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Old June 2, 2021, 08:19 AM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Lightbulb Before He Vanished, Here’s What Creator of Award-Winning “The Little Prince” Did...

Hi there

First, let me say a big “thank you” to the kind SOWPubber who picked up Gordon’s Planning for Success report on my birthday (May 31).

To me, it was a great icing on my birthday cake to see yet another smart fellow get more clarity on creating action plans that really work.

Back to the reason for this post…

Maybe you know of the animation called “The Little Prince”.

Frankly it wasn’t one of my favourite cartoons while growing up (I preferred Danger Mouse, but that’s another story altogether.)

The Little Prince however has its fans, having won the César Award for Best Animated Film.

But not many people even know much about the writer who started it all when he wrote and illustrated the book “The Little Prince” back in the early 1940s.

His name was Antoine de Saint-Exupery. He was a skilled aviator and author, who had a habit of reading and writing while flying his single seat F-5B aircraft. (This was back in the World War 2 era.)

Now, Antoine wasn’t really on good terms with one of his superior officers, the French General Charles de Gaulle (who later became the President of France). Unfortunately, de Gaulle also wasn’t particularly impressed with Exupery and publicly implied that the author-pilot was supporting the enemy Germany.

De Gaulle’s declaration shocked Exupery. And that’s when his health issues got complicated as he became depressed and started drinking heavily.

On 31 July 1944, Exupery took off in an unarmed P-38 aircraft on a reconnaissance mission.

He never returned.

His body was never found.

And even though traces of his aircraft were later found as recently as 2003, no one really knows what happened to him.

But that’s not even what I want to talk about here.

Antoine made a statement which I believe every SOWPubber – and indeed every lifelong student – should take to heart.

Here’s what he said:

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What does this really mean to you?

These days, we are all flooded with business information from every angle. If you are reading this, you are probably here on SOWPub looking for information to help you reach some business goal/objective.

How do you make sure you get information that will really help your business or idea?

I see a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that “more is always better”. I made that mistake myself, looking for more and more information on certain enterprises.

You can imagine how embarrassing it can be to have consumed HOURS of content on “How to become a Business Owner” for YEARS - without ever owning a business.

How can you avoid that happening to you?

I recommend you look out for “lean” business information that focuses on the FUNDAMENTALS.

A good example would be what Gordon Jay Alexander refers to as HOTSHEETS.

OK, I can’t speak for everyone. Maybe you still feel you need lengthy “detailed” business information that “holds you by the hand, step-by-step”.

In my experience, the lengthier business information usually tends to build up expectations that may keep you hopeful, building up lofty castles in the air. Until you wake up to realize that nothing much has really changed. And who knows, maybe you need to get yet another course…

Of course, I have nothing against business courses and books and tutorials. I’m a lifelong learner myself. They do have their place no doubt.

But if you're here on this forum, what I really think you need is business information you can act on TODAY.

That way, you can always get feedback on what you worked and what else you need to adjust.

But then, that’s just my opinion. What do I know?

Thanks for reading this. Please let me know what you think...
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Old June 2, 2021, 09:00 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default In the spirit of your post...brevity.

I'll try to keep it short and sweet.

In 1993, the low point, I wrote a 1200 page "ponderous tome" about everything I thought I knew...then a guy on the beach drew some pics in the sand...and those 1200 pages of dense text became the 12 PictoGrigms of the Square One Workshops.

My PictoGrigms are text stereograms of information. The 12 Master PictoGrigms hold almost all the answers to the most asked questions.

The LITTLE PRINCE has been dissected and explained and all sorts of theories about what it means have sprung up. When art survives the artist, we oft find meanings we bring with us.

My take it is also a Stereogram, and the more times you read it, the deeper the picture becomes.

I have a whole series of HOTSHEETS like my 601 Persuasion posted and discussed and I carry in my pocket a notebook and a few of my one page booklets, like INFLUENCE, made from a single sheet of paper...

As reminders, summaries, checklists or whatever...

