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Old November 14, 2023, 05:42 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Early sign of arthritis? A way to ease the pain?

Hi Glenn,

I'm going to have to try out some of your ideas... I'm sometimes getting some joint pain in my knuckles... Early sign of arthritis?

(I didn't knock anyone out boxing recently... so it's probably not that!)

My sister-in-law had undiagnosed allergies, and cut out a lot of foods (under the guidance of some expert, I forgot what kind of expert)... Then she gradually reintroduced the foods, to see which ones negatively affected her.

At the end of the process, she had a better idea of what she was allergic to!

Probably something I should try!

Glenn... thanks, you are a fount of knowledge!

Best wishes,


Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
Thanks For Chatting About Your 3 Yr Old Daughter Dien,

While Writing An Article
I came Across Somebody ELSE
in Pain.

You - In Pain - from trying to get Your Daughter to take her Cold Medicine.

"THE ROCK" - Who seems to THRIVE on Pain.

4 Knee Surgeries
Torn Quadracep
Triple Hernia
Ruptured Achilles Tendon
Shoulder Reconstruction
3 Low Back Disc Herias
2 Lower Back Disc Ruptures

And a Partridge in a pear Tree.

(Actually I found a photo of him BLEEDING.
He hit his Face with a 50 lb Chain - during some kind of Wgt Lifiting Exercise.


I Avoid Pain.

When I got Arthritis in my Joints SO BAD - the Pain Woke me up Screaming.
My Brother, The Surgeon, Offered to Replace the Painful Joints.

I said, "No Thanks, Brother."

And Read Some Books about Food Allergies.


#1 - Many Americans Are Allergic to Foods in The NIGHTSHADE -
Poison - Family.

Darn if we all are not eating POISON.

Just shows you how TOUGH the Human Body is.

Red Tomatoes
White Potatoes
Egg Plant.

I quit eating those 3 for 2 Weeks And MOST of my Pain Went Away.


Not all PAIN. But Most.

So I kept Testing.

Kept a Chart of what I ate.

Green Fruit Gives me PAIN. And since Most "Fresh" fruit in the stores in picked
GREEN and shipped. (Had to Quit eating Most Fruit.)

Bananas and Oranges seem ok.

Then I Discovered I was Allergic to Durham Wheat.

Now I Buy SPELT FLOUR - Tastes Exactly like Regular Flour.

So I Got a Bread Machine - Make my own Bread.

The Result?

When a 20 Year Old Neighbor Came to my door and Said, "A Goat fell into my Basement. Can You Help me Get him Out?

I said, "SURE."

Got my shoes on.

His Silly Girlfriend Insisted on going down the stairs with a Bucket of water. The Bill-Goat SAW a Path To Freedom.

The Goat KNOCKED her down.

Ran up the Stairs Btwn Adam and me.

And I found Myself Chasing a Goat up the Road - Running beside two Twenty Year Olds.

Just So You Know the END of the Story.



3 Reasons -

I - You Have My Permission To BE Different from THE ROCK. And Avoid Pain.

II - You Might Learn About some New Body Parts that Can Be Stapled Back together. I know I Did. His body Looks GREAT But He is a Wreck.

III - Perhaps You too Might Benefit - from Taking ONE FOOD out of your diet
for Two Weeks to Reduce Stiffness & Pain.

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