their power against us.

The problem, like in defining a cult, is having an agreed upon definition of what the Internet is. China, N. Korea and other countries around the world define it as a public utility, with all the red tape, rules and regulations which come with it.

Most of the free world does not. Obama called on strict mandates for broadband providers. This WAR is just beginning, albeit, the battles have been ongoing since long before the Internet.

Then, there is the ownership perspective. And honestly, your post is a bit on the conspiracy side of things...THEY already know everything and THEY have always been in power. Left, right, Democrat or Republican or whatever THEY call themselves doesn't matter.

It is and always has been a fight between those in power and those NOT.

The Internet was to be the great level playing field, but it was never home to free unedited speech.

Do we have the right to 'suppress' (which is another conspiracy trigger or dog whistle word) the people who come to SowPub and start bashing someone? We say YES, we do and we have suppressed those types.

Now, all social media, as you call it, is OWNED by someone, usually a corporate entity, and if that is a publicly traded company have fiduciary responsibilities to their share holders.

Twitter in USA, is a different thing than in China. At the end of the day, we may see the THEY in power deem all TOS to be illegal.

In USA, THEY use eminent domain to seize property for the common good, and what we are witnessing may be the virtual equivalent of that, THEY are behind closed doors even as we speak, and THEY have been there the last four years too.

I don't see anyone's view being suppressed, but if social media is one's only soap box, then maybe getting a different street corner might bode one well.

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