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Old March 4, 2019, 07:15 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Harvey Brody's: THE VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP.

Today, many newer marketers have never heard of Harvey. In fact, today, some have never heard of the late Gary Halbert, or Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham...the OLD guys.

They may know of Frank Kern, Tai Lopez, Dan Lok and other self promoters.

Harvey served in the Air Force, then went to college, got his Engineering degree, headed to CA and began working with many of the "legends" of their day, on a Per diem basis.

So he was around the likes of Joe Cossman and others like him.

He invented the ZOOM SPOUT OILER while in college operating a part time typewriter repair business. After working for other people, he took all his knowledge and skills and started his own businesses, including a PUBLISHING company. He is often credited as being a forerunner in the VIRTUAL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS.

He had about 30 employess and he said he got tired of running at 3600 rpm and his employees were at 2. He quit advertising, and via attrition got rid of all of them, and let the publishing biz fade away. His courses are still considered some of the best business information ever created.

He did seminars and workshops in the LA area and a who's who list of modern marketers sat at his feet learning from the master.

Few people have been able to articulate his keen business sensibilities, and even fewer have been able to replicate his success.

ANYHOW, if you want more, Google him, just don't confuse him with the artist, and you may find we have as much about him as anywhere else online.

THE VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP is a Brody way of clearly seeing a finished project or product. I will use these words interchangeably, the process is the same for both.

You must know where you want to go. Later, we'll delve into the airplane metaphors, but he explains it like this:

"If you are in Chicago and you want to go to New York, you don't need a map to California." Aim your car, plane, bus, RV or train to the east and follow it that way.

A goal, is a future point in time. It is where you want to get to. You must have a clear vision of your goal. You can see more from the top of a building than you can see on the ground. The view from the ROOFTOP gives you and unobstructed view.

It represents the GOAL made manifest. The product has come into existence, it is being sold and generating funds.

That is the goal most of us here have for our IM projects. To reach a point in the future where our products are working for us. We must promote, sure, but that keeps it going, you have to get there first. If the rooftop represents you reaching your goal, then it begs the question how do I get up there?

Harvey would have you build a ladder up the side, one rung at a time. But he starts at the top, with the STEP OFF RUNG. What will be last thing you do right before you reach your goal? How will step off the ladder and onto the roof?

NOW, what is the rung below that one look like, and so on all the way to the ground and at the ground, you look up and see all the steps ahead of you and you begin, knowing if you just do one rung at a time, you can't do anything other than get to the roof (or fall down and break your leg).

The view from the ground is exactly the same as the view from the rooftop, in your mind. The reason you elevate at the start is to get a lay of the land, to see potential obstacles to avoid, to see the best routes to take. Then when you begin you have a road map, or a flight plan, a route.

You have a step-by-step, rung-by-rung way to reach your goal. I think he is so successful because he mastered this process at a relatively young age.

And because he "pencils it out" and has a "clear view" from the rooftop which has allowed him six decades of continuous success, and why he, unlike so many others, haven't fallen down, or been imprisoned, or heavily fined, or had the FTC, FDA, FBI, etc., etc. at his door. Many of the success of today, have had their share of past problems with the law, mostly because they were greedy SOB's to begin with. Sure, they've made amends, or so they say, and all is forgiven.

Using the VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP as a compass and guide, you don't worry about doing something wrong, you've already seen that roadblock and took a different route.

This is a very powerful goal setting and goal achieving tool. Especially if you put time increments on your steps. I like to use a building fire escape type ladder, with 7 rungs until the next platform, and then 7 more. Sometimes, there might be 30 steps until the next platform, depends if I use monthly or weekly check RUNGS.

I can write a report in a day. But if it is going to be involved, and needs graphics or other things, then it may take a month. So I might have 30 rungs on my ladder. Today is March 4. 30 days from now would be April 5 (depending on my time of day). So my step off rung would be, have the report ready to be sold on April 5. Everything must be done by then.

The rung before I step off might be putting the PayPal buttons on the sales page and testing it out. Make sure it works.

