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Old May 27, 2012, 11:09 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
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Default How to turn 85 cents into a TWENTY DOLLAR bill in less than 3 minutes.

How to turn 85 cents into a TWENTY dollar bill in less than 3 minutes.

First, a personal, short RANT...I hate doctors and hospitals.
Second, without your health you ain't got nothing.

OK, end of rant.

Last year I helped “The Boz” create his manual for cleaning headlights. Actually whatI did was to teach him the PROCESS I use, including the use of a White Board, a couple of Square One Workshops tools (Pyramid of Accomplishment and View From theRooftop)...

And the process of writing for a targeted Audience.

Part of this process was for me to observe, then participate in the actual work.

During the couple of weeks of OBSERVATION, I saw Boz make hundreds of dollars with his headlight cleaning business, mostly while he set up at a car wash.

Then I learned the process, which took about 20 minutes, including sanding, buffing,and the use of 3 “secret” sauces. And I saw him test his price from 10 dollars to 40 dollars and even higher.

It is a slick little business, the downside is that most people don't THINK about having their headlights cleaned. Those that do usually take their cars to a detail specialist, who charges anywhere from 80 to 200 dollars. I checked several Walmart auto centers to some of the FRANCHISES and confirmed this price range.

Yea, you can get started cleaning headlights with a FRANCHISE for only $25,000.00

and/or buy KITS from 495 to 2495 dollars to get started. These kits supply buffers, and sanders, etc, pretty much what Boz used last year.

Now I took a tool-kit to San Diego and was able to make sales the day I got there. I used a neon bright 4 X 6 card cut in half and stuck it in car windows with dirty headlights.

I charged various prices just to see, and most people like the 20 buck concept, it seems,
to them, to be a fair price for this service. Some, who have dealt with detailers thought
it was way too low. No one thought it was too high.

Some of this PERCEIVED value comes from the TV INFOMERCIALS for those 19.95 do
it yourself kits and from the Walmart shelves where you can find several kits from 20 to

Anyhow, since last fall, the Boz has been relentlessly looking and testing a wide variety of
formulas and has spent hundreds of dollars trying to perfect his business.


The Boz can now clean both headlights on a car in less than 3 minutes, and he has 3 different
price points, 10, 20 and 40 dollars. About 9 out of 10 choose the 20 buck offer.

Now that he is using his smart phone to accept credit cards, he has eliminated those
cash poor people who usually have to run to the ATM (and they hardly ever come back).

His profits have increased dramatically.

A few weeks ago he journeyed to Alabama, from New Mexico, and stopped along the way
to check on what detailers were doing and how much they charged. He then showed him his
3 minute method and virtually everyone he showed was ready to pay him on the spot for
the formula, which he DID NOT give away (except to his list of manual buyers).

While in Alabama, he got a local license, 40 bux, and set up shop and in less than a week,
he made $640.00 NET profit which paid for his trip. He also confirmed this business can
be worked anywhere there are cars. ANYWHERE. YES, even where you live.

Now, I was impressed with the original idea, and found 60 bux an hour doable, if you found
customers, but I hated using the drill and spending the 20 minutes. NOW, it is a 3 minute process,
and Boz simply SHOWS THEM with a test strip and once they see the difference, VIOLA, there
comes 20 bux flying out of their wallets.

Way back in the beginning, I had suggested a KIT for his business, but he'd have to find
and source drills, sauces, pads...a real PIA (Pain in Azz) concept, so he canceled the KIT idea.

But now, since he has eliminated all that stuff, he carries a small bag, like one of those grocery cloth
bags with just a couple of items in it. He can do 10 cars an hour.

His demo on dirty lenses closes the sale, about 8 out of 10 times.

In investigating and reporting on business opportunity for over 40 years, it is rare that I find
something like this, and can enthusiastically endorse, because I've done it.

And because Boz has eliminated so much of the KIT, he is going to be offering (around July 4th)
his Business in a Bag KITS.

He has put together 3 different kits, the difference being the amount of supplies you get.

But before he even allows someone to buy a kit (and get a RESERVED TERRITORY) he is
putting together a FREE Sample. It isn't quite ready, he's got supplies which have to come in, but
once he does, he is going to offer a FREE sample (just pay the shipping and handling, which is fair enough, right?).

