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Old May 16, 2019, 01:17 PM
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Default Your mansion over the hill.

I look out my window. I see a few storefronts, a church, but on the horizon I see a single rooftop.

If you were sitting next to me, you could easily see it too.

Now, if I told you that over the hill, about half a mile was a mansion, filled with everything you ever wanted, you would be very skeptical. Who wouldn't?

But I hand you the keys, and say use that rooftop as a guide, and get there as quick as you want. Either find the mansion, or curse me out and never talk to me again.

It is your choice. To either THINK such a place exists, or to doubt it entirely.

What you can't see out my window is the river, about 400 yards, between us and your mansion over the hill (YMOTH).

There are four bridges in the city which can take you across, or you can try to cross it on foot. You'll climb some pretty steep ledges, and even then, when you get to the other side, the marker roof could be hidden from you.

IF I were to take you up to the top of my bldg, and give you binoculars, you could see the tip of your mansion, it has a weathervane on top of it. You still might be skeptical, but at least you know SOMETHING is out there.

You also have a higher view of the terrain, can now see the river, and perhaps see the best path to take, IF YOU CHOOSE TO GO AFTER IT.

This pretty much sums up the law of attraction, only in an opposite way. See, in most LOA teachings, they ask you to visualize your mansion. To see yourself inside of it, to act as if you own it, and believe and fill yourself full of great emotion, albeit, sometimes full of self deceit also.

This PICTOGRIGM has the mansion in existence, minus your vision of it, and a direction to go to get to it. You start from disbelief, but maybe a hope, wish or dream that it does exist.

The path to your mansion over the hill has twists, turns, maybe some roadblocks...but if you adjust as you go, then it awaits you. It already exists, as opposed to you creating it.

See, you either create or find. Often both at the same time.

The one thing both share is, they need an INTENT. What you want to create or what you want to find.

As I have written in some of my poetry, is, "you often find what you bring along". And there is the rub of many LOA teachings.

They start you from NOW, with a disregard for the past, and you imprint NEW neural paths, over top of the old habits.

It is also why people struggle so much. Long before the SECRET and modern LOA came about, with gurus on every intersection of the Net...a guy, Neville Goddard made some great recordings, including on the REVISION technique.

YouTube is loaded with his work.

I'm not sure you need revision, but AWARENESS, as taught on the SQ1, to see and know your past and what choices were made FOR you and BY you in your past.

Many have trouble believing a MANSION exists, either one they create or the one they simply find. And as often as not, this self-limiting governor can be located (and eliminated) from your lifeline of the past through acknowledgement, acceptance and action in the direction of your mansion (goal).

My opinion is most won't leave the house to go find or build their own mansions of fulfillment. Will you?

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Old May 17, 2019, 03:42 AM
Dien Rice Dien Rice is offline
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Default Who cares what other people think?

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Many have trouble believing a MANSION exists, either one they create or the one they simply find. And as often as not, this self-limiting governor can be located (and eliminated) from your lifeline of the past through acknowledgement, acceptance and action in the direction of your mansion (goal).
Hi Gordon,

Great post!

Is this the key, believing the mansion exists? And perhaps, even believing there is a path there... And that they are able to travel it?

Self-doubt can kill a lot of things...

I think people are also afraid of looking like a fool...

Maybe they had an auntie who would tell them, "I told you not to try to join the soccer team. I told you that you would fail. You were rejected, and now you look like an idiot."

That kind of experience could kill your success for life!

"Why try?" they say.

Sometimes, it's an advantage not to care what other people think. Who cares what they think? What do they know?

Anyway, that's the way I look at things...

Of course, I do care what people think - but not too much. I feel that's been an advantage for me!

(And for many others...)

Should we be encouraging people not to care what others think?

Just something I ought to ponder myself...

Best wishes,


P.S. Richard Feynman was a physicist, who had many adventures. They often picture him playing the bongos.

He wrote two books of his adventures... "Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman"... and the second volume was, "What Do You Care What Other People Think?"

They're both fun to read! But... he truly didn't care what other people thought. I think that's a good attitude to have! (Certainly makes life more interesting...)
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Old May 17, 2019, 08:54 AM
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Default Mark Manson.

Originally Posted by Dien Rice View Post
Hi Gordon,

Great post!

Is this the key, believing the mansion exists? And perhaps, even believing there is a path there... And that they are able to travel it?

Self-doubt can kill a lot of things...

I think people are also afraid of looking like a fool...

Maybe they had an auntie who would tell them, "I told you not to try to join the soccer team. I told you that you would fail. You were rejected, and now you look like an idiot."

That kind of experience could kill your success for life!

"Why try?" they say.

Sometimes, it's an advantage not to care what other people think. Who cares what they think? What do they know?

