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Old July 17, 2007, 12:49 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default MORE under the radar people...they do FLY LOW and Collect Dough...who knew?

Last week I sent an email to readers of Fly Low and Collect the Dough, asking for any stories or ancedotes or people they might know who are simply making their business...THEIR business.

THANKS to all who sent these in...and I did some snooping around to see if anyone is doing IT in this neck of the woods.

From Atlanta: Scrap cardboard. One reader knew of a guy who spent his time collecting cardboard, took it to the recycle center and made some CASH. Ah yes. OH, by the way, if any of you want your names used, just let me know, I'll let the world KNOW about you...HA!

OK. Here in Munroe Falls, OH (where I had the big flood) there is a place next to the river called SONOCO products. They recycle paper and cardboard. Used to be a guy came around Chapel Hill mall, but now they have the big machines (the MALL owns them) that compress the cardboard and VIOLA the MALL has another revenue source.

Still plenty of momma and poppa businesses that won't or don't pay someone to haul away their boxes...they still GIVE their cardboard away.

So I snooped around, found a couple of FLY LOW types right here, who make 200 to 400 per day collecting cardboard. Thanks Atlanta.

Mississippi. A variation of the above. Grease collector. From restaurants. I checked around here, and YES, there are big companies doing this, and even a freakin franchise...and a couple of good ol boys (yea, we got em up here too)...with their greasemobile. Turns out, they make about 2000 bux a week providing this "gross" service to small restaurants.

California. Seamstress to muscle beach. YIKES. So again, I went a snooping. There are a TON of low key under the radar types...even found a small operation of about 6 seamstresses working for dry cleaners. But what I liked about the one in CA is the lady catered to BODY BUILDERS, who have a hard time finding pants and shirts to fit she takes care of them...and I'm told for a PREMIUM price...wonder if she does the Guv? (Hope he doesn't grope her during a fitting).

Michigan. Auto detailer. Apparently this guy has had a "tent" set up for years at the local MALL. You can have your car detailed while you shop. And a twist reported...he has those buzzer thingys that restaurants use to let you know when you car is done. HMMM. Anyone know of anybody else using those things?

Pennsylvania. Critter catcher. Skunks, squirrels, whatever you got that you don't want...he'll make you critter free for some cold hard cash.

THESE are just a few ways that average and ordinary people are either supplementing their income via the "underground" economy or making a living and having the lifestyle they want.

THANKS to all who sent these little stories in. I saved a few to include in the next edition, whenever, or IF ever I gets around to it.

FLY LOW and COLLECT the DOUGH is a concept that is alive and well in America today...perhaps due to necessity for some.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. I've found several women who work for "pin" money, that's an old expression when women stayed home and were less involved in the workforce. Today, many women take second jobs to make ends meet.

I have found a couple though, that use their skills (sewing) for cash...and they follow the principle of ACCUMULATION. And the amazing thing is after 5 years, they have enough for a new car if they want to pay cash for it.

IF you learn to make a little extra dough that is UNTOUCHABLE, and you keep it in'll be amazed at how fast it grows.
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Old July 17, 2007, 03:28 PM
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Default Hey Gordon, if you're still in Florida... Can you Catch a couple of Gators for us. :)

Some interesting Reading in the 4 business publications on...

Critter catcher
An entrepreneur finds a lucrative niche trapping gators.

Keep an Eye on Wool...

Attracting the 'alpha mom'
Can the Silicon Valley programmers behind Jimmy Beans Wool make knitting with $500 yarns hip among high-income, professional women? We ask our experts.

And Fly Low and Collect the Dough's very Good friend...

The amazing Freecycle story
An Internet community grows around the idea that one man's trash is another's treasure...

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Old July 17, 2007, 03:52 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default Buckeye by birth...Gator by choice...or says my FL Tee Shirt...

Hi Phil,

I came back up June 15. I was bit by something, we thought it might have been a brown recluse spider. My brother-in-law was bit too. Only common places we ate were The Olive Garden, which has a spider story going around.

Anyhow, I got very sick and I'm still awaiting blood test results. I sent Dien a video of the nasty looking thing, looked like a small volcano on my arm.

