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Old October 30, 2011, 02:06 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Somewhere East of El Paso.

Somewhere East of El Paso

There is a cowgirl in rattlesnake skin boots who knows what I'm talking about (for you copy aficionados)...

A few weeks ago I made an interesting post, as many have said to me, it was a request for a place and a project for a part of my "death bed" recuperation process.

In August, my doctors told me to get my affairs in order. My kidneys shut down, my bowels quit working, my diabetes was out of control...

16 days in and out of the hospital, and with each visit...more and more pills, drugs and "we just don't know" from the medical professionals.

Then one bleary eyed morning a nurse tried to give me the medication for the guy in the next bed...I was the most alert person in the hospital, and I mean that literally, because the nurses and doctors work such long hours to get more days off...anyhow, I stopped her from murdering me..

and told the doctors I was leaving that day...against their opinions...

went home and threw away 9 of the 14 prescription drugs I was on. I kept my insulin, and a couple of heart meds, which I cut in half.

Then I posted here that I needed a retreat and a project, and amazingly, to my and Dien's surprise, I actually got 3 offers that weekend. One I rejected right away because of the location, the second was pending for spouse approval, she vetoed the idea and the third I accepted.

23 days ago I landed in El Paso, TX and was transported to a remote ranch just outside of Carlsbad, NM. It was as if I had been on the Starship Enterprise and was beamed down to an alien and hostile planet.

Hostile? My first day on site, I had to fight off a rattlesnake and black widow spiders. Then skunks, centipedes and the oft talked of but never seen scorpions loomed in my future. YIKES!!

GULP. What had I gotten myself into.

The project my host wanted done was a manual on a small business he had been doing for the last year, a money-maker that fits the bill of fly low and collect the dough, small potatoes, all cash venture.

It took us 21 days, a week ahead of schedule, but there is one of the most complete and detailed manuals on how to make money that I've ever been involved in.

The BOZ averages over 45 dollars an hour cleaning headlights at the local car wash. I've seen him pull in 100 bux in one hour on three jobs, which he charged 30 bucks each for and got 10 dollar tip.

Typically, he can do three an hour, but with me as his APPRENTICE, the bum he picked off the street to help him out (a role I relished)...we were able at times to do 5 cars an hour.

NOW Boz is old and decrepit, lazy, unmotivated. A former crop duster full of adventures and tall tales, he just wanted something to do to get him out of the house..actually, it was his wife who STRONGLY suggested he find something to do in his retirement other than get in her way...

Well, he was driving one night and he thought he was going blind because he couldn't see very far in front of his car. Turns out, his headlights were disgusting and yellow. The plastic lens is coated and the coating melts into the lens from continuous sunlight exposure.

Perhaps you've seen the HYPEY ads on TV for simple and easy to use products to clean your lenses...just more marketing Bull Sh*t you see, cause the Boz has cleaned many a headlight after these miracle products didn't work.

Over the year he tested several different ways, and through trial and error he came up with his Boz OFF Process which includes sanding, buffing, polishing and sealing, which takes on average about 8 minutes per lens.

He has since perfected his marketing and getting customers, which he does without expense.

He is in this relatively small town and I'm convinced if I took this back to Cuyahoga Falls or back to West Palm Beach, I could easily do 20 cars per day at 30 bux each.

I don't think that is too shabby.

My host, the Boz, was satisfied enough with my work, he asked me to stay on another month and oversee a couple of other projects, which I've agreed to do.

A year ago I was in Asheville, NC, where I met the very lovely and talented daughter of country music legend Marty Robbins...and when I landed in El Paso a little more than 3 weeks ago, I haven't been able to get his song out of my head.

I feel much better, this dry climate and crisp clean air has been good for me. I'm feeling sort of like the Gordon of old, the snidely, sarcastic SOB I'm so beloved for...

And the rattlesnakes, black widows, skunks, scorpions and untold critters of the night, have kept me on toes, also, quite literally and I'm more alert, alive, awake and aware than I have been in months.

If you are seeking a realistic way to earn some money, and are not afraid to leave the house...then you might consider this headlight cleaning business...thanks to TV, people are aware of it and the perceived value has been established and wher Boz is able to command 30 bux a car, you might be able to get 50. The TV ads show a guy charging a 100 bux, so thank you As Seen On TV huckseters for helping out the realistic business guy .

Next month I'll be chatteling,. creating another project and packing for San Diego unless someone wants me to stop by for a couple of weeks (WARM CLIMATES ONLY) and help them develop their own project...other wise, see on the beaches of San Diego friends.

Gordon Jay Alexander aka Student of the Masters, Mr. Chattel,
Snidely WhipAZZ, and "hey you, Sh*tBird....

