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Old August 26, 2016, 03:03 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Posts: 1,263
Default TEST YOURSELF - Which Of These Headlines Got 600% More Votes?


We're building the SAME KIND of New Client Lead Generating
website we create for Clients.

EXCEPT - not with the goal of S*elling the site.

At Least - Not Right Away - until we RUN UP THE PRICE.

AND - To Personally Test Out a New REFERRAL CONCEPT
Before we Adapt it for Consulting Clients.


We Sell Small Biz Owners IN An Industry Niche - QUALIFIED CLIENT LEADS.
Until one or more start OFFERING US Munny for the site.

Step I - Test Headlines for the Content.

WHICH of these Headlines - for the "Tree Services" Niche
did my F-r-e-e Ezine List PICK 600% More often than any other?

#1 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket for
ANY Home Owner

#2 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket from
Grocery Food Shopping

#3 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket from
at Restaurants

#4 -
How to Use *Centrifugal Force* to Split Wood
WAY Faster Than a Log Splitter

#5 -
How to NEVER Break
A SledgeHammer Handle Again

#6 -
My Wood Splitting
“Wedge Start SECRET”

#7 -
How To Grow Garden Vegetables in The Snow
Without A GreenHouse or Any Cover At All

#8 -
"How Doing LESS Lawn Mowing
Means Never Having to Use Pesticides to kill Bugs
On Your Vegetables Again”

#9 -
3 Emergency TREE Nightmares
& How I’ve Solved Them

#10 -
Save 1000’s By Asking These
5 Questions BEFORE You
Hire a Tree Service Company

Glenn Osborn
Rentamentor Group

P.S. - HINT - The Winning Report Title has the words *Centrifugal Force*
in it.
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Old August 26, 2016, 07:48 PM
Richard Dennis
Posts: n/a
Default I'm really curious, Glenn ...

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post

We're building the SAME KIND of New Client Lead Generating
website we create for Clients.

EXCEPT - not with the goal of S*elling the site.

At Least - Not Right Away - until we RUN UP THE PRICE.

AND - To Personally Test Out a New REFERRAL CONCEPT
Before we Adapt it for Consulting Clients.


We Sell Small Biz Owners IN An Industry Niche - QUALIFIED CLIENT LEADS.
Until one or more start OFFERING US Munny for the site.

Step I - Test Headlines for the Content.

WHICH of these Headlines - for the "Tree Services" Niche
did my F-r-e-e Ezine List PICK 600% More often than any other?

#1 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket for
ANY Home Owner

#2 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket from
Grocery Food Shopping

#3 -
$1000 Extra Cash
In Your Pocket from
at Restaurants

#4 -
How to Use *Centrifugal Force* to Split Wood
WAY Faster Than a Log Splitter

#5 -
How to NEVER Break
A SledgeHammer Handle Again

#6 -
My Wood Splitting
“Wedge Start SECRET”

#7 -
How To Grow Garden Vegetables in The Snow
Without A GreenHouse or Any Cover At All

#8 -
"How Doing LESS Lawn Mowing
Means Never Having to Use Pesticides to kill Bugs
On Your Vegetables Again”

#9 -
3 Emergency TREE Nightmares
& How I’ve Solved Them

#10 -
Save 1000’s By Asking These
5 Questions BEFORE You
Hire a Tree Service Company

Glenn Osborn
Rentamentor Group

P.S. - HINT - The Winning Report Title has the words *Centrifugal Force*
in it.

What was the thinking process that led to the "centrifugal force" headline? It's hard for me to conceive of ever getting to that headline.

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Old August 26, 2016, 11:17 PM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default When chopping down a tree, make sure it doesn't crush your house!

Originally Posted by Glenn View Post

We're building the SAME KIND of New Client Lead Generating
website we create for Clients.

EXCEPT - not with the goal of S*elling the site.

At Least - Not Right Away - until we RUN UP THE PRICE.

AND - To Personally Test Out a New REFERRAL CONCEPT
Before we Adapt it for Consulting Clients.


