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Old November 7, 2006, 05:37 PM
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Default Stay In The Ebay Race Longer With Low-Glycemic Junk Buying Formula

In the fitness world having low glycemic levels keeps you fit longer.
In the Ebay world finding low hanging whole wheat products could help to keep a healthy wallet.

I think you've found a good enough whole wheat product source (garage sales and the like) but you've hit upon a classic diet to riches mistake.

They stop doing what was working.

You found junk. Sold it to people looking of your junk. Probably endless supply of people that could continue this with.

The problem is how do you go through enough of other peoples's high fat die young junk to find the whole wheat wallet energizers.

One way is cattle herding.

Map out your yard sales so you can hit them like you do your local convenience store, fast.

Lower your body mass index.

In other words niche. Going to the whole food yard sale? Are they out of special edition Sean John Captain Crunch cereal? Yes. Go. No. Buy.

Either way, Next.

This is the Low-Glycemic Junk Buying Formula.

For added super special ingredients check with whole wheat wallet guru's Gordon Alexander, Jim Straw and Glenn Osborn.
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