PS. Hospitals are, in my opinion, no place to be when you are trying to get well. I'll rant about that soon, but for now, stay healthy and do mama used to say..."Son get off your As* and go do something". She died in a hospice after the hospital committed their atrocities (my opinion) on her and sucked thousands of dollars from Medicare and supplemental insurance then cast her out to die. OH, is my attitdude toward big pharm big med showing? Well excuse the hell out of me. Sure, they are miracle workers now and again, but overall, American Healthcare gets a C- at best in my book. We can do much better America...much better.

Last edited by GordonJ : October 30, 2011 at 02:17 PM.
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Old October 31, 2011, 12:33 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Some answers


Thanks, anyone who has experienced health care recently, just as likely comes away with a negative attitude as they do a positive one. Like I said, there are miracle workers, out of 14 doctors I've had tinkering on me...two were outstanding...the doc who did my cataract surgery is World Class...and the heart surgeon who put in my stents gets rave reviews, which puzzles me...a few doctors have marveled at his work which begs the question...

How many of these stents get screwed up? Shouldn't a heart surgeon be able to do good work, at the least?

hey have almost NO unemployment here in Carlsbad, NM. Anyone who wants to work, can find a decent fact they have shortages in some areas, such as diesel mechanics. It is a big mining/oil/gov't town. Almost zero unemployment. Spend about 10 minutes on google and headlight cleaning/headlamp restoration.

There is a franchise for 10,000 dollars all the way down to 1000. They claim to have about 20 locations in ID, Montana, UT.

On car detailing forums, some over 10 years old, I found the average cost of healight cleaning runs from 85 to 225, depending on what hype they sell you.

Yes, I think in a metro area, it would be pretty easy to have multiple locatins with hired help...nothing I'd consider even 1099ers get too messy for me. But, perhaps a training and supply business. HMMMM.

the Boz spent a year experimenting, using all the known techniques and magical elixirs...they just don't work...if you do some research, the best way and most used is the sanding/buffing/polishing method which he has perfected.

When I first came down, we discussed kits, biz-ops, licensing and the Boz didn't want to get bogged down with that...but there is a market for it.

Regarding Franchises...too messy, too much could consider distributorships with an agreement to provide the sauces, pads, etc.

I think a one day workshop in Reno would attract people from the West Coast and they leave with a kit and enough supplies to do a 100 cars might work...charge 1500 bux or so.

Call your local detail shop and get prices. Google and see, 85 dollars is the median, the low end is 35 dollars...anything less than 30 doesn't have perceived value. Again, this is an already established business in the auto after market, the Boz difference is his MOBILITY and he goes to the people.

May I suggest you get the manual and then call me with your questions, be more than glad to help you if you think you want to set up remote or absentee locations.

There are people getting 100 to 200 bux for a service...and they have 5 dollars in supplies and a half hour of labor.

At 30 bux a pop, we've had NO resistance and more sales than when he was charging 20, before I got here and told him to immediately raise his prices.

Thanks for asking, don't be surprised if the caustic old fart himself replies to your message, proclaiming himself KING of the headlight biz...HA!


Anyhow, thought I'd lay all this out this morning to see if we can get a discussion going on this biz opp and its potential. Hell, anyone interested probably should use Boz's manual as the blueprint. That way he makes a few bucks and the franchisors make a few bucks. A win-win all around.

Again, God bless and continue to get healthier.


Last edited by GordonJ : October 31, 2011 at 01:18 PM.
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Old October 31, 2011, 01:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Somewhere East of El Paso.

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post
Quote from another source, within sandalwood's post.
Clean the inside of the lens with the baking soda and water mixture. Rinse well and be sure the lens is thoroughly dry before re-installing it in the car.

This statement tells me that whoever wrote it has never cleaned a headlight. The modern plastic headlight assembly is a sealed unit and can't be taken apart without destroying it. If the unit has leaked and is dirty on the inside, that's it. Replace it or live with it.

Also, the whole baking soda thing is 'sound good' BS. For $12 you can buy a bottle of professional abrasive compound that will clean a hundred pairs of headlights.

I've cleaned dozens of lenses that have been 'cleaned' by kits or homemade BS like the above. All those kits and methods do is make it easier for me to sell my service. Thanks TV guy! Thanks internet BS!

Last edited by Bozo : October 31, 2011 at 01:08 PM. Reason: Fixed quote.
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Old October 31, 2011, 01:24 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default I screwed up again...posted over Tom's message, sorry.

Originally Posted by sandalwood View Post

Thanks, anyone who has experienced health care recently, just as likely comes away with a negative attitude as they do a positive one. Like I said, there are miracle workers, out of 14 doctors I've had tinkering on me...two were outstanding...the doc who did my cataract surgery is World Class...and the heart surgeon who put in my stents gets rave reviews, which puzzles me...a few doctors have marveled at his work which begs the question...

How many of these stents get screwed up? Shouldn't a heart surgeon be able to do good work, at the least?

hey have almost NO unemployment here in Carlsbad, NM. Anyone who wants to work, can find a decent fact they have shortages in some areas, such as diesel mechanics. It is a big mining/oil/gov't town. Almost zero unemployment. Spend about 10 minutes on google and headlight cleaning/headlamp restoration.