The rung before that might be posting the promotion at a web site, and testing the links to it. And so on, back down the ladder, until I get to tonight.

And I review my VIEW to make sure I have a clear idea of what the project looks like WHEN FINISHED.


There are nuances with this, but this is the basic overview of one of the most valuable Harvey Brody's techniques for sustained success.

We'll get into the various GEARS a little bit later, maybe, if there is any interest.

Not much for wasting my time these days.

So, I'll post as interest shows.


Last edited by GordonJ : March 4, 2019 at 07:52 PM.
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Old March 5, 2019, 10:05 AM
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Default Success secrets of John Lee Pettimore III.

An alternative, for those who want to cash in today, and don't really care how OLD guys did it.

John Lee was a third generation self-employed Entrepreneur. His grandfather started the family business out of necessity at a time when the government was implementing their anti-sin policies of Prohibition.

He grew slowly, and expanded quickly due to the demand for his product.

Jr. took over the family business and Trey, as the called JLP III, went off to war, the Vietnam War to be exact. While in the jungles during his two tours of duty, Trey had an idea.

Luckily he survived and was able to go home to implement the new dream. Expand the business.

Sure, continue producing and selling the much in demand product of his ancestors, but add a new line. A line which would BOOM, some might say thanks to the Vietnam War, where thousands of American GIs were exposed to this new product.

Demand grew. And GREW. Only problem was, it was still considered unlawful in the eyes of the Feds, who at the time were using Martial Law on a routine basis to control the populace.

Then, in dark rooms full of leather chairs and Cuban cigar smoke, the good ol boys had an epiphany, "let's not use force on the citizens, let's be covert, make them feel good, take away their pain and they will become zombie like puppets".

This plan was implemented to perfection.

Anyhow, Trey became a multi millionaire, did international business and today his son, Quad Pettimore, runs the extraction plant in Kentucky.

If looking for a business model, even longer than the half a century that Harvey Brody has done, then maybe you might consider the success of John Lee Pettimore III as an alternative strategy. Here is his short story:

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Old March 6, 2019, 02:35 PM
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Default Harvey Brody's: THE gears and the magnet.

In his work Harvey likes to tell about the gears. First gear would be me selling my TV or selling something to ONE buyer at a time. Just like in a car, you may get somewhere SLOWLY and often with a grind.

The upper gears are leverage, and efficiency, economies. Th...ese gears give higher income returns and are smoother running.

His Specialty Products Business, which includes the ZOOM-SPOUT OILER and the Pistol Grips, and other an example of a top gear, high flying money maker. Consider for decades it has been Harvey, his wife and his daughter part-time, and it brings in millions of dollars with less than 200 customers, I think we can all agree that is an UPPER GEAR business.

KNOWING there are different gears when you start out, allow you to set your sights on the most efficient business effort.

We can discuss more about these if you are interested.

The View from the Rooftop is about PRE planning, goal setting, seeing potential obstacles.

The GEARS are about getting into the right mindset to avoid the grind.

The MAGNET UNDER THE TABLE is about negotiating. You come to the table with a giant powerful magnet, and on the table are iron filings. You use the magnet to arrange them how you want them.

Like the toy, where there is a man with no hair and you use a small magnet to give him a head of hair, or a beard or a mustache. When you start to do deals, you have a very clear idea of what that man looks like (as a metaphor, not the best).

In order to arrange the iron filings the way you want them, you have taken all the considerations into your plan. The way to win the Art of the Deal, unlike those who constantly go bankrupt, deal after deal after deal...

The Harvey way uses a Win/Win concept. Where as the wheeler dealer with his art of dealing always has to be the winner, so in his game, there has to be a loser--the other guy.

The magnet is used to get both parties what they want. The deal is mutually beneficial, but under Harvey's terms.

The magnet may be the most complicated and hardest to understand of all of his concepts, but very valuable.

Next, flight plan and kick out the chocks.

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Old March 6, 2019, 07:37 PM
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Default A word about Harvey Brody and my "interpretations" of his concepts.

Interpretations. Indeed!

