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Old November 8, 2020, 12:19 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Secrets of persuasion.

All persuasion begins with INTENT.

Whether you are trying to get one person, or a group, or herd of them to do what you want, you have to first KNOW what you want them to do, right?

I believe in Minimum Effective Persuasion (MEP), what does it take to have or get the result you want? If you are selling something, that MEP could be a simple buy it now offer.

Walmart is currently running a BLACK FRIDAY special, like, 4 weeks before Black Friday??? Sure, why not, it works.

Sometimes the MEP is a sale. A good deal. A substantial discount. Online marketers love to write those long drawn out letters full of "technique" and methods, and NLP or the latest and greatest tricks to get you to buy something.

I don't go to that school any longer. If a BUY IT NOW offer works, then I have saved a lot of time and effort to get what I want, a result.

How do you get to your MEP method? By knowing that all attempts to persuade, influence or to sell something are an INTERRUPTION to your prospect. Even if they are searching online for their something, you have to Interrupt their search and catch their attention.

I've written about this for two decades. Now I'm going to teach a few how to do it.


Maybe a short term, or fixed time course. OR, if necessary, a customized instruction. A private group.

Any questions?

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Old November 9, 2020, 06:48 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Secrets of persuasion.


In just a few words you have explained such a lovely gold nugget.


A virtual stop sign to buy.

Your wealth of experience and knowledge is being IGNORED by a LOT of people.

So glad you give us "kicks in the pants" to help us remember the real secrets.

I appreciate it greatly.

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Old November 9, 2020, 08:40 AM
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Default Self +1. Who I write for.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

In just a few words you have explained such a lovely gold nugget.


A virtual stop sign to buy.

Your wealth of experience and knowledge is being IGNORED by a LOT of people.

So glad you give us "kicks in the pants" to help us remember the real secrets.

I appreciate it greatly.


Thank you Millard. I do have a lot of experience, eclectic as it is, because I've been at it for so long...60 years.

What I share is like birdseed tossed outside the house. I can just throw it out the back door, or I can put some of it into different bird houses.

Right now, on my daily walk, I'm attracting a Blue Jay, who gets very close to me, and comes when I call it, to get a peanut. He always buries it, have never seen him eat it. I've got a few local squirrels who have been trained to come get a peanut, just for seeing me walk by.

Anyhow, I once told my daughter, write for yourself and if for others, the one reader you want.

Truth be told, the last decade has taken me away from "wanting" to share/help or give (my SQ1 Mantra-To GET:GIVE) and instead has me focusing on more INTAKE vs OUTPUT.

Whereas I used to have a big bag of peanuts and a little carrying pouch, today, I keep a few in my pocket and toss out occasionally.

As for INFLUENCE and all that jazz, I've gone full circle back to SPIDERS, SNAKES AND MICE. The minimum amount of words needed to get them to throw a nickel at me.


Last edited by GordonJ : November 9, 2020 at 09:03 AM.
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Old November 10, 2020, 06:46 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Secrets of persuasion.


You got me thinking with the admonition to write for yourself and the "one" reader you want to throw nickels at you.

Say you want to have someone throw nickels at you.... In this day and age do we still just put up a webpage.... or post to Facebook... or use twitter... or even just look for groups (I have had a little bit of success with that) ?

I would think you would have to test everything to see what works the best.

In my case, with all the materials I have created in the show business arena, I tested in a couple of groups in Facebook and made 1 significant sale.

So here is to testing, I think.
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Old November 12, 2020, 12:19 PM
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Default Sorry, I missed this.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

You got me thinking with the admonition to write for yourself and the "one" reader you want to throw nickels at you.

Say you want to have someone throw nickels at you.... In this day and age do we still just put up a webpage.... or post to Facebook... or use twitter... or even just look for groups (I have had a little bit of success with that) ?

I would think you would have to test everything to see what works the best.

In my case, with all the materials I have created in the show business arena, I tested in a couple of groups in Facebook and made 1 significant sale.

So here is to testing, I think.