We Sell Small Biz Owners IN An Industry Niche - QUALIFIED CLIENT LEADS.
Until one or more start OFFERING US Munny for the site.

Step I - Test Headlines for the Content.

WHICH of these Headlines - for the "Tree Services" Niche
did my F-r-e-e Ezine List PICK 600% More often than any other?
Hi Glenn,

I don't know much about the tree services niche - so I'm not sure which one would have won!

One thing you don't want in the "tree services" niche is for a big tree to fall on you - or to fall on your house!

A couple of years ago we wanted to cut down a huge tree on our property, which was right next to the house, in the back yard. (The tree was already diseased.)

A friend we often hire for yard work wanted to do the job.

We asked him - do you have insurance for this? It turned out he didn't.

He also had no experience.

We didn't hire him for this job. Why? We didn't want his first "learning experience" to be having the tree crush our house!

We went with a seasoned professional - and everything went fine.

Back to the headlines...

On pondering it, the winning entry sounds like something really new... I wonder if that's why it worked best?

For me personally, I like the first 3 best - but that's probably because I am not in the "tree services" niche myself...

Thanks for sharing, Glenn!

Best wishes,

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Old August 27, 2016, 03:05 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default *Centrifugal Force* Answer for - Dennis

Thanks Dennis,

Here is the "Convoluted" thought process behind the "Centrifugal Force"

***I was trying to think up an Unusual Way to describe the way I cut wood
by swinging the sledge in giant circles Over my head - over and over - rather than swing up and down - like everybody else seems to do - which takes more muscle.

***I remembered I'd read in the Wall Street Journal about an older
woman - who had gotten hurt in the Olympics - but still threw THE HAMMER
as "exercise."

Caught my Attn - cuz I thought she was NUTS.

***I googled "Centrifugal force."

All I could find were boring pics of Class School projects. Swinging pails of water
over your head and like that.

Found 2 or 3 vids of folks throwing THE HAMMER.

Picked the best video.

Then wrote my Report - comparing my SLEDGE HAMMER Swing
to the Centrifugal force used to throw THE HAMMER.

It REALLY is the same Principle.

And - as I said - It pulled 600% better (In tests to my list) than all my other
Reports - so far - at the new Website -

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Old August 27, 2016, 03:10 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default How I Got 4 Trees ChainSawed - For Free - Special Report

Thanks Dien,


Three 100% F_R_E_E WAYS to Solve

Hi Neighbor,

You have neighbors.

We all do.

So this 1st idea might work for YOU too.

WAY #1 - How I Got My Neighbor Tom to PAY to Cut Up 2 of MY Dead Trees.

Here’s what I did:

FIRST - I noticed that my neighbor Tom had lots of old maple trees. And had to hire someone to cut down the dead and falling trees almost yearly.

And since I’d had two Huge Oaks fall near Tom’s property line
I made him this Offer…

“Next time you have your guy come over to ChainSaw your dead Maple Trees. While he is already at your house. Ask him to cut up these 2 huge oak trees. Short enough to fit in your wood stove. IF you do that, I’ll split the wood. Give you Half. And Carry your half over next to your house.”

Tom said, “Ok.”


Two trees gone. Cost me Nothing. And I was already splitting wood. Had both trees split up in a few days.

WAY #2 - BALTIMORE COUNTY PAID to Cut Up a Tree About to Fall on my Electric Line.

A Baltimore County Road Crew was inching their way down towards my house.

STEP I - I took a 5 gallon bucket full of Ice Cold Plastic Water Bottles out to the guys sweating in the sun. AND handed a big bottle to their Supervisor thru his truck door. (He was sitting in his truck in the shade.)

STEP II - I told the Supervisor about a Tree Root that was Undermining the edge of the road. Explained how he would have to DO MORE WORK and come back and Fix it - again and again.

STEP III - Mr Lazy seemed to Ignore my suggestion. But I did yard work until I saw him walking over to the BAD SPOT. And jogged over to make sure he found it. Heh heh

STEP IV - The following week a Tree Trimming Bucket truck - that lifts the guys with Chainsaws high in the are - showed up. I fed Them ICE WATER too.