Because we all KNOW more than we remember at the time it is needed, we use a small % of our knowledge and experience.

So, by keeping little pocket reminders which can be reviewed quickly, say before a meeting or sales presentation, I can call upon and USE some of the past 50 years of experience, including the failure where often times the best lessons come from.

Read, study, learn as much as you can...but then have some little BRIEF, short way to access that education so it can be used when needed.

Thanks unpinkpanther, love THE LITTLE PRINCE (book, not so much the animation)...books let you bring the story alive with imagination.

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Old June 7, 2021, 04:48 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default How to Learn, but also Do...

Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
These days, we are all flooded with business information from every angle. If you are reading this, you are probably here on SOWPub looking for information to help you reach some business goal/objective.

How do you make sure you get information that will really help your business or idea?

I see a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that “more is always better”. I made that mistake myself, looking for more and more information on certain enterprises.

You can imagine how embarrassing it can be to have consumed HOURS of content on “How to become a Business Owner” for YEARS - without ever owning a business.

How can you avoid that happening to you?
Hi Mr. U.P.P.,

The topic you talk about is a very important one, of course... It's fun learning, but not so useful if you never use it!

In my opinion, you still need to be a lifelong learner...

For one thing, you're going to increase your skills and increase your chance of success. But...

You have to combine that with actually doing stuff... You can't only learn, you also have to be doing...

So, how do you do that?

There's more than one way...

One way that I found works for me - which I don't do all the time, but which I do sometimes - is called "Operation MoneySuck," which comes from the late Gary Halbert... But the best exposé of it is from John Carlton, who worked with him. They're both very well-known copywriters...

The absolute gist of "Operation MoneySuck" is that you simply focus on doing what brings in the money... You don't focus on anything else.

The reality is, if you create a big "to do" list of everything you need to do, some of those things will bring in the money... and some of those things won't.

Those other things might be favors for friends which they've asked you to do... They might be things you need to fix around the house... They might be regular chores... They might be social obligations... It might be tidying up all your computer cables... It might be alphabetizing your book collection... It might be polishing your collection of ping pong balls...

There are usually a lot of things on our "to do" lists that don't directly bring in money...

So the key to "Operation MoneySuck" is, for a specific time period during the day, you cut out all the stuff that doesn't make money... During that time, you exclusively only do those things that bring in money.

I found that this approach does work for me.

I've tried it out, and it made me more productive... (I have to juggle taking care of a one-year-old child now, so it's a little more difficult now than before!)

So that's one approach.

Here's the link to find out more.

Operation MoneySuck 2.0

I've also more recently been creating daily checklists... instead of a normal "to do" list, it's a checklist.

I think there's a kind of mental satisfaction in checking the box... You feel a sense of achievement, and that keeps you going and makes you feel good about actually getting things done.

(I break up all longer tasks into a series of shorter steps, each with its own check box... That way, I get the satisfaction of checking each box as I go along...)

I may go into detail about this at some point in the future... But I also found that this works for me.

I mainly put key money-making activities on the check list...

Having said all that, I do think you do need to have the attitude of being a lifelong learner, but you also really have to combine the learning with doing.

And it's also good to have a testing mindset...

I mean, wow, you can really learn from Glenn's approach here on the forum and also in Glenn's own email list and on his own websites. Just test, test, test...

The thing is, you can read what's worked for someone else. It may not work exactly that way for you.

There are many reasons why... The time could be a different time. You could have a different type of audience that reacts to something differently...

There are so many different variables so that you really have to test to see if it works for what you're doing...

Just taking what someone has done and applying it yourself may work... Or, it may not, but it's definitely a way forward. You have to test and tweak it...

Thanks a lot for raising the topic...!

Best wishes,

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Old June 8, 2021, 09:01 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default The Seeds of Wisdom CONCEPT, TOO.

An idea.

Plant a seed.
Do what you must to allow it to grow.
Tend it. Protect it. Water and nourish it.

ALLOW it to grow. Keep the weeds away. Shoo off the birds. Drain the rains.

