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Old March 1, 2009, 09:05 AM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: With all this Obama talk -- I found this cool site...

First a correction: the total is 338.3 billion per year illegal immigrants are costing us. Was a typo on my part...sorry.

This is OUR government at work...supporting those who break our laws and become, in effect, criminals by simply being here illegally. Want to know how they really repay us for our generosity? Take a look at these stats:

We spend $3,000,000.00 (that's three million of your tax dollars) a DAY to incarcerate illegal aliens. They comprise 30% of the prison population. Illegal aliens have a crime rate that is two and a half times that of legals in this country.

$200 BILLION dollars a year in suppressed wages for Americans are caused by the presence of illegal aliens. How far would that go to easing the current crisis, folks?

Ask yourself if we should have to support these criminals who don't belong here...and why in 'ell are we??? There's no way they can repay our investment with their 'willingness to work'. That argument went out the door years ago. Ask some of our legal citizens who are desperate for jobs...any jobs...if they're 'willing to work''ll get a resounding YES! Let's invest in Americans...not illegals regardless of where they came from. If they'd break one law to get here, more laws to stay here, more laws to work here, and many other laws while they're here, what makes anyone think that they'll magically turn out to be 'good citizens' and 'good for this country'? They're criminals...plain and simple. I can sympathize with their plight to some extent (I'm not heartless) but when it's them or us...I choose us.

Sandi Bowman