It could have been a tick. Or some other critter. I know for a FACT it was not a Gator (unless you include that bouncy U of FL cheerleader I met) that put the hurt on me.

I think I'll stick to FL in Winter only. Ah FreeCycle...after I wrote about it in The Beginner's Guide to Chatteling, it exploded...must have been ME? eh?

Since I've been back, NEO has been almost perfect. I should be back on the trail this Fall. Just got back from Presque Isle, taking little two and three day jaunts now. Got to stick close by until I get the green light on the bite, whatever it is.


PS. When in O HI O that particular T doesn't get'll find me in a Scarlett and Grey VEST. HA!

PSS. My UPDATED and revised HOTSHEET report will be posted soon at

One big addition is about and the distributor potential they offer. And some of the new HOTSHEETS I spoke about will be showcased too. All this for 10 bux...I must be outta my mind...or it could be the spider bite making me do crazy things.

Last edited by GordonJ : July 17, 2007 at 04:15 PM.
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Old July 17, 2007, 05:25 PM
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Default Re: Buckeye by birth...Gator by choice...or says my FL Tee Shirt...

That sounds very Nasty...

Hope all your blood tests come back Ok...

On the subject of Spiders...

Interestingly, there's Money in selling certain types of Spiders...

And I know a nice group of Women that have absolutely No problem...

In Paying for a Spider removal Service...

Many locations where Gazillions of Spiders...

Stay warm and Grow in clusters...

Although Spiders are Great for Gardeners and Bug eating so I Bet there's a few Spider business ideas waiting to be discovered...

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Old July 17, 2007, 06:06 PM
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Smile Re: Spiders and Snakes and Scorpions in Florida, OH MY!!!...

Hi Gordon,

Thanks for mentioning The Brown Recluse Spider.

SCARY Little Creatures, to say the least.

Pretty GROSS Pics here with possible Brown Recluse Spider Bites:
(Warning: Do NOT Click this link if You are Squeemish with Graphic Pics
such as Wounds and Rotting Flesh,)
(snopes says that the status is undertermined.)

Here is one of the most SCARIEST Spiders (next to the Recluse)
that I've encountered:

These buggers Actually CHASE YOU!
Yep, I've been chased by one about 10 years ago and will NEVER forget the experience.

Wife STILL teases Me about the time I threw a shoe at one that was across the room in the house and
There was NO WAY that I was going to get close to it to get rid of it...

This happened about a few weeks AFTER I got chased by it,
before SHE noticed the spider in the house...

One more that was SCARY is the Banana Spider.
They don't chase You and they are quite peaceful for a Spider,
but they are HUGE!!!
They are literally the size of an average man's hand!
(You can read about some of it here:

There was a 'swarm' or 'rash' of Banana Spiders
(again, about 10 years ago)
in a certain area where I used to live.

I was mowing the lawn one day and walked into one of its webs.
It was crawling on My leg!
I TOTALLY Freaked Out!!!
HUGE Spider... Thing was bigger than LIFE!

... anyway, I was lucky enough to have been able to just 'swat' the thing off of My leg...
It looked similar to this:

I won't even get into the Scorpions... haha

Hope that You're feeling MUCH BETTER and Hope that when You make Your next 'Snow Bird' trip down here in the Winter,
You'll stop by this area and let Me buy You a cheeseburger!
(Without the Spiders, of course... HA!)


Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Hi Phil,

I came back up June 15. I was bit by something, we thought it might have been a brown recluse spider. My brother-in-law was bit too. Only common places we ate were The Olive Garden, which has a spider story going around.

Anyhow, I got very sick and I'm still awaiting blood test results. I sent Dien a video of the nasty looking thing, looked like a small volcano on my arm.

It could have been a tick. Or some other critter. I know for a FACT it was not a Gator (unless you include that bouncy U of FL cheerleader I met) that put the hurt on me.

I think I'll stick to FL in Winter only. Ah FreeCycle...after I wrote about it in The Beginner's Guide to Chatteling, it exploded...must have been ME? eh?

Since I've been back, NEO has been almost perfect. I should be back on the trail this Fall. Just got back from Presque Isle, taking little two and three day jaunts now. Got to stick close by until I get the green light on the bite, whatever it is.


