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Old March 28, 2019, 01:42 PM
Danna Honey
Posts: n/a
Default Re: For COPYWRITERS only.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

It's a great offer!

I think copywriting is one of the most valuable skills you can possess in today's world...

I remember, many years ago, I couldn't write to sell ice cold lemonades in the desert... Then I experimented. I started out as an affiliate, selling affiliate products online. I found out that asking a question in my text often got a response... Then I learned more...

While I'm perhaps not the "Prince of Print" or "King of the Clicks" - I can make a sale...

I think you're offering people an opening to independence...

Best wishes!


I want to share with other copywriters my story.
I was working in IT-company and was responsible for the blog. But one day I feel my potential to find clients on my own and to make more money. Creating and publishing a portfolio on the website help me to find clients. Look at how other talented copywriters do in the copywriters portfolio examples. Very great approach to publishing their most successful works.
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