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Old December 15, 2008, 03:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: It's time for those 2009 Trend predictions... Share your Secrets...

Guess what "J.O.B." is MOST WANTED in the U.S.of our collapsing economy (according to AOL and USA Today)?????

Yup! "SALES"! BOTH "Inside and Outside" SALES!


Because, without "Sales"....NOTHING HAPPENS! NOTHING MOVES! Products and services do NOT get SOLD!

So...once again, "US Salespeople" will not only survive but THRIVE! Even if this thing turns into a full-blown Depression.

When I started my first job out of was with General Electric Corp. I was an "engineer" being paid a "pittance" compared to the "Sales" Engineers.

So....I applied for the "Sales" engineer job that came available and discovered that I LOVED "Selling Stuff" decided that if I could "Sell" for a giant corp....why couldn't I "sell" for MYSELF?

So...after doing much research and looking for a "Business" I could start, I found a company in Florida that had a "New-Type" of Home Burglar Alarm.

So...I bought their "Starter Kit" and set up my new business...which involved "Selling" Burglar Alarms to Home Owners....which I could do in the evening....and keep my "Day Job".

Well...after a few weeks of trying to "sell" my Home Alarm....I had made a few presentations BUT, NO "Sales"....although I "felt" I was getting closer and getting better...with each presentation. evening, when I was about to "call it quits"....I gave a presentation to a dentist and when I showed him my estimate....he said, "OK! When can you start?"

You could have blown me over with a feather!

I was packing up my kit and getting ready to say, "Good Bye! Thanks for your time!"....and because I was expecting a "No!"....I didn't hear his Agreement....and he had to repeat himself, "Hey Don! WHEN can you start?"

Holy Schamoly! My FIRST order! My pen was shaking as I was filling in the spaces on my Order Form. I was installing my first alarm on a Saturday....TWO Neighbors came over and asked if I'd come over and "give them an estimate". Which I did and which turned into 2 more installations and those turned into a few more and I then decided that "SALES" was for me...and I gave my 2-week notice to GE and NEVER LOOKED BACK. matter what you folks hear from matter how bad you hear the economy is doing.....if you have a "Knack" for "Sales" will do OK!

Don Alm....."Sales"man
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Old December 16, 2008, 06:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default 2009 Trend predictions-Watch & Imitate Warren Buffet

Dear Don,

Thanks for the reminder that SalesPeople Always do well in recessions and depressions.

Like this Salesman who has successfully sold an apple for 305.00!! A1318

I have dozens of apple trees in my yard.

And these kinds of ODD Apples are very common. So my hat's of to this fella.


***While listening to a mentor who makes 1 million a month - I heard him say, "Bill Gates sells software but it's actually INFORMATION. You wanna IMITATE Bill.

***This got me thinking. I've seen lists of the worlds richest people. 6 of 10 are in some form of information sales. Newspapers/magazines - Video-games, Movie-CD's-Media, Advertising

***AND - Recently Warren Buffet - who already owns SEE's Candy. Invested billions into a JV deal with Mars Candy to purchase a 2nd candy company - Wrigley. Just Before Our Current Depression-REcession HIT...

My Dad is 88. Lived thru the 1930's depression.

He remembers getting a 5 cent Chocolate Bar once a week. (All his family could afford.) But they DID buy candy no matter what.

It's common knowledge that candy companies THRIVE during Bad Economic times...


I found a Healthy - Addictive Chocolate source.

Started sending out "Addictive Chocolate" samples in Tupperware containers.
As a PROVE-it-to-myself Test.

Son of a gun.

I've sold over 14,421.00 of chocolate - part time - from home in 60 days.

Turns out it WAS Good Advice to imitate
the Super Rich.


P.S. - INFOrmation Sales. I did that too. I wrote a 78 page book, "How to Give Away Chocolate for Profit From Home."

Here's the link to a F-r-e-e Copy of that (normally costs 39.00) CHOCOLATE MUNNY Book.

