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Old October 10, 2008, 09:59 AM
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Default Sandi...

ALL good sales trainers tell you to absolutely, positively script your pitch.

Main reason: If you make many, many pitches, you end up 'scripting' them any way (a habit evolves any way) -- better to 'evolve' the script consciously than to have it evolve 'by itself.'

You check out sales training stuff, you'll see what I'm saying is true.


-- TW
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Old October 10, 2008, 10:54 AM
Sandi Bowman
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

Tw, your information is out-dated, sorry to say. A script is only useful for training and learning the information, not for use in the field. Use in the field is passe' and largely ineffective. From one who has sold large and small ticket items for more years than I wish to count...and won awards in the process. I've also been a professional sales trainer and the results speak for themselves, TW.

Sandi Bowman
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Old October 10, 2008, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

Every word of every movie you see is scripted... and yet...
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Old October 10, 2008, 03:23 PM
Sandi Bowman
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

The best movies have portions that were spontaneous changes that made the movie more real and believable to the audience. Jimmy Stewart was a master of improvisation when filming. Ask my husband...he used to play in westerns.

If you enjoy chatting with robots, and your customers do, too, then follow your scripts to the letter and see what happens. Odds are they won't like your experience should prove to you. Scripts are for LEARNING THE FACTS so you can present the information, and sell, based on your customer's reactions and interests in a spontaneous, friendly, non-threatening manner...period.

Here endeth my input on this. No sense wasting my time on folks who aren't willing to learn from those who've been there, done that. I think you have real potential, TW, but you really need to get rid of your prejudices first.

Sandi Bowman
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Old October 10, 2008, 04:04 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

Originally Posted by -TW View Post
Every word of every movie you see is scripted... and yet...
Hi TW,

I think what Sandi is getting at is that people can "sense" when someone is speaking strictly from a script.

As you know, I'm sure, sales is in part about creating rapport with the customer. In order to do that, you have to have freedom to change what you say - to empathize with them when you need to, and to make light-hearted jokes when you need to. (Each person would do it differently, depending on their personality.)

So good salespeople make it "natural" - they "customize" what they say to fit the person on the other end of the phone line.

You can use a script as a guideline, of course. But I'd use it as a starting point. The goal is not to follow a script, the goal is to make the sale - and sometimes to make the sale, you have to deviate from the script.

I'm pretty sure that's probably what Sandi is getting at. (I have some selling experience too, though not as much as many of the sales experts here!)

By the way, the script you wrote initially sounds to me to be a bit too confrontational. In my opinion, being too confrontational doesn't usually work on the phone, since it makes people uncomfortable and they will just hang up.

In contrast, Glenn's script questions are non-threatening and non-confrontational, and in my opinion that type of approach would probably get a better response.

The only way to know for sure if it will work is to test it!

Best wishes,


Last edited by Dien Rice : October 10, 2008 at 04:18 PM. Reason: Additional info
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Old October 10, 2008, 05:43 PM
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

Thanks TW.

I second Dien's recommendation of Glenn. He can be cryptic sometimes (which I think he uses as a barrier to get rid of boring folks), but his stuff is awesome. And his phrases help sell better.

Do take him up on his offer to help.

Don Alm's submarine technique of forming questions that help you close prospects is also good. You could ask him about it too (he has a report on it - but not sure if he still sells it or not. I think that Steve Shulenski has resale rights to it though...)

Last edited by Ankesh : October 11, 2008 at 01:53 AM.
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Old October 10, 2008, 05:52 PM
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Default That won't work - you can try it - but - it won't work


Thanks for asking some more.

What do I think?

I wouldn't get to the end of this call. I would've hung up - and - made a mental note to NOT use your services again.

The problem is... you are trying to get them to give a flying farangi about you and your need to have closure of some kind. And that Ain't gonna happen in a month of Sundays. And you'll go crazy trying to make it happen - crazy like the photographer who tried to get a closeup of the horizon.

People care about themselves - not you and your wants. They are unreliable to others. They do not do/mean what they say nor say what they mean. They tell lies (ever sold a car... I'll come around, and what happens?). They have no respect for other people's property (ever lent a tool? got any dings from shopping carts and a note was left?). They are oblivious to what is going on around them (see people Stop at the top of escalators). Etc., Etc.