The process of protection may be different for everyone, but the garden idea is the same. You have to learn about the land, the soil, till it, work it...CHOOSE what you want to grow, acquire the seeds, plant and tend...then comes the harvest. Sort of ...

What we're all about here, eh?



Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Mr. U.P.P.,

The topic you talk about is a very important one, of course... It's fun learning, but not so useful if you never use it!

In my opinion, you still need to be a lifelong learner...

For one thing, you're going to increase your skills and increase your chance of success. But...

You have to combine that with actually doing stuff... You can't only learn, you also have to be doing...

So, how do you do that?

There's more than one way...

One way that I found works for me - which I don't do all the time, but which I do sometimes - is called "Operation MoneySuck," which comes from the late Gary Halbert... But the best exposé of it is from John Carlton, who worked with him. They're both very well-known copywriters...

The absolute gist of "Operation MoneySuck" is that you simply focus on doing what brings in the money... You don't focus on anything else.

The reality is, if you create a big "to do" list of everything you need to do, some of those things will bring in the money... and some of those things won't.

Those other things might be favors for friends which they've asked you to do... They might be things you need to fix around the house... They might be regular chores... They might be social obligations... It might be tidying up all your computer cables... It might be alphabetizing your book collection... It might be polishing your collection of ping pong balls...

There are usually a lot of things on our "to do" lists that don't directly bring in money...

So the key to "Operation MoneySuck" is, for a specific time period during the day, you cut out all the stuff that doesn't make money... During that time, you exclusively only do those things that bring in money.

I found that this approach does work for me.

I've tried it out, and it made me more productive... (I have to juggle taking care of a one-year-old child now, so it's a little more difficult now than before!)

So that's one approach.

Here's the link to find out more.

Operation MoneySuck 2.0

I've also more recently been creating daily checklists... instead of a normal "to do" list, it's a checklist.

I think there's a kind of mental satisfaction in checking the box... You feel a sense of achievement, and that keeps you going and makes you feel good about actually getting things done.

(I break up all longer tasks into a series of shorter steps, each with its own check box... That way, I get the satisfaction of checking each box as I go along...)

I may go into detail about this at some point in the future... But I also found that this works for me.

I mainly put key money-making activities on the check list...

Having said all that, I do think you do need to have the attitude of being a lifelong learner, but you also really have to combine the learning with doing.

And it's also good to have a testing mindset...

I mean, wow, you can really learn from Glenn's approach here on the forum and also in Glenn's own email list and on his own websites. Just test, test, test...

The thing is, you can read what's worked for someone else. It may not work exactly that way for you.

There are many reasons why... The time could be a different time. You could have a different type of audience that reacts to something differently...

There are so many different variables so that you really have to test to see if it works for what you're doing...

Just taking what someone has done and applying it yourself may work... Or, it may not, but it's definitely a way forward. You have to test and tweak it...

Thanks a lot for raising the topic...!

Best wishes,

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Old June 11, 2021, 03:48 AM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Lightbulb what Gary Halbert and I have in common...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
An idea.

Plant a seed...

What we're all about here, eh?



Thanks Dien for sharing Gary Halbert's Operation MoneySuck method of focusing on getting results that matter.

And thanks, Gordon, for sharing that special report.

Wait! Has it been FOUR years already? I can still remember when I got that "Seed-Faith" report.

It's one of those reports I've printed out and highlighted and bookmarked.

By the way, that's yet another benefit I get from business reports that get to the point.

I find slim business reports:

- easy to print out
- easy to digest
- easy to test
- easy to get results with

Much like Gordon's new report Planning for Success, which is already being "Recommended by Gumroad" in the Gumroad marketplace.

If you want to know more about Gordon's new report, you can check it out using the link below:

Gordon Jay Alexander's Planning for Success

Combined with the special gift Gordon just shared above, this new report becomes even easier to apply and profit from.

Also, if you have a business idea right now, here's a post with some quick tips that can help you get started in the right direction today:

Thanks for reading!