ENJOY a Happy Holiday PRIZE on me:

************************************************** ***
Chocolate Munny Jar / Chocolate Munny From Home
************************************************** ***
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Old December 16, 2008, 07:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: It's time for those 2009 Trend predictions... Share your Secrets...

I agree your ideas

Last edited by jaymiehu : December 16, 2008 at 07:34 PM. Reason: to show signature
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Old December 16, 2008, 07:37 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: It's time for those 2009 Trend predictions... Share your Secrets...

I am kind of lost, what we should do for the worse time

Last edited by MichaelRoss : December 17, 2008 at 04:57 AM.
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Old December 16, 2008, 09:22 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Chocolate

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear Don,

Thanks for the reminder that SalesPeople Always do well in recessions and depressions.

Like this Salesman who has successfully sold an apple for 305.00!! A1318

I have dozens of apple trees in my yard.

And these kinds of ODD Apples are very common. So my hat's of to this fella.


***While listening to a mentor who makes 1 million a month - I heard him say, "Bill Gates sells software but it's actually INFORMATION. You wanna IMITATE Bill.

***This got me thinking. I've seen lists of the worlds richest people. 6 of 10 are in some form of information sales. Newspapers/magazines - Video-games, Movie-CD's-Media, Advertising

***AND - Recently Warren Buffet - who already owns SEE's Candy. Invested billions into a JV deal with Mars Candy to purchase a 2nd candy company - Wrigley. Just Before Our Current Depression-REcession HIT...

My Dad is 88. Lived thru the 1930's depression.

He remembers getting a 5 cent Chocolate Bar once a week. (All his family could afford.) But they DID buy candy no matter what.

It's common knowledge that candy companies THRIVE during Bad Economic times...


I found a Healthy - Addictive Chocolate source.

Started sending out "Addictive Chocolate" samples in Tupperware containers.
As a PROVE-it-to-myself Test.

Son of a gun.

I've sold over 14,421.00 of chocolate - part time - from home in 60 days.

Turns out it WAS Good Advice to imitate
the Super Rich.


P.S. - INFOrmation Sales. I did that too. I wrote a 78 page book, "How to Give Away Chocolate for Profit From Home."

Here's the link to a F-r-e-e Copy of that (normally costs 39.00) CHOCOLATE MUNNY Book.

ENJOY a Happy Holiday PRIZE on me:

************************************************** ***
Chocolate Munny Jar / Chocolate Munny From Home
************************************************** ***

Dear Glenn,

Thank you for bringing up CHOCOLATE!

Unfortunately, the wife HATES dark chocolate and
wouldn't even try the sample.

I thought that the chocolate was Great, but it's a bit
on the Expensive side.

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Old December 16, 2008, 10:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 3 Other People Who Said "NO" to Chocolate

Dear Chris,

Thanks for telling me about the Wife.

She is in the minority if she dislikes chocolate.

Part of selling is not taking it personally when prospects say, "NO."

a - An affluent prospect in FL asked for a F-r-e-e sample. Then said it was too expensive. Keeps sending me links to Cheap, sugar candy chocolate.

b - Another lady sent me a 200.00 gift - after I sent her a chocolate sample. Said she loved it. Never bought more. I'm scratching my head on this one.

c - A woman ate up samples from me for 2 weeks. Said her blood pressure dropped 40 points. But then she claimed she couldn't afford to order any chocolate. Doctors visits alone are costing her many times what she'd spend.

Oh well. Can't please them all.

I've been tipping waitresses with Chocolate too.

I was startled - at 1st when A dozen women said, "I hate chocolate." But they saved me from throwing away my samples. So I say, "Thanks for telling me. I won't give you any."

You should see their faces when the gals around them pipe up and say, "I LIKE Chocolate!" And I give it to them instead.

Since THIS stuff tastes like Godiva level chocolate.

Yet has no refined sugar or milk in it.

All I'm doing is finding Choco-holics - and switching them to something HEALTHY they can eat and not get fat from.

