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Old September 20, 2010, 12:26 PM
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Default One-Hit Wonder

Hey All,

I understand the idea behind an informational report is to solve a problem. And I have indeed solved a problem that millions of woman have. (Actually, I solved it a while ago but didn't realize what I had in terms of whipping up a report and releasing it to the hoardes of women who will be relieved at having found an answer). This is the google result for my three keyword search on how many searches there were for women that want this problem solved: 2,090,000. (I've done other searches with the keywords in reverse, or adding a word here and there with the same high results). I've looked high and low for anyone who may have solved this problem but found NOTHING useful. It's the same old rehashing of "tips and tricks" that do not answer the why question. Why does this already-on-the-market-product not work the way it should? I have the answer and it's as simple as the day is long. Answering the question for this long sought-out answer is bound to midly P!$$ off the multi-billion dollar industry for which I'm aiming at, but like most, they'll adapt.

Naturally, I'm looking for the most streamlined way to get this info out there to the (my) hungry ladies.

The thing is...the answer to the question is I all I have. Women will not need to buy anything extra special to make this work and it will work with all product brands that they currently have. Nothing but my answer to this age-old question is needed for their already purchased product to perform PROPERLY. But from what I've reading, am I not "supposed" to have other offers included for future sales? If this is not necessarily the case, could one of you point me in the direction of someone who has before me, done the one-hit wonder informational report routine or equivillent with resounding success.

Thank you for reading this over.
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Old September 20, 2010, 01:43 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Colleen, You have a dilemma on your hands.


YOU are going to have to THINK this through.

The very minute you take your solution to the "public", is the minute they won't need you. Your solution will be "stolen" or given away.

So, you have to THINK. What can you do?

Perhaps you can create a LIST. A list of people who buy name brand products and those mfgr's might be interested in "renting" the list from you for future promotions.

You could have a solution site supported with Google Ads.

I'd do everything I could to capture email addresses. Perhaps a double opt in for the solution. However, once it is released to the public, expect to see all kinds of other sites popping up.

You could have AFFILIATE products lined up, so when they get your solution, there could be links to products these ladies might buy and you collect some moolah...and I'm talking real products you'd find on Amazon or via a Google search.

Please spend some time thinking about how you can best monetize your information, which once it is released and Pizess off the big corporations, will be OUT THERE for any woman to find.

The best way to protect what you know is to have a carefully thought out campaign on how you can cash in on this ONE TIME Wonder.

Good luck,

Gordon Alexander

Originally Posted by Colleen View Post
Hey All,

I understand the idea behind an informational report is to solve a problem. And I have indeed solved a problem that millions of woman have. (Actually, I solved it a while ago but didn't realize what I had in terms of whipping up a report and releasing it to the hoardes of women who will be relieved at having found an answer). This is the google result for my three keyword search on how many searches there were for women that want this problem solved: 2,090,000. (I've done other searches with the keywords in reverse, or adding a word here and there with the same high results). I've looked high and low for anyone who may have solved this problem but found NOTHING useful. It's the same old rehashing of "tips and tricks" that do not answer the why question. Why does this already-on-the-market-product not work the way it should? I have the answer and it's as simple as the day is long. Answering the question for this long sought-out answer is bound to midly P!$$ off the multi-billion dollar industry for which I'm aiming at, but like most, they'll adapt.

Naturally, I'm looking for the most streamlined way to get this info out there to the (my) hungry ladies.

The thing is...the answer to the question is I all I have. Women will not need to buy anything extra special to make this work and it will work with all product brands that they currently have. Nothing but my answer to this age-old question is needed for their already purchased product to perform PROPERLY. But from what I've reading, am I not "supposed" to have other offers included for future sales? If this is not necessarily the case, could one of you point me in the direction of someone who has before me, done the one-hit wonder informational report routine or equivillent with resounding success.

Thank you for reading this over.
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Old September 20, 2010, 02:10 PM
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Default Re: Colleen, You have a dilemma on your hands.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

YOU are going to have to THINK this through.

The very minute you take your solution to the "public", is the minute they won't need you. Your solution will be "stolen" or given away.

So, you have to THINK. What can you do?

Perhaps you can create a LIST. A list of people who buy name brand products and those mfgr's might be interested in "renting" the list from you for future promotions.

You could have a solution site supported with Google Ads.

I'd do everything I could to capture email addresses. Perhaps a double opt in for the solution. However, once it is released to the public, expect to see all kinds of other sites popping up.

You could have AFFILIATE products lined up, so when they get your solution, there could be links to products these ladies might buy and you collect some moolah...and I'm talking real products you'd find on Amazon or via a Google search.

Please spend some time thinking about how you can best monetize your information, which once it is released and Pizess off the big corporations, will be OUT THERE for any woman to find.

The best way to protect what you know is to have a carefully thought out campaign on how you can cash in on this ONE TIME Wonder.

Good luck,

Gordon Alexander

Yep, that occurred to me that I could/will be instantly ripped-off. Appreciate your candor and the ideas for compiling a list. I just may know the "goto" person for this... Thanks for the speedy response bty
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Old September 23, 2010, 02:08 AM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Colleen-Just Suppose You Imitate Others w/The SAME Problem?

Thanks Colleen,

Good question.

I interviewed a fellow who has made over 100 million dollars selling Information products in Industry after industry.

