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Old September 6, 2020, 10:56 AM
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Default IDEAS from the report I didn't write.

Well. I'm waiting until after the election to release my next report, although, that is a PLAN, and if nothing else, I've been known to dismount the horse in midstream...or as I prefer, ADJUST the motion.

Anyhow, I did some heavy research which is sitting on my desktop, so I thought I would share, my top 7 ideas for starting a business, and which ones to start...all but ONE, are online. No big surprises, but before I just give you a list, let me start with my ONE/TWO question I've asked for decades now.

What do you want? And WHY?

The big three for most people are FINANCIAL assurance, or Independence as any one person thinks of it...
freedom to locate anywhere.

TIME freedom.
Of the three, I have for about 30 years now, chosen TIME FREEDOM as my number one why. Although I can generate whatever money is needed to get me to whatever location I some of you have seen over the years here. My last travel adventure was several years ago, and I have very little desire to see anything other than the banks of the Cuyahoga River, although San Diego in the Winter might be a good thing for me.

So, WHY do you or would you want to start a business today? In these very uncertain times, with millions of jobs being lost or replaced by technology or for economic reasons.

I always want people to begin with the WHY, and my big three could differ from your big 3, 5 or 7 reasons why.

So feel free to add on but for the sake of this post, I'll stick with MY 3 BIG FREEDOMS

FREEDOM of time, to do whatever you want during your day.
FREEDOM of financial concern, to earn, make or get as much income as you want and need.
FREEDOM of location, to go anywhere you want or to stay put.

Those are my big 3, what are my top 7 businesses I would start today, in Sept. 2020 keeping those goals in mind? They are:

1) INFORMATION marketing, which can include blogs, membership sites, video and audio. It has always been my number one, it isn't going away any time soon. Your knowledge, skills and experiences are what I call STORED VALUE, and they can be a great source of income once you get it out of your head and put it into circulation. I can name 10 SowPubbers who I know for a fact are sitting on Acres of Diamonds, but for some reason, refuse to mine it.

2) AFFILIATE marketing, with so many different choices and how to's. Sure, there are Clickbank and JVZoo type products, or Amazon or even local products and services one can be affiliated with and collect some decent coin. It is in CHOOSING what sort of an affiliate do you want to be, and how it matches up to your GOALS.

3) TEACHER, COACH, CONSULTANT. I think the line is blurry between all of these, but it involves YOU offering your knowledge to other people. Now, of course, it can be done and probably should be done with #1, Information Products, as a part of it. But be it one to one, or one to the masses, with the future looking more and more like ONLINE lifestyles for millions, it is a good time to share what you know or can do with others.

4) WRITING. With more millions of non English speaking people trying to start an ONLINE business, the demand for writing will continue to soar.

Writers have so many options it boggles the mind, the opportunity is huge and if you can TEACH writers, especially how to market themselves, you have a vein of gold to mine for many moons to come.

5) LEAD GENERATION. Get leads, sell leads. Call it arbitrage if you want (I don't), but standing between people who need customers and people who need those goods and services is a toll booth which can provide you with all your desires. It is an evergreen niche, and you can expert down or up to any level you want. So many ways to get leads, so many leads to sell.

6) SOFTWARE, APPS, all things computer/cell. We have a few members who have developed apps here, and others with their hands in the software game. Nothing stops you from joining in, always will be a demand for GAMES, and for PRODUCTIVITY tools. If you have existing knowledge, you have a big leg up, if not, you have some schooling to get, eh?

7) HOMEMADE, HANDMADE ...CUSTOMIZED. Dien pointed out the Blacksmith in Rochester who makes custom knives and all things smithy...and ETSY is all about one of a kind, one off, custom made items. It is as big as ever, and plenty of nooks and crannies for you to find your niche in. This can be offline as well, many boutiques or brick and mortar stores will showcase your one of a kind or HOMEMADE items.

BONUS. #8 You didn't think you'd escape here without at least hearing about CHATTELING, the buying and selling of personal and corporate property, did you?

Here in Northeast Ohio, we are seeing a glut of used restaurant equipment, just a few months ago, a booming business, but with so many restaurants looking to close up...and prices falling, it has become a buy and store for later sell items. NOT my cup of coffee at all...I don't like storage.

But no matter what happens to the Internet, Cell phones, satellites, cable, TV, radio I know that I will be able to generate rapid profits by buying and selling stuff, it has been my bread and butter for decades now, and I'm not planning on abandoning it anytime soon.

NOW, I gave you some thumbnails. IF you want some details about any of them, just ask. I will no longer assume people are or will be interested in this stuff, so I'll leave it all alone. I did a lot of research, it is on my desktop, so if you do have interest, then ask your questions here and I'll do my best to answer as TIME allows.


Last edited by GordonJ : September 6, 2020 at 11:41 AM.
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Old September 7, 2020, 12:41 PM
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GordonJ GordonJ is offline
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Default Sure email is OK, but I'm going to repost your questions here, OK?

Sure, I get it.
You want to remain anon. You don't post, just lurk.

Fair enough, we've been doing this for 20 years, we get it.