PS. When in O HI O that particular T doesn't get'll find me in a Scarlett and Grey VEST. HA!

PSS. My UPDATED and revised HOTSHEET report will be posted soon at

One big addition is about and the distributor potential they offer. And some of the new HOTSHEETS I spoke about will be showcased too. All this for 10 bux...I must be outta my mind...or it could be the spider bite making me do crazy things.
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Old July 17, 2007, 07:21 PM
Sandi Bowman
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Talking Re: MORE under the radar people...they do FLY LOW and Collect Dough...who knew?

Oh, of my favorite yuck topics...spiders etc...

Seriously, I hope you'll be fine, Gordon...whatever it is/was. One of the worst is the funnel spider as far as being venemous. It can kill an, if you see a funnel shaped web, don't touch! They hunker down in the innards and rush out whenever something disturbs their 'nest'. They're very fast!

Another possibility is that it is a tick bite. Some are really nasty and carry Lyme disease. Some can get pretty ugly and then suddenly rupture and heal up...but, if they carried Lyme Disease, ( a bullseye and then a red ring around it is what to look for) you still need to get treated for the Lyme Disease even if everything appears okay. Lyme goes dormant oftentimes and flares down the road making one very ill.

Scorpions...yuck! They love to get into shoes and boots so dump them out! When we were first married, we lived on an old farm that had tons of them. Lee knew I hated them so he told me they were just potato bugs...and then he'd dispose of them. I knew better but went along since I hated crunching them under my boot or 'handling' them to flush them.

Did you know tarantulas can jump straight up to a height of six feet? True. They're actually pretty peaceful spiders. Tarantula Hawks, a type of wasp so I was told, kill tarantulas, drag them into a hole, and lay their eggs on them so young can feast when they hatch.

Enough already! LOL

Sandi Bowman
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Old July 17, 2007, 09:24 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Yes, Sandi, my doc is treating it as if it were a tick bite...

We should get the first results on the Lyme test this week. He'll take more blood and retest it too, seems there are a lot of false negatives with the Lyme Disease tests...or so he says.

Last year, a friend of mine, Neil Prete, went to Puerto Rico (I think it was) for a poker tournament. He got bit. His doctor didn't even consider Lyme and was never tested for it. Neil died in about 6 weeks. That is rare, but since it happened to someone I knew...I insisted my doctor put that on the list of tests to do.

After looking at my arm, it didn't take much convincing. Had the "target" element and other symptoms.

Now, in days gone by, this bite, whatever it is, probably would have been handled by my immune system. My diabetes battle the last few years have more than likely left my system a little vulnerable to attacks...

It does take a lot longer for the little scrapes and bruises to go away and anything on my feet...and I haven't been able to walk for any distance for about 2 weeks now...

AH Sandi, um, not to be personal, but I think you can relate to my WHINE:

GETTING OLD IS HELL. (at least it is for some of us Oldies but Goldies)

Thanks for your post.


PS. I guess I wont' be sending YOU the video, OK? HA!
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Old July 17, 2007, 10:49 PM
Sandi Bowman
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Default Re: MORE under the radar people...they do FLY LOW and Collect Dough...who knew?

Gordon, as my sister is fond of saying: "Getting old isn't for wimps!" I agree!

Sandi Bowman
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Old July 18, 2007, 05:35 AM
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Default Re: MORE under the radar people...they do FLY LOW and Collect Dough...who knew?

You're not getting older, you're getting Better.

You Know You're Getting Old When...

Try "twisting"...

How many do you remember? (down that page) into some Fresh business ideas!


Last edited by Phil : July 18, 2007 at 05:48 AM. Reason: additional info
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Old July 18, 2007, 06:46 AM
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Default My Favorite Spider


Thanks for mentioning Spiders.

Down here in Oz we have a Plethora of Huntsman and they can be darn fast when you try to Get them.

My favorite spider, however, is the Jumping Spider. I love these guys. I can sit and watch them for ages, as they move around a plant, jumping from leaf to leaf. And when you go near one they don't run. The turn and face you and if you come too close, they slowly back away or move around, but always face you - or your hand.

Even though the Wikipedia entry says they are distinguished by their eyes, *I* always distinguish them by their body shape. They are Cool.

Michael Ross
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