They were nice enough to cut the tree up into fireplace log lengths.
And grind the branches up. AND leave me a big pile of wood chips for my garden.
WAY #3 - How I Cut a DEER HUNTER to Agree To ChainSaw
A Tree for me.

I got this idea from 2 brothers who run a Dairy Farm - down the road from me.

While chatting they told me how they got FREE LABOR! Guys came over and shoveled all the manure out of their barns - NO CHARGE.

And they also Weed Wacked Miles of fence and along the road - FREE too.

In return - the 2 brothers let them HUNT DEER on their farm!


I figured I could do that too. Except SWAP Deer Hunting on my land for Their Help Cutting Down Dead Trees.

a - I went on the Barter section of Craigs List.

b - Found a guy who wanted to Barter His Heat and AC Repair skills for Permission to Hunt Deer.

c - I called him up.

d - He drove his HVAC truck over to my place. And we took a tour of the woods.

e - He agreed that - since my Air Conditioning and Furnace were SHIP SHAPE - he could ChainSaw a Tree down for me instead.
GOOD, huh.

These 3 ideas are not just Theory - we DID them.



That’s Ok.

You can Call Up Donnie for F-r-e-e Advice. He’s got Years of Tree Trouble Fixing Experience. And can ADVISE you - right over the phone.

Call Donnie at: ***-915-0489

Email is - ****

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Old August 27, 2016, 03:25 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Default The Magic Word "FORBIDDEN" Used in a Special Report

Thanks Dien,

Good points about hiring someone with EXPERIENCE/INSURANCE
to cut a tree down.


The One FORBIDDEN FireWood Question
Tree Services Companies Don’t Want You To Ask


So what Do You Ask BEFORE You Buy a Cord or more of Oak Firewood to heat your House?


IF You Ask, “Is the Oak Firewood you sell dry?”

Their ANSWER IS - “Yes, it’s from last year. So it’s been drying out for an entire year.”


“We cut the Trees Last Year. So the Green Oak Logs have been drying out in a field for a whole year.”


TRANSLATION to English - What 90% of the FireWood Suppliers MEAN is that their “Dry” oak trees have been laying out in a field - IN THE RAIN - for a whole year. (Drier than a “Live, Green-Full of Sap” — tree but Not “Dry Enough to Burn Well.”

Here’s What you should ASK Instead -

“Has The Dried Oak Firewood You Sell Been Protected from Rain and Snow by a roof or a tarp - for a year?”


A - You will get THE TRUTH.

B - Save time and munny.

C - Be READY to object if you catch them in a Lie.


When the truck arrives with your wood. And you pick up a Chunk of Oak. And it FEELS LIKE LEAD. (Which means it’s wet.) You can Send the wood back!


Here’s an EASY way to Tell Wet Wood from Dry in your fireplace or wood stove or Fireplace Insert.


Steps to Starting a Fire With Dry Oak Wood -

Step I - Wad some newspapers up

Step II - Toss a few Small twigs or kindling in on top of the newspapers.

Step III - OR Use a FireStarter Log of some kind.

Step IV - Put 1 or 2 heavier Oak Firewood logs on top.

Step V - Light the newspapers with a match.

STEP VI - WATCH until you are SURE the fire has started! An Unwatched Fire usually goes out.

ALL DONE - You have Successfully Started a Fire to heat your house.
WET Oak WOOD That Has Been Sitting in The Rain for a

Step I - Wad some newspapers up

Step II - Toss a few Small twigs or kindling in on top of the newspapers.

Step III - OR Use a FireStarter Log of some kind.

Step IV - Let the Kindling and Dry wood Burn For 1 to 2 Hours - Until you have 2 or 3 inches of Red Embers.

Step V - THEN put one Wet Oak Chunk on top. ONLY ONE.

Step VI - Have Extra Dry FireWood Ready. Because even with an inch of red hot embers underneath - You will have to put Dry wood next to the wet Oak - OR The Fire will GO OUT!

Step VII - Light the newspapers with a match.

TORTURE, right?