Mr. Brody is very rare in the realm of successful businessmen. He has been very generous with his time, not only to Dien and me, but to many others too.

I know of other SowPubbers who have spoken with Harvey over the years and he has shared his wisdom and advice freely. Dien and I just happen to have the public forum, where for almost 20 years now, we've discussed many Harvey Brody methods.

I am very lucky, a fortunate man in my having had several great Mentors, which I wrote about in NECTAR OF THE MASTERS. I do regard Mr. Brody as the top shelf person I've had the privilege to confer with and learn from, he isn't alone at the top of my shelf.

Each of my mentors has made significant contribution to my lifetime of education. Also, I don't "cut and paste" from any of them. To me, that is an act of plagiarism and being a word artist and all, have great respect for other people's Intellectual Property.

So, if you have Brody's course, or have spoken to him directly about his course, you may see some variations on what he wrote and what I post.

If interested here is a link to one of his courses available at eBay:

Dien and I had/have all of his courses and most of his published work.

But what you read here is my take, my interpretation, my understanding based not only on the written materials but the many hours of recorded talks I did a decade ago.

And truthfully, as great as all that old stuff is, and it still stands the test of time as concepts go...he told me then, as I'm sure he would tell me today...

What he KNOWS today, is 10X more powerful than what he knEw when he wrote and published those courses. And what he will know tomorrow will be even more powerful than what he knows today, that is the way he rolls.

So the GEARS. I'll give examples from my own life activities.

FIRST GEAR. Me teaching golf. One to one. In half hour and hour increments at the local course or range. Very first gear, albeit, profitable for me at the time, and enjoyable.

Another 1st gear: Me delivering singing telegrams one at a time.

OR me doing a resume while one person sat across the table. Or me calling on businesses to advertise on my daily special menu boards.

First gear is all one to one transactions, and is the slowest way of making money. Most reading this may be stuck in first gear and new people to the forum, it may be a first time contact with the concept. They just don't know about gears.

SECOND GEAR. Me doing clinics at the range with 7 to 10 people. Same amount of time I might have spent with one person, only now I'm getting 7 times the income. OR, hiring students from Akron U and Kent State to deliver my singing telegrams for me, a smaller profit for me, but many X the number. It is one way to leverage your time and make more money. With resumes, it was handing off some of the work to other writers, for a small cut. See?

THIRD GEAR. Me making recordings, like my cassettes and cd's: THINK AND REACH PAR and HOW TO PLAY AN UNKNOWN COURSE. And selling them via ads in newspapers or magazines.

FOURTH GEAR. Me selling audio programs in bulk to retail outlets or other remote direct marketers.

FIFTH GEAR. Me licensing the audio programs to other pros, a private label program they could custom tailor.

SIXTH GEAR. Me setting up golf training franchises or dealerships.

SEVENTH GEAR. Being the accrediting agency for expertise.

Few people ever get out of first gear, but you will find the more successful marketers are in the 3rd, 4th and fifth gears of their operations. There are a couple of other advanced gears, but I don't have any first hand experience with the doing of those, so safe to assume, I'm not going to include them here.

Harvey was in the Air Force. So many of his methods have airplane metaphors. Chocks are the big blocks of wood put beneath the plane's tires to keep it from rolling. Only when the pre flight checklist has been completed and everything checked off, can you 'KICK OUT THE CHOCKS' and taxi down the runway to takeoff.

And the PRE FLIGHT checklist is the LAST thing you do before you take off, which implies there are other steps that lead up to that moment. One of the first might be knowing how to fly the dang thozing? BOZ (Bud Riggs, a crop dusting pilot for 25 years) used to tell me he never crashed a plane, although he had been in several which did fall from the sky. Today, the easy to get license given by not very well trained instructors, gives us a plane wreck a day.

With the HARVEY BRODY METHODS, the whole point is to prepare and execute a great flight, being ready and prepared to handle anything that comes up, including loss of engines like both The BOZ and Capt. Sully (of US Airways Flight 1549) were able to do.

In business, you never know when you will be flying through a flock of screaming birds.


