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Old October 6, 2008, 04:05 PM
Posts: n/a
Default I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

I one of my biz's I go through an enormous amount of frustration, predictably, 3 times a year.

My prospective customers do not call me back. There's nothing unusual about that in itself -- but here's the crazy thing... even

-- my previous customers (who are overjoyed with my service, etc.),


-- very HOT prospects who have shown a definite interest (have raised there hand)

DO NOT CALL ME BACK. Even ones who've I've become pals with do not call me back -- even when I ask them to call me back "EITHER WAY" (to tell me no or yes).

Analogy: You take the time + expense to send out 100 wedding invitations. 20 people send an rsvp card that says NO -- and 20 people send a card that says YES.

Now, how many people are coming? Answer: YOU HAVE NO IDEA! Because 60 people didn't say anything!

After a while of this, I get the feeling these people are making me CHOOSE between making money at this, and retaining my own SANITY!

I don't mind being told NO. It's not being told one way or the other that forces me to make 10-million calls -- thus driving me battty.

Now, you may say the solution is to merely DROP any prospect who doesn't return calls. Or even to drop the entire business. Neither of those options will work right now, unfortunately -- I need the "eggs."

I have a way to solve the problem -- but it would require LAYING IT ON THE LINE + explaining the problem to the prospects in a 'lifting the curtain' BLUNT WAY -- that may seem unprofessional + scare away more people than it attracts.

I feel I must TRAIN the prospects to treat me with more respect or something. I'm getting Willie Lowman syndrome over here.

Any ideas out there? It's driving me 'buggy!'

-- TW
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Old October 6, 2008, 05:57 PM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

TW, why would you expect them to call you back? If they contacted you once, then it is YOUR responsibility to keep trying until you get through to them. You're putting your prospects on the spot. They're afraid that, by calling you back, you'll assume they want something they may not once they have more info. Safer not to call or respond than to be badgered by someone who may or may not be you. It's fear, plain and simple. I'm assuming you're using a toll free number, right? If not, they may be afraid it's one of those routed to the moon, the Caribbean, or some place that's going to cost them a few thousand to call.

You might examine the content of your message/request and see if it strikes people wrong in some way. Test it out on friends, family, even strangers you meet...but test it. It may be in the way it is worded or sounds to them...not the way you mean it, even. Something is wrong, that's for test, test, test! BTW: have the testers READ the message, as your recipients would, so your voice inflections don't influence their perception of the message.

One other thing: do you have enough lines and operators so they don't get busy signals constantly? You could have call waiting to test this out or just put them through to a voice mailbox asking that they tell you a time/date (as applicable) to call them back in addition to the usual.

Have you offered an incentive for them to call you? People love to be rewarded.

Good luck!

Sandi Bowman

Last edited by Sandi Bowman : October 6, 2008 at 06:08 PM. Reason: Another thought to ponder.
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Old October 6, 2008, 07:39 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Bit more info please...


Thanks for keeping sane.

Of those who You call back, how many then go ahead - as a percentage?

Of those who go ahead after your call, what was the Excuse they used when they said "I'd have called you back earlier but..."?

Have you tried not calling back and seeing if the Eventual Call Backs are the same in number, as those who you call back and end up going ahead?

Why is this only 3 times per year?

When you call them back, what do you say?

Rule # 4: People don't call back to tell you No. One, it costs them time/money to do so and they can't be stuffed. Two, they don't want to be pressured into a Yes. Three, they don't like the hassle of doing it when it's easier to do nothing. Four, doing so is Low down on their Priority List and then they just plain old forget - and after long enough, if they remember, they figure there's no point cause you take their lack of call as a No anyway.

What service is it you're offering?

Michael Ross
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Old October 6, 2008, 09:09 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

Hi Michael...

Here are some answers...

Of those who You call back, how many then go ahead - as a percentage?
>>>>>>>>>>>> It's a very high %.

Of those who go ahead after your call, what was the Excuse they used when they said "I'd have called you back earlier but..."?
>>>>>>>>>>> No excuses given, really. I try to gloss over it + not make 'em feel guilty.

Have you tried not calling back and seeing if the Eventual Call Backs are the same in number, as those who you call back and end up going ahead?
>>>>>>>>> No, I haven't tried that leap of faith.

Why is this only 3 times per year?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Seasonal biz. The urgency is that it involves booking specific DATES -- and once those dates come + go, that 'inventory' is GONE.

When you call them back, what do you say?
>>>>>>>>>>> If I actually reach them (not their voicemail), I don't make any reference to the 12-billion attempts to reach them that have preceded the call.

Rule # 4: People don't call back to tell you No. One, it costs them time/money to do so and they can't be stuffed. Two, they don't want to be pressured into a Yes. Three, they don't like the hassle of doing it when it's easier to do nothing. Four, doing so is Low down on their Priority List and then they just plain old forget - and after long enough, if they remember, they figure there's no point cause you take their lack of call as a No anyway.