The Above Advice comes from EXPERIENCE. I have 5 cords of Wet Oak - ***DRIED BY A FIREWOOD Supplier by laying Logs in a field for a year.*** Which I am Personally RE-Drying. This is wood I Bought LAST YEAR.

Now ready to burn THIS YEAR.

If you don’t want to Do This.

You will want to Order Dry Oak - that has been under a Roof for a year - Like the wood Donnie cuts and keeps Protected and Dry for clients.


You can Call Donnie if You Have Questions: 443-915-0489

Email is [email protected]

Donnie Smith
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Old August 28, 2016, 09:31 AM
Richard Dennis
Posts: n/a
Default Do You Mind If I Rip You Off?

THAT is truly outstanding, Glenn. Wow! 600% better than the other headlines. And I love your thought process.

So, Glenn ... remember when we met?

1989 ... Los Angeles ... 175 other people in the room ... the guy with no shoes or socks up on stage, telling us how to do EVERYTHING!

I've been working off and on since then with another guy who was in that room. Maybe you remember him ... Alan Fendrich.

So, combining you & Alan, here's the landing page I've come up with:

Centrifugal Force

What do you think?

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Old August 28, 2016, 01:14 PM
Glenn Glenn is online now
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 1,263
Default 3 Suggestions for Dennis

Thanks Dennis,

(EDITORS NOTE - Wow Richard - you were there at the 1st Jay Abraham
protege bootcamp in 1989 too. Long time.)

I've been Practicing what Jay DID
More than what he SAID.

For example - I approve of your USE of "ENDORSEMENT" - Jay talks about 50
Biz Multipliers but he mainly uses the ENDORSEMENT STRATEGY himself.

That said -

Here are a couple things you might Think about...

#1 - You are Endorsing Mr Fendrick

a - But you jumped into S*ALES MODE - without talking about
what he did for you. Or what he has done for HIS Clients.

people off.

People won't listen to you unless you GET THEIR ATTENTION FIRST.

***What's in it for ME?***

#2 - I learned from a 52 mil a yr - on-line Marketing mentor to
ALWAYS - put a Hot Title on any E-book or Report you give away.

a - Without a Tested Title - nobody WANTS the F-r-e-bie

#3 - Another mentor worth 100 million has used your exact website idea
to jump into and s_ell to Niche after niche.

a - Except he writes a full page article in an Industry Trade Magazine
Instead of a website - so he is Guaranteed tens of thousands of readers.

b - The ONLY goal of the article is to get Readers to Call and LISTEN
to his 3 minute Audio Message.

c - His Audio message Gives away 3 F-r-e-e Newsletters the prospects
can MAIL OUT to their clients and prospects to BRING In Extra Munny.

d - Each Newsletter includes a FORM where you can P*AY for a yearly


So You Might Rewrite the website to SELL people on Getting the F-r-e-e E-book


You Could Test Headlines Before Naming
the E-book


You Should Credential your mentor BEFORE You Try to Give Away
the E-book.

Perhaps with Testimonials and Entertaining
Case Studies about how he FOUND a Talented New HIRE.

And what happened - inside the company - as a Result
of hiring top 3% Employees Instead of DUDS.


P.S. - My 3K Extra C*ash BRIBE at the top of
Is there to CREDENTIAL and Create a Go-The-Extra-MILE
Positive Energy BANK ACCOUNT - with any Visiting PROSPECT.

Reports on "How to Get Trees Cut For F-r-e-e
and others ADD VALUE too.

before people will READ what you wrote about your mentor.

This is a variation on how we DOUBLE CLIENTS incomes by teaching them
GRAB ATTENTION and Get Rapport
Giving Away
Instant Scratch Off LOTTO tickets

BEFORE they talk to strangers and prospects.

I've put 100 of the best LOTTO ticket Stories Here -
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Old August 28, 2016, 02:42 PM
Richard Dennis
Posts: n/a
Default Re: 3 Suggestions for Dennis


Actually, it's an opt-in page version to test, not an endorsement.

Won't cost much to see if "centrifugal force" has impact in the hiring community.

Thanks for your suggestions.

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