So those who say, "NO" save me time & chocolate samples.

Like your wife.

Don't waste any of the chocolate I sent you on her, OK?


P.S. - What did your kids think of the Chocolate samples I sent you?
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Old December 19, 2008, 12:32 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Funny name on the wrapper...

Dear Glenn,

Thank you for ASKing about My Kids.

My Son, Mikey, Likes it.
My daughter, on the other hand, didn't really
enjoy it like I would have expected Her to...

Funny thing on trying to offer other people
to try it, one person actually said,
"I won't eat ANYTHING that I can't spell or pronounce!"

She saw the chocolate square and didn't know how to
say the name on the chocolate wrapper.


Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Dear Chris,

Thanks for telling me about the Wife.

She is in the minority if she dislikes chocolate.

Part of selling is not taking it personally when prospects say, "NO."

a - An affluent prospect in FL asked for a F-r-e-e sample. Then said it was too expensive. Keeps sending me links to Cheap, sugar candy chocolate.

b - Another lady sent me a 200.00 gift - after I sent her a chocolate sample. Said she loved it. Never bought more. I'm scratching my head on this one.

c - A woman ate up samples from me for 2 weeks. Said her blood pressure dropped 40 points. But then she claimed she couldn't afford to order any chocolate. Doctors visits alone are costing her many times what she'd spend.

Oh well. Can't please them all.

I've been tipping waitresses with Chocolate too.

I was startled - at 1st when A dozen women said, "I hate chocolate." But they saved me from throwing away my samples. So I say, "Thanks for telling me. I won't give you any."

You should see their faces when the gals around them pipe up and say, "I LIKE Chocolate!" And I give it to them instead.

Since THIS stuff tastes like Godiva level chocolate.

Yet has no refined sugar or milk in it.

All I'm doing is finding Choco-holics - and switching them to something HEALTHY they can eat and not get fat from.

So those who say, "NO" save me time & chocolate samples.

Like your wife.

Don't waste any of the chocolate I sent you on her, OK?


P.S. - What did your kids think of the Chocolate samples I sent you?
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Old December 19, 2008, 03:38 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Chocolate Seems to Make Women Hyper and Excited

Dear Christopher,

Thanks for that family feedback.

Women seem to have an Emotional Relationship with chocolate. IF you can get the "Healthy Chocolate stuff" in their mouths. TOUCH-DOWN. It sells itself.

I've been tipping waitresses, gas station attendants, food store clerks with "Energy Chocolate".

I don't tell them any brand names.


After 4 or 5 ladies Did Not eat it. Said they'd save it for "later". I started treating women clerks and sales people like I was the Mama Bird and they were the Baby bird.


Stick chocolate in their mouth.

Here's what I say:


They nod, "YEs."

I give a big grin.

Start unwrapping the gold foil and say, "SAY AAAAAHHHH."


"Here it comes. Over the teeth and gums.

And I stick it into her mouth.

Still holding onto the wrapper.

I fed a sales gal 4 pieces one day - and she kept 7 other people waiting while she helped Me.

Great fun.

Good selling practice too.

It helped me realize my biggest problem sending chocolate samples in Tupperware Jars was. Many of my clients and prospects NEVER TASTED THE CHOCOLATE!

I know this cuz I called them on the phone and asked.

I had to Convince them this was not CANDY chocolate. It's got no refined sugar or milk in it at all.

For Best Results 1 on 1 Chris...

I - Eat The "Energy Chocolate" in front of women

II - If she notices or asks you say, "Oh, pardon me. This "Energy chocoalte is so good I forgot my manners."

THEN you give her some. IF she promises to eat it right there.

IF she eat it - she GETS EMOTIONAL and Excited. And wants MORE.

Let me know how you make out.

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Old December 21, 2008, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Trends for the next 10 years

I've never been good with realizing 1 year trends. But here are a few things I think are going to go HOT-HOT-HOT within the next few years.