You'll get enough sauce to do TWO cars, do your own, then make 20 bux if you want or do a family
member's car for the experience.

Also, if you do get the FREE sample, you'll have first opportunity to claim your area, an area covers
approximately 100,000 people and becomes protected, he won't sell any kits in YOUR area.

There is no obligation. Once you test the 3 minute method on two cars, you'll be better able to make a decision whether or not this is something you want to do.

Also, if you do decide to order one of his KITS, for now a Silver, Gold or Platinum kit, you'll get some
pre launch bonuses. For example, with the Platinum Kit you'll get a lifetime discount of 50% when
you reorder the sauce.

Even though he has shared the basic recipe with his manual buyers, there are some nuances and
proprietary stuff he has.

YES, you will have to reorder the supplies from Boz, but each reorder has a minimum of 1000 dollars of profit built into it at the 20 dollar per car rate. Again, where else can you spend 80 cents and produce a 20 dollar profit.

IF you have any interest, and there is NO obligation, send Boz an email with the subject header: 3 MINUTES to [email protected]

This will put you on a list which will receive “OK, FREE Sample available” email when he has his
samples ready to go. IF you are already doing the business the old way, ask Boz about special discounts for his existing customer so you can convert from the 20 minute per car to the 3 minute per car method and see a dramatic increase in your profits.

I've seen very few Businesses in a BAG with such huge instant profit potential.

OK, there you go and if interested ask Boz the questions, not me. I'm crawling back into
the woodwork to fight the bugs of modern health care.

Gordon Jay Alexander

PS. I am NOT involved in the Boz's business in any way other than I've reserved a part of San Diego where I will be DOING this as soon as I get back there. I still have to pay for my kit, but I did get
first choice.
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Old May 27, 2012, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: How to turn 85 cents into a TWENTY DOLLAR bill in less than 3 minutes.

GJA emerges from the woodwork.

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Old May 29, 2012, 09:22 PM
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Default 3 Minute - Thanks

Thanks to all of you who emailed your interest in the new 3 Minute cleaning technique. I have you all captured on a separate list, and each of you will get something special from me, as thanks, when the new manual is ready.

We're making a bunch of the videos in the morning(5-29). We'll be visiting a used car lot and cleaning eight pairs of lights. There should be some very informative videos coming from that as the lot has a variety of lights. It will all go in the new manual.

I hope to have the new manual out in a couple of weeks...maybe sooner, but don't hold me to it. I'll let you know and then you can decide to get it or not.

There's still time to get on the 'special sowpub' list to get 'the something special' when the manual is ready. It's only being offered here for sowpubbers and lurkers.

Plus I wanted to bump this post.
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Old May 30, 2012, 09:19 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Posts: 3,507
Default REAL from the field results and a slight revision...

Today, I went with Boz, as his videographer, to record him in action.

Yesterday morning he walks into a small used car dealer, sez, "I'm the headlight guy." Owner says, "Good, I need 8 cars done."

Boz asks and gets permission to video and put it off til this morning.

He did 7 cars, two others were being detailed, so he goes back tomorrow for those and any thing else that comes in.

Although we spent a lot of time getting the cameras angled and taking before and after shots...the actual time he spent doing 7 cars was under an hour.

So, I'm going to revise my headline...

Turn 85 cents into Twenty FIVE dollars in less than 7 minutes.

Car dealer paid him 25 per car. While doing the job, another guy approached and asked how much, he's getting a 20 dollar job in the AM.

So, in less than an hour, Boz got a check for 175 bux, plus has 3 jobs for the AM.

On the videos, (I'll post a couple up tomorrow), you'll see how easy it is.

The car lot cars DID need sanding, that's why it was 25 and not 20. He sanded for about a minute. Then sprayed, and wiped on the sauce.

His 3 prices is producing great results. He takes 10 seconds to show them what a 10 dollar job will look like...tells them about the 20 and 40 dollar job and most go for the 20 dollar job.

You'll see how great the lenses look on the videos, we took extensive before and after pics on all cars, most of them were Chrysler products.

Boz has a whopping 3 used car dealers here, imagine what you could do in your city with how ever many you have.

