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Old September 4, 2020, 11:20 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Some thoughts on suggestive selling.

Thanks for the post and link. I do have some thoughts on Suggestive Selling.

First, very few people have listened to SPIDERS SNAKES AND MICE, OH MY found here:

Which is fine. It is long at 38 minutes. But way back in 1960 I discovered the ELMERS, Wheeler and Leterman. Both were masters of SUGGESTIVE selling.

Mr. Wheeler, a prolific writer, penned one of the greatest tomes on selling of all time, TESTED SENTENCES THAT SELL. In the book he had his Wheeler Points, the famous one is DON'T SELL THE STEAK SELL THE SIZZLE.

But another of his points gets overlooked, and that one is,


Give them a choice, and that is basically what the article you linked to talks about, giving your buyer some more choices.

In the Pizza shop model, consumable{brick and mortar}, the whole model depends on repeat business. I helped owners keep their customers while INCREASING the amount per sale, via this suggestive selling method.

If a guy was buying two large pizzas on a Sat. night to feed his family, we would suggest a salad, or bread sticks or drinks, even desserts. All of this suggestion led to a blacker bottom line.

In REMOTE DIRECT MARKETING, we often have BACK ENDS, these are either upsells, cross sells, or even down sells made via SUGGESTION.

Now these suggestions are carefully crafted by professional copy writers skilled in the arts and sciences of influence and persuasion.

Once a person incorporates and habitualizes the suggestions, it becomes second nature and the business, almost any and every business will perform at a higher profit level.

The article mentions Starbucks and an 18% increase via a simple customer awards/appreciation or loyalty program.

It is one of the easiest add ons to offer, and over the lifetime value of the customer pays for itself over and over and over again.

Thanks again for the link.


Originally Posted by HellenYeah2 View Post
Hey, GordonJ. Thank you for this post, I think that it's important to know this kind of models because they will help you to sell as more stuff as possible which is very great. I found out about these business models 2 years ago, when I had a small business, I didn't know what to do, in order to sell my products so I decided to find something on Google, I've been searching for 2 hours and I found an article about it, you can check it out, maybe you can edit your post and paste it because there is some additional info about selling: . I've been using tips from it for some time and I can say that it helped me to start developing my business, maybe somebody will be able to succeed too, who knows.
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