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Old May 2, 2019, 09:06 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default Diet... seems to have helped my (type 2) diabetes...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
PS. To reinforce my effort of more physical activity, I will have a high protein diet, low carb, low fat, for this next 10 days, just to jump start my better eating habits. And a lot of veggies too.
Hi Gordon,

Wow, a lot to "unpack" in that post! (Lots of juicy topics...)

I don't know what diet is best... I've tried low-carb high-fat, which apparently they like in Sweden for type 2 diabetics... (You can Google it...)

But one thing that seems to have helped me lately is eating whey, or drinking full-fat fresh milk (which still has whey in it)...

Some recent research has found that whey protein could be good for type 2 diabetics...

It's easy for the whey in milk to be destroyed. Apparently, UHT milk (which they heat to high temperature, so you don't need to refrigerate it until you open it) has the whey destroyed by the high temperature they use to treat it. And a lot of low-fat milk has the whey removed as part of the process.

You can buy whey directly as a protein supplement (wherever good bodybuilding products are sold)! Or, traditional ricotta cheese is made using whey too (though other forms of ricotta are not, so check the ingredients)...

I've found that regularly drinking whey-containing products seems to have boosted my energy, and my overall feeling of well-being. (I actually feel healthier now than I have in years, though that's on top of new medication I started in 2017, which also helped...)

Here's some info on whey and diabetes...

Everything you Should Know about Whey Protein and Diabetes

My research uncovered that milk has 2 types of protein - casein (about 80% of the protein) and whey (about 20%). I've found the better feeling only comes for me when I drink full-fat fresh milk. For years we pretty much only drank UHT milk or low-fat milk, but (as mentioned) the whey is generally destroyed or removed from those types of milk...

Just my personal experience...

Best wishes,

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