1. We will crack the code to having wireless electricity for all sorts of devices. (Actually we already have done so in labs. In the next few years, we will see it on the market.)

2. Corollary - we may also see an increase in cancer because of wireless electricity. Or at least a scare - that wireless electricity could cause cancer - and the top scientists will be divided on the issue. (Just like with cellphones.)

And we will see a lot more products like: iation

3. We will see a lot more hybrid and electric cars. I won't be surprised to not find any new fuel based cars being made within 10 years.

We will see gas stations for electric and hybrid cars being standardized. Mostly to the standards set by Better Place:

4. We will finally crack solar energy... how to get it for cheap.

5. Getting your DNA will be the new hot thing. Genetic testing will become huge and cheap too... People will be finding out what diseases you could get based on your DNA code.

Google has already invested in:

6. We will see a decrease in people spending big bucks only because of brand names. The brands will constantly have to innovate like how Nike does it. If they rely on just their historical brand value, they won't do well. But if they invest in R&D - they will.

Example - Speedo with their swimming costumes:

Companies like IceBreaker will do very well.

7. Scientists will finally figure out that we experience taste because of the vibrations of the atoms that are in the food we eat. Which will result in a whole new industry of creating food preservative products without any of their downsides.

We will go nano on food. For eg: scientists will see the type of vibrations atoms in corn syrup have. Then find atoms with similar vibrations and create artificial corn syrup. But without the fattening properties.

Yes - We will be seeing more healthy food products that are made in labs - and eventually - factories.

8. We will see an increase in defense budgets of almost all countries. But we will also see unobtrusive defense products being made.

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Old December 21, 2008, 06:19 PM
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Default Photo Of Tesla Coil Shooting Electricity Thru the Air

Dear Ankesh,

Thanks for the NEW Wire-less electricity info.

Nicola Tesla is mentioned many times in your links.

Tesla invented Radio (Not Marconi) & invented the exact AC current and Alternating current motors we use today.

Then he figured out how to send electricity - without wires - thru the ground - for miles. (It worked. Tesla got light bulbs to light by sticking them into the dirt - 5 miles away from his lab.)


After measuring the vibration frequency of the Earth. He sent power thru the air too at his Colorado test lab. Finding best results High up in the atmosphere - above the ground where the Air did not interfere with power transmission.

Needing Money to fund more research - Tesla wrote an article which got J. Pierpont Morgan to put up 150K for his Wyercliff Tower Project. A cheap method of transferring electric power.

But then the banker discovered that Tesla planned to send electricity thru the air FREE.

So Morgan bankrupted Tesla. Who had a nervous breakdown after he ran out of money.

George Westinghouse stopped paying him. None of Tesla's other partners wanted FREE Electricity or long distance transmission without wires, either.

They wanted to CHARGE for it.

100 years ago Tesla figured it out in his head. Then successfully tested all of this.

Including pulling electricity out of the air and ground. Tesla discovered that electricity is all around us, inside us - everything is made up of electricity.

He thought of the Human body as a "Meat Machine" powered by electricity. One of his machines measured the sudden power spark when an arm muscle was flexed.

Now we come forward 100 years to today.

7 feet vs 5 miles

In your Article links - Modern Scientists sent electromagnetic power 7 feet. By tuning the motor and the light bulb to the same wave length. (Despite what they say I think it dangerous to have Huge amounts of ODD vibrational Electromagnetic energy in the air around us.)

Tesla's electromagnetic energy was SAFE.

HE tuned power supply and receiver to the same EARTH Frequency. We're living inside that frequency already so it's pretty darn safe. Then Sent power many miles with crude equipment.

Have you seen this photo of his Tesla Coil
shooting electricty btwn the coil and the "ground" in Tesla's lab? As long as you wore rubber soled shoes it was safe.


Click for full size - Uploaded with plasq's Skitch

We collect all kinds of WEIRD
Munny making ideas...

Nothing as WEIRD as Tesla, tho...


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