If you haven't signed up for his KIT announcement (NO obligation) then do so ASAP. This is an actual cash in your pocket business, super easy now that he's eliminated the buffer...and there is no shortage of jobs.

If he sees a pair of headlights anywhere, and the owner is near the car, he gives them a pitch. I'm the headlight guy, your headlights are dirty, I can clean them right now.

Response HOW MUCH. Get that response, you can take their money immediately because you can reduce your price for their quick action and still make huge profits.

You got something easier? I'd LOVE to see it, OK?

Gordon Jay Alexander (now wanting to be called Spielberg, and once you see my work, you'll know why)
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Old May 31, 2012, 12:14 AM
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Default Re: REAL from the field results and a slight revision...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
If you haven't signed up for his KIT announcement (NO obligation) then do so ASAP. This is an actual cash in your pocket business, super easy now that he's eliminated the buffer...and there is no shortage of jobs.

Now I'm seeing the advantage of an autoresponder, which I don't have. Everybody that sends me the 3 Minute email is going on an announcement list, and you'll be notified when I have something ready to go. I've been surprised at the number of responses so far. Seems that lots of people are interested in a simple money maker.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Gordon Jay Alexander (now wanting to be called Spielberg, and once you see my work, you'll know why)

Towards the end of the job this morning, I glanced over at my camera guy. He was sitting with his head in his hands, hunkered down in the shade of a power pole which was the only shade available. The summer heat in New Mexico is brutal, and wiped both of us out for the rest of the day. Even so, the videos came out pretty well.
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Old May 31, 2012, 02:34 AM
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Default Re: REAL from the field results and a slight revision...

Hey Gordon,

Hope you're doing much better Health wise these days and improving Daily!

Quick question(s) and discussion to Talk a little more about...

Boz... Gordon and other's that just Might be slightly interested...

Do you both Feel that there's some Flexibility available in the overall ''Pricing'' and Creativity within the Overall business model and planning...

To Build a Dealership Network, Franchise type but [Not] really...

Basically a Molly Maid related type of business setup which Endless other Specialized service business models {Use} these Days...

Split income Sharing business model Revenues have been running Successfully...

In Service Type businesses for Ever...

1,000's Upon... 1,000's of ''Successful'' Service businesses operate Daily with A few Smart ''Twists'' of course...

Hire/Contract... Train Students... Unemployed People from all Walks of Life...

Into a Win-Win... Profitable split for All Parties involved...

With a {Superior} Master Marketing Plan of Endless ongoing HeadLight Cleaning, Contracts etc...

Smartly and Well Managed, Treating your overall Work Force Network professionally, respected and fair without Any Marketing requirements...

If done Correctly, Never any Worries about [Competition] in my Opinion and Experiences in other Service related businesses...

The Secret is in How you ''Execute'' the overall business model...

Especially Treating your Network exactly the Way you like to be Treated yourself if you Get the message!

Gordon and Boz...

Appreciate both your thoughts, comments and opinions regarding...

To Build a Dealership Network, Franchise type but Not really...

Schpeel... Ideas... And Overall Feedback regarding the Flexibility etc. Available in the overall pricing...

And Anything and Everything you'd Both Like to Add...

[Thinking] much More about ''Putting'' the Unemployed Citizens all Around the World back to Work and Happiness!

Based on Much of the Following...

Re: Keep working... "Rehirement" and "free-tirement"...


Last edited by Phil : May 31, 2012 at 02:38 AM. Reason: additional info...
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Old May 31, 2012, 07:28 AM
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Default Re: REAL from the field results and a slight revision...

Originally Posted by Phil View Post
Gordon and Boz...

Appreciate both your thoughts, comments and opinions regarding...

To Build a Dealership Network, Franchise type but Not really...

Schpeel... Ideas... And Overall Feedback regarding the Flexibility etc. Available in the overall pricing...

And Anything and Everything you'd Both Like to Add...

[Thinking] much More about ''Putting'' the Unemployed Citizens all Around the World back to Work and Happiness!

Based on Much of the Following...

Re: Keep working... "Rehirement" and "free-tirement"...


Network / Franchise - but not really; Sure that possibility is there, just like any service business. There are some barriers to entry that I'm not sure I want to go through, starting with gummit regulations. Huge hassle - possibly worth it for somebody.