Anyway, that's the way I look at things...

Of course, I do care what people think - but not too much. I feel that's been an advantage for me!

(And for many others...)

Should we be encouraging people not to care what others think?

Just something I ought to ponder myself...

Best wishes,


P.S. Richard Feynman was a physicist, who had many adventures. They often picture him playing the bongos.

He wrote two books of his adventures... "Surely You're Joking, Mr Feynman"... and the second volume was, "What Do You Care What Other People Think?"

They're both fun to read! But... he truly didn't care what other people thought. I think that's a good attitude to have! (Certainly makes life more interesting...)

Thanks Dien, very good stuff. This guy was right on target. An updated spin on his who Mark Manson, and his bestseller...


He is, in my opinion, one of the best voices out there, and because of his depth of reading and experience.

But here is the problem. With both Manson and Feynman (and Gordon and Dien{we should be a duo, singing Austrialian Folk Music, very off key of course}) when it comes to ignoring what others think...

we CAN'T. Not really, and when it has been hammered into our young minds, especially before 7 or 8 years of age, the brain circuitry is hard wired and those subconscious programs are our operating system.

So what happens, when people want to believe in the Mansion, in the possibility of what their life COULD be, if their dreams, wishes and;

They DEFAULT to this deeply ingrained path of neural activity which triggers the self defeating behavior.

See, you are right, BELIEF is the answer, often and most of the time, but getting to belief as seen on the POA, first action point, BEFORE the back and forth inside the POA on its way to the top, the result, the Mansion manifest is

the first and oft biggest hurdle.

Because OF what is already inside your brain put there when it was NOT within your control.

But through KNOWLEDGE and AWARENESS, and understanding, these early childhood programs can be overwritten, as the SQ1 shows, by our being aware of them. And then doing what is required to change.

Often it isn't a trigger of BELIEF, or I can...but sometimes it might be a gnawing shame, or self disappointment when we become aware of our NOT fulfilling our potential. It was never a question of "I don't think I can", but all too often it is "I'm not".

The student just getting by, knows and may even believe he can do, or be...but the call to action may come from a negative feeling of being less than. Make sense?

In all the studies, and I'm big on Blair Warren, Cult Psychology, Persuasion and Covert of the most focused on 'WEAPONS' of influence, or tools for the less violent...

is the need/want/desire to BELONG. And when one has an inner concept of not belonging, due to childhood input, they become prey for those who know, understand and use the weapons upon them.

The Mansion, MY metaphor, is different from other LOA teachers, who would have one cut out pictures of what they want, and then try to manifest THAT REALITY, whereas Your Mansion Over the Hill, has everything already in it, no need to see the details, but to experience the feelings of ownership first.

Or the View from the Rooftop or the bottom and top of the POA OR the time down the lifeline on the SQ1. All the same thing. The goal (mansion) realized through movement {effort/action} in the direction of it.

Meaningful activity, constantly adjusted as one nears the tip of the POA.

Thanks Dien, I'm going to read those books ASAP. Sounds like my kind of a guy.

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Old May 17, 2019, 09:50 AM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default While I'm on the subject.

Creating or building the life you think you want.

I guess that is the subject, well, it is now.


First, it is YOURS. Not my idea of success, happiness, accomplishment. Or it isn't what anyone else thinks.

It is YOUR Mansion.

Over the years, I have come to accept that the ONE thing most people want, or think they to have as much CONTROL of their lives as they can.

Doing and Being are often the goal posts of this control. Being someone. As opposed to being a NO BODY.

I've always taken issue with the WINNERS vs LOSERS concept, but it is the de facto theory as trickled down from our POTUS these days.

Goal setting is a form of control. Reaching the goal, manifesting our desire, is the proof of that control.

Why do people want to start a business? Most often given reason is, to be their own boss, or to escape the boss they have. Out FROM under the control of someone else, they deem less than worthy of having such control, albeit, forgetting they willfully surrendered it when they accepted the job.

My infamous question, as some of you have suggested it be called is...


The two part question thousands have come to be annoyed with.

In the quest of things, money and all things of the EARTH, as seen on the is never the thing itself...

it is the FEELINGS which it gives to the holder of said thing.

And here is the secret, which I've chosen to bury in this thread, in a not very much read forum, on the back rivers of the Internet...but it is a secret, which isn't one at all...but can help you with finding your mansion, reaching your goal, getting what you want.

Have the feelings first.

I can't visualize. But I can feel. And as the SQ1 shows us, these are subjects of thinking, of CONTROL.

The accumulation of energy on the lifeline until the manifestation takes place, has less to do with the activity of movement toward the tip of the POA, and more to do with the feelings of being there, now.

Thought I'd give you this, while I was on the subject.

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