Oh, missed this first read...I have an answer, which is usually a lot more questions.

Millard, sure, testing will be good. I'm more of a make a sale guy, then figure it out from there. With the low cost of having a website, I don't see how it could hurt you. Same with a Facebook Group, twitter, or any social media.

The problem, for me. is they require TIME to keep them active. Now if POTUS has time to tweet everyday, then surely those of us less busy could find a few hours in between watching TV and playing golf to do it too.

In your case, and this is purely conjecture on my part, maybe a little sleight of mind...but, I think the APPROACH would do you well. In other words, your interruption (my windmill) might take on a different way than most magician/entertainer sites.

Instead of promoting the craft, or getting gigs, or even being are a few ideas off the top of my head.

For Parents. HELP YOUR CHILD'S LEARNING, SELF-ESTEEM AND CONFIDENCE THROUGH MAGIC... How magic can help your child build a brilliant future.

OR Magic Kit helps your child gain confidence and teaches them how to influence others and win friends.

That sort of thing.

For adults, you would present your material NOT as magic/entertainment...but as SELF IMPROVEMENT.

How many others are teaching magic/entertaining as a means of building up a solid self image, confidence with people, practical influence and make some coin while doing it?

Instead of PAYING and BUYING for your self improvement (an evergreen HUGE market)...get PAID to develop life improving skills which will last a lifetime...

Hope you see the difference, and of course, you'd TEST both presentations, and keep improving the winner.

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Old November 13, 2020, 07:02 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Secrets of persuasion.


I think you make some real sense here. Years ago, in the ads targeting those who wanted to learn magic, I seem to remember an ad that pushed self confidence and poise by doing magic.

This is something that can have legs, I think.

Going to do some digging, thinking, and writing.

Thanks Gordon !
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Old November 11, 2020, 07:05 PM
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Default I want to elaborate, a little bit, on INTERRUPTION INFLUENCE.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post

In just a few words you have explained such a lovely gold nugget.


A virtual stop sign to buy.

Your wealth of experience and knowledge is being IGNORED by a LOT of people.

So glad you give us "kicks in the pants" to help us remember the real secrets.

I appreciate it greatly.


Today, the marketing crowd, and especially copywriters, tire me out. Of course, they have something to sell, so they have to hammer away about the methods, techniques (theirs) which leads one to the promised land of copy.

The truth, and they all hate to hear it...those MAD MEN and that Direct Response generation, sold a lot of JUNK. Useless and meaningless, over hyped product which in many cases weren't even as good as Walmart cheap stuff, and in some, even dangerous.

Millions were made selling (hyping) diet pills, which contained Ephedra, and DNP and once people started dying, then those who are supposed to protect took a little action.

Although, I am NOT one to condemn anyone for buying anything they want, even dangerous drugs, like my two pack a day dad, who died a miserable and horrible death from Emphysema (and didn't stop my younger brother from being in the Marlboro club, wearing all that advertising he paid for)...

That isn't my point. Keep you cig smoke out of my face, and do as you please.

But, there is a reverence for those guys who HYPED "Age Defying Hollywood Skin Cream", or even Ant Farms or Spud Guns. We can buy anything we want, and just because someone made tons of money selling Astrology reports, or how to get rich type booklets, doesn't make them a genius.

I don't get the pedestal some of these convicted Felons have been put up on.

Persuading people to buy Pet Rocks? That's genius? Maybe it is. But the industry today is being built upon that West Coast HYPE, big promise, big dream copy style, for...well, a lot of shetty products. Buyer beware.

OK, end of rant.

When one learns and applies the INTERRUPTION concept, and knows who and where the interruption happens, then a more honest rapport can be built and less hype is needed to sell stuff. If it needs long copy to be sold, I wonder about it.

I feel today's batch of copywriters are like muggers in an alley, just waiting for me to stumble by and then exposing their fake...

rolexes on their rain coat. But most don't feel like this.

Acknowledge you are interrupting someone, and try to make it worth while to THEM, not just profitable for you, that is all I'm saying, and there may be more to add.

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