>>>>>>>>>>>> YES! YES! This is the problem. They think they are conveying the msg of "NO" via not calling back. And that makes sense, and it would be ok -- except... except... NO ONE CALLS BACK, even the one's who eventaully DO sign up -- even the ones who WANT to sign up. So, from my side of the counter, them not calling me back is NOT conveying ANY message (yes OR no). That's what I must amke clear to them -- "Not calling me back does NOT convey the message of "NO."

That's why I came up with the wedding invitation analogy (rsvp concept). -- If you send out 100 invitations, and 20 people say no and 20 people say yes -- who many people are coming? Answer: THERE'S NO WAY OF TELLING! (cuz 60 people said nothing!). Maybe I need to SAY THAT to all prospects when I DO talk to them.

Like I said, I'm FINE with prospects not calling me back -- But the ones who DID raise their hand?!? The previous customers who I've become 'pals' with?!? Even when I leave msgs saying call me back EITHER WAY, PLEASE" ?!?

Here's the most mind-boggling example (just one of DOZENS) -- a customer who I got to know very well because the job involved traveling to his area and spending 2 full weeks with him -- I did this 2-weeks each, for 2 years in a row. Had dinner out a few times with his family -- even went to his home a few times -- I also did some extra favors for him. We became pals. I've emailed him a few times since then -- he's responded to the emails (just friendly stuff) Now the question comes up about whether he wants to do it again this year -- responses to emails + calls? ZERO.

I cannot figure it out. In cases like this (and there are many), it would appear to push the just-plain-courtesy envelope.

What service is it you're offering?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd rather not disclose that here (don't worry, it's nothing illegal or immoral).

I don't mind biz relationships where I must keep 95% of the initiative -- I don't even mind providing 98% of the initiative. But when I must provide 100% of the initiative -- even with previous customers + people who have expressed an interest, etc. -- that's where the Willie Lowman / Glen Gary Glen Ross thing kicks in.

I don't mind rolling the boulder up the hill 3x a year.

But -- does it always have to be from ground ZERO every time -- even after being at this for 15 years?!?!?!


There must be some way to train them to RSVP.
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Old October 6, 2008, 09:24 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Sandy -- Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

TW, why would you expect them to call you back? If they contacted you once, then it is YOUR responsibility to keep trying until you get through to them. You're putting your prospects on the spot. They're afraid that, by calling you back, you'll assume they want something they may not once they have more info. Safer not to call or respond than to be badgered by someone who may or may not be you. It's fear, plain and simple.

>>>>>>>>>>> I've tried setting up different email addrs so they could respond without the fear of having me twist their arm, etc. Like, NotThisTime@[], and Maybe@, and YES@, etc.

Still no luck (actually some responses, but not enough).

I'm assuming you're using a toll free number, right?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Yes.

You might examine the content of your message/request and see if it strikes people wrong in some way. Test it out on friends, family, even strangers you meet...but test it. It may be in the way it is worded or sounds to them...not the way you mean it, even. Something is wrong, that's for test, test, test! BTW: have the testers READ the message, as your recipients would, so your voice inflections don't influence their perception of the message.
>>>>>>>>>>> That sounds like a good idea. Thanks.

One other thing: do you have enough lines and operators so they don't get busy signals constantly? You could have call waiting to test this out or just put them through to a voice mailbox asking that they tell you a time/date (as applicable) to call them back in addition to the usual.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Oh my yes! There's plenty of open lines! That's the problem!

Have you offered an incentive for them to call you? People love to be rewarded.
>>>>>>>>>>> No, I haven't -- that's a good idea too.

Main thing I must do is get across the idea that not replying is NOT conveying a message of "no." (because even the people who DO eventually end up signing up ALSO do not return calls.

Overall I must figure out a way to make (only) 112 million calls, instead of the 790-million calls that is now required! Each individual 'chase' isn't that bad, but when it is MULTIPLIED by the # of prospects on the list(s), the chore becomes MONUMENTAL! I must find a way to make each lead aware of that. Maybe I can say, that by responding -- even if it's a NO, they are contributing to the 'cause' and keeping the overall price lower for those that Do sign up. BTW, it IS a 'cause' related topic, so each lead is devoted to the cause, even if they don't sign up -- so they MIGHT respond to that angle (responding keeps the cost low for those who DO sign up. etc.).

-- TW

PS: Sorry if this all seems like a rant -- but it's all getting to me mentally -- I can see why ol' Willie Lowman cracked up.

Good luck!

Sandi Bowman
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Old October 6, 2008, 11:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Ethical BRIBES Gets My Clients & Prospects to CALL & BUY

Dear TW,

Thanks for sharing the frustration almost all of us Entrepreneurs in business feel.

I avoid the whole mess.

(All together now - say, "THANK YOU, Gary Halbert.")

STEP I - I ask my customers and prospects which ones of a List of BRIBES they would like best.

And "YES" - I bribe them to answer my Bribe Questionnaire!

STEP II - Then when I need A YES or NO or Their OPINION on something - I BRIBE them with Stuff they REALLY DO WANT.