There is a franchise for 10,000 dollars all the way down to 1000. They claim to have about 20 locations in ID, Montana, UT.

On car detailing forums, some over 10 years old, I found the average cost of healight cleaning runs from 85 to 225, depending on what hype they sell you.

Yes, I think in a metro area, it would be pretty easy to have multiple locatins with hired help...nothing I'd consider even 1099ers get too messy for me. But, perhaps a training and supply business. HMMMM.

the Boz spent a year experimenting, using all the known techniques and magical elixirs...they just don't work...if you do some research, the best way and most used is the sanding/buffing/polishing method which he has perfected.

When I first came down, we discussed kits, biz-ops, licensing and the Boz didn't want to get bogged down with that...but there is a market for it.

Regarding Franchises...too messy, too much could consider distributorships with an agreement to provide the sauces, pads, etc.

I think a one day workshop in Reno would attract people from the West Coast and they leave with a kit and enough supplies to do a 100 cars might work...charge 1500 bux or so.

Call your local detail shop and get prices. Google and see, 85 dollars is the median, the low end is 35 dollars...anything less than 30 doesn't have perceived value. Again, this is an already established business in the auto after market, the Boz difference is his MOBILITY and he goes to the people.

May I suggest you get the manual and then call me with your questions, be more than glad to help you if you think you want to set up remote or absentee locations.

There are people getting 100 to 200 bux for a service...and they have 5 dollars in supplies and a half hour of labor.

At 30 bux a pop, we've had NO resistance and more sales than when he was charging 20, before I got here and told him to immediately raise his prices.

Thanks for asking, don't be surprised if the caustic old fart himself replies to your message, proclaiming himself KING of the headlight biz...HA!


Anyhow, thought I'd lay all this out this morning to see if we can get a discussion going on this biz opp and its potential. Hell, anyone interested probably should use Boz's manual as the blueprint. That way he makes a few bucks and the franchisors make a few bucks. A win-win all around.

Again, God bless and continue to get healthier.

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Old October 31, 2011, 01:35 PM
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Default I've found the post overwrite problem

Could be the problem?
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Old October 31, 2011, 02:41 PM
Richard Dennis
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Default Re: I've found the post overwrite problem

It's the world's #1 cosmopolitan man:

A guy from Cuyahoga Falls drinking 3 Coronas, somewhere east of El Paso, wearing a "San Diego" t-shirt.

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Old October 31, 2011, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: Somewhere East of El Paso.

Fantastic! All I had to do is make a post and I learned a bunch. First, the headlights in modern vehicles. Yep, absolutely true. My son was an auto body man, auto painter 10 years ago. He said the same thing as Boz about headlights getting crappola on the inside.

Second, Gordon, you are a peach even if you drink the wrong beer for a cosmopolitan man. The TV dudes show us Dos Equis as the beer for a cosmopolitan man. Although Heineken's is trying hard to be up there.

Third, glad to hear unemployment is relatively unknown there. Wish it was the same here which leads me to distributorships. I'd be happy to set up a 1500 bux seminar here in Reno if you'd like to do the recruiting. Done seminars in the past some for more some for less and hated the recruiting part. I believe you are right we could get a room full of people and actually start a going concern we could sell to the most successful distributor and really retire on that San Diego beach.

Fourth, thanks to everyone who took the time to make a post.

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Old October 31, 2011, 10:53 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default My favorite comment from my daughter on facebook


Is this one of those pictures where you're dead but they pose you like you're still alive?

I told her to just call me Bernie from now on.

And Richard, there was ONE Corona and 2 Miller High Life, and for Tom, I don't drink Dos Equis...because I can't handle the pressure of being interesting.

IF I were to ever buy beer on my own, it would be in one of those steel looking cans with BEER on it, and nothing other words, the cheapest on the shelf, cause it's only going to be in me for a short while.

Originally Posted by Richard Dennis View Post
It's the world's #1 cosmopolitan man:

A guy from Cuyahoga Falls drinking 3 Coronas, somewhere east of El Paso, wearing a "San Diego" t-shirt.

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Old November 1, 2011, 09:42 AM
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Default Re: My favorite comment from my daughter on facebook

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post

Is this one of those pictures where you're dead but they pose you like you're still alive?

I told her to just call me Bernie from now on.

And Richard, there was ONE Corona and 2 Miller High Life, and for Tom, I don't drink Dos Equis...because I can't handle the pressure of being interesting.

IF I were to ever buy beer on my own, it would be in one of those steel looking cans with BEER on it, and nothing other words, the cheapest on the shelf, cause it's only going to be in me for a short while.

I'll drink to that ...
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Old November 2, 2011, 09:56 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Somewhere East of El Paso.

Great Post!

Thankfully, I found the forum after all these years!

Got a friend who can use this!

It seems like a NO-BRAINER to jump on this.


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