Flexible pricing? Prices range from me at $10 sitting beside the road, to a Florida fixed shop at $110. We both get what we ask. What's fair? What can your market afford? What will your market pay? I have found that I can sit around with a high price, or work with a low price, and at the end of the day I've made the same money. I prefer low, which gives me more opportunity to meet and BS with a wider variety of people. Whatever works for you. It can't be just about the money, or you might do better following Willie Sutton.

Back to work and happiness for the just now waking up Citizens? Definitely. Grocery and gas prices creep upwards, mostly slowly enough that it's not noticeable. Not noticeable enough such that one can keep track of what it used to be. Quick - what was the price of a can of green beans in 2000? In 1990?

The wake up comes when you go to buy the 5 or 10 year cycle product. That's when the 'what the hell happened' thought starts running through your head, and maybe even spilling out of your mouth. I remember when....a car battery was about $75 for a good one. I just paid $136 for an over the counter, never heard of it, brand. Same for tires...4 for $400 used to be top of the line. I just paid $760 for 4 of the low end brand. Then you start wondering about the green beans. An old Sears catalog is an eye opener.

I have this 'not really a business - more like a part time job' refined to the point that anybody can do it, with a very low entry cost. Operate all summer on $40 in supplies. Sales of the service can be automatic...sitting beside the road with a cardboard sign like the supposedly homeless guy, or mustering up the gumption to do the belly to belly thing with used car dealers and others who need the service. Total flexibility.

That Rehirement link is interesting. I'm finding that extra bucks go a long way towards making me comfortable with my situation...which is not so unlike a whole bunch of other people's situation. You can't say much bad about 'extra bucks'. Several of the people who have responded with the 3 Minute email, have poured out their hearts to me...there is desperation out there, a great need for 'extra bucks'...and still there is Hope...and a bit of Charity and goodwill. Interesting process, fun too.
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Old May 31, 2012, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: How to turn 85 cents into a TWENTY DOLLAR bill in less than 3 minutes.

The possibilities for business are endless here.

There is a local company here that has a fleet of over 1000 School buses. Can you imagine getting THAT contract? My wife actually works for them. They have nobody detailing anything. And they are not the only local company in the transportation business. Tons of potential.

I know you fellas are working hard on this (Gordon, Boz). It will be appreciated. Don't let the heat make you sick though.
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Old May 31, 2012, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: REAL from the field results and a slight revision...


Thanks for your Thoughts...

Figured I'd give a little Boost to your thread, ''Awesome'' business opportunity and make some ''Realize'' a little that Many services businesses internationally Don't necessarily Have to Do the Service related work if they choose Not too...

Lots of Different ways to Develop... All Kinds of Options within Every business model Depending on the business, Location(s), Goals and Network size planned on Growth etc. of course...

Endless workers and Applicants out there, More than willing and interested in Just doing the Actual work and Not the responsibilities of the Overall business, Marketing and Management of each Service related business and Opportunity out there...

60/40, 70/30, and Many other Percentage [Splits] work Just Fine added Together with some of my other comments in the previous post...

Works! Exceptionally well with the Right Mindset and People in Place...

Definitely! Consider this Option if you Just Happen to Enjoy the Marketing & Management of businesses But Not Necessarily the other Side of the Getting it Done part of The business Responsibilities...

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Old June 2, 2012, 11:00 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Business In A Bag - 2 Videos ready to view

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
And because Boz has eliminated so much of the KIT, he is going to be offering (around July 4th)
his Business in a Bag KITS.

These links will take you to YouTube.

The first video describes the contents of the business in a bag. The two brushes shown were an experiment that failed. I no longer use these brushes. I'm still experimenting and testing every detail of this process.

At the end of the day I made a quick video that shows the quantity of 'stuff' I used in the course of earning $175. We arrived at the car lot at 7:45am and left about 10:30am. During that time we made videos, sat in the shade a bit, bs'd with the employees, wondered if Gordon would die on the spot or wait for a more convenient time, cleaned seven pairs of headlights, did one pair over again, and hung around waiting to get paid. Call it three hours if you want, it's still $58/hour.
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