I doesn't matter what Flash was going through their head when they put up their hand and expressed their interest. It doesn't matter if they are past customers. It doesn't matter if you go to each others house for BBQ or meet once a week for Hot Chocolate at Denny's Diner. None of that matters.

And you need to learn to Let Go. Sure it's frustrating as heck - specially considering it's putting food on your table. But if it wasn't putting food on your table, you wouldn't be so... Desperate... to Make Them come to your way of doing things, would you? Let's face it... if you were on Hourly Rate your care factor would be zero. On hourly rate you'd still make the calls or whatever, because that's your job. But your vocal tonality would be different. Your sense of desperation/frustration would not be there. You'd be more neutral.

You want a script for past customers? Use this...

It's TW the xxxxxx. It's been 6 months since you last had yyyyyy and you're due again. Would like to schedule another service or wait another six months?

Now, despite claims of Make The Sale cause all you'll get in 6 months is another No... this gives them an Out. An out they can use back at you without needing to give a reason why, make up BS or just dodge the issue. (The same basic Script can be used in a Reminder Letter. But with a letter, just let them know they are due again and IF they think they need another service, to give you a call.

Dear Bob,

This is a friendly reminder letter to let you know your xxxxx is due again. If you think they need servicing again, please call me on 555-5555 to make an appointment.



I don't use tricks to make it appear urgent. Like... spots are filling fast so call me as soon as you see this or you may miss out. I don't use them because... I don't want them used on me, because we all know it's complete BS. (Same reason I give an out on the phone - because I don't want someone trying to get me to make a firm commitment right there and then.)

Michael Ross
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Old October 10, 2008, 11:50 PM
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Default Re: I go through this horse manure 3x per year -- any suggestions?...

At the risk of seeming like my teacup is too full (I know, I know -- too late)...

Some of you are missing the point (or I am).

I'm not looking for sales techniques (although I, of course, want to end p with more sales). I'm merely looking for ways to ensure that I get respected. I don't really mind if it seems a wee bit confrontational. I want to make them see it's a two way street. If my process for doing so scares some of them away, so be it -- at least I won't have to spend so much on therapy. I'd rather starve to death than continue to relinquish my own dignity + sanity. There must be some way to get my point across to them.

Think of the oft-told tale of the Australian dentist, etc. etc. He found a way to plow under the jokers + time-wasters, etc. And everyone was better off for it.

There must be some way to accomplish that, politely, in this case! I will be a disrespected doormat no more.

Again, please keep in mind this is only about the INTERESTED prospects and the overjoyed previous customers. I must train them to RSVP at all costs! I must find a way to make them retain at least 2% of the initiative. Just enough to keep me sane.

-- TW
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Old October 11, 2008, 12:00 AM
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Default Michael -- that's basically what I do...

But let's say Mr. Skjgklghgj DOES respond, and we chat + he's very interested (seemingly perfectly sincerely)... then it (soon enough) becomes impossible to get him to return calls + emails (no I don't launch dozens, etc.). What then?

Well, you might say, just ditch that lead, etc.

But that's the problem -- 99% of my leads are like that. Even the ones who DO end up signing up. The initiative on their side of the playing field is ZERO. Not near zero... ZERO!

I understand 'they' only care about themselves. I have no problem with that. But when THEY express interest (presumably because what I offer DOES give them what THEY want), then have crossed the line into 'hot' territory. But then they don't ACT hot, in terms of returning call(s).

There must be SOME way to set the groundrules about how the (THIS) biz relationship will be conducted. -- Even if those rules are not the normal rules they're used to (see again the case of the Australia dentist).


-- TW
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Old October 11, 2008, 12:05 AM
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Default Thanks Glenn -- maybe I'll take you up on that... but...

I'm not really having a problem identifying what the cust's want. I'm not having trouble convincing them that I have their solution.

That's all sales stuff.

I'm trying to improve the GAME (the selling INFRASTRUCTURE itself).

I have the right music + lyrics.

I'm trying to improve (or redefine or reinvent) the DANCE.

All I'm trying to do is train them to RSVP.

That's all.


-- TW
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