STEP III - I do this for clients too.

A food store owner complained that people he hadn't SEEN in 5 YEARS came in to buy a Candy bar. - JUST so they could turn in the postcard and get a chance at the Raffle item.

In S. Carolina the vote was for a COLOR TV or a 4 Speaker Truck STEREO System

But he Shut up when his s ales that month MUSHROOMED by 42%!

Glenn Osborn

[email protected]

P.S. - Email me - maybe one or more of the Dozens of BRIBES I have found over the years - will work for you. They don't cost much. Cuz they are mostly INFORMATION BRIBES.
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Old October 7, 2008, 02:50 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

You could send out whatever through direct mail etc., and Think that your communications are top notch with followup and doing business by phone...

But most could probably use some help and expertise in certain areas of business if they're looking for positive results...

I wouldn't be surprised if that's part of TW's problem...

As I've recommended many times before...

Learn from the Best in the business when you require particular knowledge...

In this case...

Art Sobczak's...

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Old October 10, 2008, 07:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Good solution -- or dumb-dumb idea?...

Ok -- here's my plan... tell me what you think of it...

When I have them on the phone + they say, call me back in 2 months, etc., I'll go through this script...

Before I say I'll call you back then, can I ask you a few questions?

I see you cannot make a decision at this point, and that makes sense -- but let me ask you this... at this point, how would you rate your interest level -- low, medium, or high?

Even though you are not signing up now -- and I understand you may end up not signing up -- we are entering into a kind of business relationship... does that scare you?

In this business relationship, do you want me to pay attention to -- and respond to -- emails you send me?

Do you want me to return any phone calls you make to me?




Maybe that routine will make them realize that -- in order to be in a TWO WAY biz relationship -- they have to respect me as well as me respecting them.

What do you all think?

I'd love to know.

-- TW

PS: Again, I don't have a problem with totally COLD prospects ignoring me -- it's the ones who EXPRESSED AN INTEREST and/or OVERJOYED PREVIOUS CUSTOMERS who ignore me that boggles my mind. The warm-hot prospects.
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Old October 10, 2008, 08:24 AM
Sandi Bowman
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

TW, in all honesty, you're trying to script something that should be much more natural and spontaneous. You're not establishing a FRIENDLY relationship with your prospect and that is probably what's killing their interest in responding. People need to relate and respond to you and your personality. Until you show a GENUINE interest in them, they could care less about your goals or product.

Years ago the telephone company tried scripting everything and it came off very stilted and inappropriate. Customers complained loudly (as did the reps, as I well know). It just doesn't work. Try relaxing and responding to each individual as an interesting and unique person in their own right and stop pigeonholing people.

You play the part of the customer and have someone read what you wrote in your script as their response to your inquiry and you'll (hopefully) see what I mean.

You might consider getting some good sales training or reading some top notch books on salesmanship. I'm not talking the 'hail fellow well met' and 'I'm the greatest' type either...avoid them like the plague they are. You might try to find a copy of "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie in your library or through their lending library system for a starter. Other good ones are anything written by Harvey MacKay or Zig Ziglar.

Just relax a bit and be yourself and let people respond to you and you to them. Nothing in life is perfect and that's okay. Perfection is for the Gods, not for human beings (tho' it's great to strive for perfection). Striving too hard to put everything into a cubby hole is self-defeating. Relax!

Good luck!
Sandi Bowman
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Old October 10, 2008, 09:44 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Proven Script That Built 3 Companies Gets Selling HOT BUTTONS

Dear TW,


You might use a few proven Script Questions to Find Out What each person WANTS. Then give it to them.

For example:

Please answer these 3 Hot Button Questions. Then I'll Adapt Your Answers to show you how to use Hot Buttons to link what THEY WANT to what you Sell.

- I learned How to Do This from a mentor - named Walter Hailey - who started, took public and sold 4 companies grossing 3 billion in sales.

QUESTION #1 - What do You ENJOY Most about the idea of turning Warm/hot Prospects into RED HOT Customers?

Q #2 - What do you DISLIKE Most about Losing OVERJOYED PREVIOUS CUSTOMERS?

Q #3 - IF You Had a MAGIC WAND and Could FIX This, what do you Want Previous Customers and Warm/hot prospects to do?



Please gimme your answers to the above 3 Hot Button Script Questions. And I'll show you how to LINK your answers back to something you want to sell them.

Based on what THEY think is IMPORTANT. Not what you think.


P.S. - Once I know EXACTLY what you want your PREVIOUS Customers and Warm prospects to do. Then I'll write a script -RIGHT HERE- you can Test with your recalcitrant clients.

100's of my customers make MUNNY with variations of this Hot Button process.

Should work for you too.

-- TW

PS: Again, I don't have a problem with totally COLD prospects ignoring me -- it's the ones who EXPRESSED AN INTEREST and/or OVERJOYED PREVIOUS CUSTOMERS who ignore me that boggles my mind. The warm-hot prospects.[/quote]
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