Last edited by GordonJ : March 6, 2019 at 08:06 PM.
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Old March 9, 2019, 08:11 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is online now
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Default A couple lessons I learned from Harvey...

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Today, many newer marketers have never heard of Harvey. In fact, today, some have never heard of the late Gary Halbert, or Dan Kennedy and Jay Abraham...the OLD guys.

They may know of Frank Kern, Tai Lopez, Dan Lok and other self promoters.

Harvey served in the Air Force, then went to college, got his Engineering degree, headed to CA and began working with many of the "legends" of their day, on a Per diem basis.

So he was around the likes of Joe Cossman and others like him.

He invented the ZOOM SPOUT OILER while in college operating a part time typewriter repair business. After working for other people, he took all his knowledge and skills and started his own businesses, including a PUBLISHING company. He is often credited as being a forerunner in the VIRTUAL MANUFACTURING BUSINESS.
Hi Gordon,

Awesome post about Harvey Brody!

Harvey is an entrepreneurial genius for sure...

Here are just a couple of lessons I've learned from Harvey (from also having had many, many illuminating conversations with him on the phone, and having met with him in person once)...

1. Harvey learned by working for successful entrepreneurs. In his case, he was an engineer, so he could help them with their prototypes, patents, etc.

As a result, he learned entrepreneurial lessons directly from them. And he was PAID to learn! These are lessons you'll never learn in a university classroom...

The lesson? If possible, work directly for successful entrepreneurs, and be ready to learn.

I'm doing something similar right now... And learning, just as Harvey did.

2. Harvey also had a spiritual method, which he mentioned a little in his earlier books, but goes into much more detail in his little-known later books.

There's much more to it, but he tries to be aligned with God's will in what he does (no robbing banks, for instance), and he is not hesitant in asking God for help and guidance in his success. He aims for both altruistic as well as commercial success...

Many people feel reluctant to ask - sometimes this can be an ego thing, because they want to do it themselves, without help.

But that is not Harvey's way... (and I try to follow this methodology too).

Best wishes!

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Old March 10, 2019, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: Harvey Brody's: THE VIEW FROM THE ROOFTOP.

Hey Gordon,

I am certainly interested in all things Harvey Brody. Although his publications are decades old, they outstrip many current models by miles. Especially useful for empowering solopreneurs like most of us are in scaling things up without losing ourselves to 15 hour, six day weeks just to keep all plates spinning.


P.S. Thanks for the very useful link to the eBay seller with his H.B. publications. I did not know Harvey authored so much. I own Harvey's flagship book set of four manuals. Haven't laid hands or eyes on them in years and years. They are in their original box in my archive storage.
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Old March 10, 2019, 11:06 PM
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Default We were fortunate.

Originally Posted by spyglass View Post
Hey Gordon,

I am certainly interested in all things Harvey Brody. Although his publications are decades old, they outstrip many current models by miles. Especially useful for empowering solopreneurs like most of us are in scaling things up without losing ourselves to 15 hour, six day weeks just to keep all plates spinning.


P.S. Thanks for the very useful link to the eBay seller with his H.B. publications. I did not know Harvey authored so much. I own Harvey's flagship book set of four manuals. Haven't laid hands or eyes on them in years and years. They are in their original box in my archive storage.

Dien and I were both very fortunate to get our ongoing talks with Harvey.

What I said earlier, that what he knows today is 10X better than the stuff from yesteryear, is so true and hard to explain.

Now we know there is a lot behind the curtain there. And his grandchildren are taking certain paths which will be phenomenal for them.

But for most of us, those decades old concepts still need to sink into our resistant minds. And of course, persistence, solving problems in the direction of your goals is a critical part of it.

Even now, I make discoveries when I listen to the talks for the Umpteenth time.

That whole kicking out the chocks and preflight checklist, and WHAT COMES BEFORE, is finally sinking in. I get some of it.

You are right about the TIME factor, sure, there are other successes, but few work as effective and efficiently as Mr. Brody does. It is his superior organized thinking skills.

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