He had this book called, "101 Ways to Make Extra Money in _______" (He
changes the title when he switches industry niches.)

a - He sold lots of books so

b - He decided to create a seminar

c - That went great so he decided to start a Newsletter

d - That was more successful yet. And he discovered his buyers were
willing to LICENSE his newsletter - pay him to put THEIR names on it.

e - Most sent him their lists and PAID HIM EXTRA to MAIL the Newsletter FOR

Exactly Like You - he started out with ONE SOLUTION that worked.

I bought this fellow lunch.

ASKED Him, "OF the 101 Ideas in the book that got you started which ones did YOU USE Yourself?"

"Only One," he admitted.

I pressed him a bit.


"The last one. #101" - he said. Looking left and right to make sure nobody was listening.

"Telemarketing" I exclaimed. "That's not what all these people are buying."

"EXACTLY!" he answered.

Then he started talking about the weather. I got the message and changed the subject.


You should Mastermind and Brainstorm a list of solutions to the Problem
You've found the ONE SOLUTION to.

Write 'em up.

Test 'em out.

Find out how many women WANT to buy more than one idea from you.

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Old September 23, 2010, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: One-Hit Wonder

Hi Glenn...

Funny you should mention telemarketing. I use it a lot (b2b). Very effective.

Telemarketing always reminds me of the famous Yogi Berra quote: "No one goes to that restaurant any more -- it's too crowded."

Telemarketing is a multi-billion dollar marketing method -- even though "everyone" hates it, and "nobody" buys that way.

Kind of like the National Enquirer tabloid at the supermarket checkout that "nobody" buys.


-- TW
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Old September 23, 2010, 02:58 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Telemarketing Can Be an INSULT or a COMPLIMENT

Thanks TW,

If you do some advance research BEFORE you call.

And can talk about what the biz owner wants. He is HAPPY to CHAT.

Your call is a Compliment.

If you call cold - to try and sell him something he doesn't want.

You are INSULTING him.

A Matter of Common Courtesy. Which has become UNcommon.

For Example -

I helped a Consultant to California Schools recently.

All the budgets for her work had been emptied. (So we found a way around
that. So she got paid anyway.)

Discovered that Her #1 Most Popular REASON for Getting Paid by school Principals.

Was to SHOW teachers young and old.

Newbie and veteran.

**HOW to SHUT KIDS up and
**How to Get Them to FOCUS on the Lesson.


That's valuable when talking to ANY Principal or teacher.

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Old September 24, 2010, 02:59 AM
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Default Re: Telemarketing Can Be an INSULT or a COMPLIMENT

Highly recommended once again, if you're into Telephone related communications...

The following Google link Gives you a few Excellent Free PDF's including a taste of the Archives, "Motivational Quotes For Salespeople” etc. etc... from Art Sobczak's Great collection...

No affiliation... Just Quality throughout...

Simply Study, Learn and Apply...

A Golden investment for Next to nothing Considering the Revenue generating benefits... oints=1

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Old September 24, 2010, 11:29 AM
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Default Re: One-Hit Wonder

Nice links. Thanks.

I got some good tips from Ben Gay III, who publishes "The Closers" - essential reading on salesmanship, in my eyes.

Ben also critiques your sales scripts for free.
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Old September 24, 2010, 03:08 PM
Glenn Glenn is offline
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Default Ben Gay III Hired Napoleon Hill as a Consultant for Several Years

Hi Conrad,

When I buy Signed copies of "Closers II" books from Ben
for my VIP Clients, he always sends a me handwritten Thank You Card.

He told me a story about how after years of Thank You cards
btwn him and a European client - being their ONLY communication.

The man called him.
Got some Advice. Took action.
Then paid him 50 MILLION DOLLARS.

Got me started sending out Personal
Thank you cards and emails - I can tell you!

Ben didn't write "Closers I" - He bought the rights to it.

"Closers II" he wrote himself.

In Closers II - Ben has this big, big selling TRUST technique of getting on
the same side of the table with the client (By phone or Face to face)
so he/she asks your advice as if you were a family member.

I've not got it down cold.

But when I get Emails from folks asking, "What should I buy 1st?"

Or "what do I order from you Next?"

I know I'm on the right track.

Recently - I helped a Time Share salesman in Branson, MO - make a quick 100K with Ben's ideas.

Great book.

A LifeTime Book too. Because most of the ideas are so advanced each
time you read it you see something New.

Kind of amazing, really.

Here's Ben Gays Personal Phone # - 800-248-3555 - When You call to order a signed "Closers II" book tell him Glenn Osborn sent you.


P.S. - When You Call - be sure to ask him about when he was a young man
and Hired Napoleon Hill to work for him for several years. They built
one of the 1st very successful Multi-Level companies together.

Ben Gay III is a direct link back to Napoleon Hill and Andrew Carnegie.

Very cool talking to a man who shook hands, ate meals with and learned
directly from Napoleon Hill.
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Old September 24, 2010, 10:18 PM
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Default Ben Gay III

Thanks Glenn,

Nice information. The story of how "The Closers" turned out to be a stunning success after Ben bought it, is fascinating.

It reminded me of "Acres of Diamonds" when seen from the original publishers' point of view.

And as an Information Product, it is a good example of an evergreen.

Here are some interviews:

I wonder how much value he has created in the world through his books & training? Must be massive. An unsung hero in my opinion.
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