P.S. After postponing for YEARS, I finally went through Gary Halbert's famous "Boron Letters". And I can't believe how PRACTICAL and FUNDAMENTAL those letters are. Especially the part about the MATH around campaigns.

P.P.S. Apart from J.F. (Jim) Straw's Mail Order course, I'm yet to see another person who has helped me see the MATH behind marketing like Gary Halbert did in those letters...
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Old June 11, 2021, 09:22 AM
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Default The Maths.

Vincent James, Ben Suarez and Halbert plus some big picture overview.

I think I will post a long, boring, drawn out rant/rave/observation about all of this and everything else, because it is an overcast day, and I have no one around to play Monopoly with.

Costs of Product.
COSTS of CUSTOMER ACQUISTION (often ignored but often the highest cost of doing a business)

Cost of delivery, overhead, taxes, payroll (or contractors) all to get to the NET PROFIT.


Oh, and as good as Boron Letters is (and it is terrific), make sure you keep in mind where they were written from, and what got Gary there in the first place.

Ignore the maths, and pay the price.

Thanks for this reminder, now for that all day rant.


Originally Posted by unpinkpanther View Post
Thanks Dien for sharing Gary Halbert's Operation MoneySuck method of focusing on getting results that matter.

And thanks, Gordon, for sharing that special report.

Wait! Has it been FOUR years already? I can still remember when I got that "Seed-Faith" report.

It's one of those reports I've printed out and highlighted and bookmarked.

By the way, that's yet another benefit I get from business reports that get to the point.

I find slim business reports:

- easy to print out
- easy to digest
- easy to test
- easy to get results with

Much like Gordon's new report Planning for Success, which is already being "Recommended by Gumroad" in the Gumroad marketplace.

If you want to know more about Gordon's new report, you can check it out using the link below:

Gordon Jay Alexander's Planning for Success

Combined with the special gift Gordon just shared above, this new report becomes even easier to apply and profit from.

Also, if you have a business idea right now, here's a post with some quick tips that can help you get started in the right direction today:

Thanks for reading!

P.S. After postponing for YEARS, I finally went through Gary Halbert's famous "Boron Letters". And I can't believe how PRACTICAL and FUNDAMENTAL those letters are. Especially the part about the MATH around campaigns.

P.P.S. Apart from J.F. (Jim) Straw's Mail Order course, I'm yet to see another person who has helped me see the MATH behind marketing like Gary Halbert did in those letters...
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Old June 16, 2021, 03:31 PM
unpinkpanther unpinkpanther is offline
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Lightbulb Snoop Dogg's Open "Secret" to Personal Development

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Oh, and as good as Boron Letters is (and it is terrific), make sure you keep in mind where they were written from, and what got Gary there in the first place....

Thanks for this reminder...


Speaking of crimes, I think the biggest crime anyone can commit is to live below his own potential.

Life is short

Too short for anyone to deliberately skip over using information that can help him leave behind a better legacy...

Too short to waste chasing the financial Big Foot of "money-for-doing-nothing"...

In all his reports I've read, JF (Jim) Straw usually states the difference between INFORMATION and KNOWLEDGE.

And I always wonder:

What makes some people turn information into PRACTICAL action plans while others use the same info as an excuse to keep becoming mentally-obese seminar junkies?

Can't say I know the answer, but I think it does have something to do with showing gratitude.

We need to be more grateful to the "person" revealed in this quick video here by the one and only Snoop Dogg (don't worry; it's censored!)

To your success!

P.S. If you're grateful to be here on SOWPub, then you can pick up the planning for success report today
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Old June 18, 2021, 02:53 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Have You Seen Snoop Dog's Cookbook?

Thanks Mr Un,

I saw Snoop on a Martha Steward Show.

Was Gobsmacked.

Checked out his cookbook.

Couldn't Eat AND didn't Understand a lot of his recipes.


Snoop is pretty darn Savvy.

Cookbooks are one of the top best selling niches on

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