I won't post your name or initials, without permission...but I will post your questions here IF I think the group can benefit from it and my response.

So, from yesterday's email bag, we get:

"Right now I want INCOME, as much money as I can make as quick as I can." sez one of our newer members here.

I suspect he is not alone. The 20 years and thousands of answers here have some great information on that subject. MY answer is, and always has been,
sell your TV (or any of your junk, stuff or sh&t you don't really need).

Then use that seed money to either buy and sell stuff locally, or if you need fast cash online, write a documented proof is the report I did with Bud Riggs of Carlsbad, NM. It took us less than a week to write, video, document and have ready. We sold over $30,000.00 of the PDF file in less than four weeks.
It may not be enough money, it may be your start-up capital, and it may be a lot less than that too.

Maybe Dien has something from his many years of publishing Hidden Ideas and his business research, but that is the best I've got.

I do know this, you won't get paid for doing nothing. FACT check it if you want.

OK, that was one, FAST MONEY = Sell something you already have, reinvest for more sales.

QUESTION two and three from someone out there...

"You say information products, but I can't write, don't really know anything or have done anything, I'm still young. What kind of information can I sell, and how?"

My short and sweet answer, because I could spend all day with this one...but here goes.

DOCUMENT your process of your first information product and VOILA (or WHALA if you prefer), you now have TWO information products to sell.

My teaching process in the past has been this: Write a HOTSHEET, expand to four page White Paper, add graphics, pics and fill it out and you have a nice little report people will pay for (I know this for a fact, some 75 times over).

Here is an example of a project I don't have time to do...but I know it could be a money maker. Yesterday, on Sunday, I did my usual food prep routine, about 2 hours in the afternoon cooking and prepping food for the week.

I boiled some carrots, steamed broccoli, boiled eggs, and oven roasted peppers, onions, mushrooms and pan fried 5 hot peppers (different varieties). Also cooked celery, which I mixed with the carrot water, blended and strained with some tomatoes I cooked and created my own version of a V8 juice...which is tasty and nutrient loaded.

Now, this week, I use these things in several dishes. I'll make Waffles and when I do, I usually make enough for a couple of meals, some pan fried cookies, some microwave muffins...all things quick, easy, simply, tasty and nutritious.

If I video taped this, I could start my own YouTube channel and maybe I would focus on being the WAFFLE AND COOKIE Coach. Waffles can be anything, put whatever suits you in them, make them thick, thin, or even as pizzelle, lots of variations.

See, I could take what I way around a kitchen, and convert that into information which people would want and pay for...but alas, a low priority for me, other things I WANT to do,so even though I have an information product which could become an ongoing income stream via a channel and membership site, I lack the time to do it.

YOU, have to learn something (addressing the person who wrote, or any young person without much experience)...say for example, you picked up a used waffle iron on Facebook Marketplace or your local could then start by using your cell phone and make short videos of how YOU are finding recipes and cooking these things up.

In other words, YOU document your education, your learning how to do something and in the process you make videos, create hotsheets, find out more, go down a few rabbit holes and discover new things...but as you go along, have your camera and microphone ready. You could dictate a 10 minute instruction guide, have it turned into a document by REV.COM for 15 dollars, and have an information product to sell in a day or two.

Then, you could set up a simple AUTOMATIC PRODUCT VENDING SITE, find someone with a list of people interested in the subject, do a joint venture and begin to build your information empire on what you DO NOT know, but are learning as you go, see?

Hope this helps. I have another to answer, but I don't have time today, again, I encourage you to post here, it will probably get answered faster than via email, just so happens it is labor day, and I'm doing NO labor today.


Last edited by GordonJ : September 7, 2020 at 01:11 PM.
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Old September 8, 2020, 10:13 AM
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Default Question I didn't have time to answer, now I do.

Q. You talk of value, instead of dollars, can you give me some examples, is this like barter?

A. Yes, barter is one form of a TRANSACTION.

I break things down from the transaction back to the first step, sort of a technique I used in social work with Developmentally Challenged people, it is called backward chaining.

In business, I think of the TRANSACTION as the beginning of a beautfiful friendship (like Humphrey Bogart)...

I hope the first TRANSACTION is the start of many, and some of you have made scores of transactions with me these past 30 years.

BUT, you have to get the first one under your belt before you consider the LTV, lifetime value of your relationship.

We all know what cash, credit and debit card buying is, and many of us have used PayPal or other online ways (I like Facebook Messenger for Chatteling locally)...

But those are forms of VALUE in the MONEY lane. You can also exchange goods, services, or even any form of an ASSET can be exchanged.

All it takes is an AGREEMENT, both parties have to agree to the exchange and the value which is within the agreement.

A service provider can trade services, from a web designer to a doctor, from a copywriter to a lawyer, services are great assets to use when money is an inconvenient way to do business.

Now Barter can get complicated, and regulated, here in USA, the IRS wants to know your barter deals, when they go over a certain amount. But for all intents and purposes here, today, we won't worry about that.

So, if you are cash strapped, then you can BARTER, or exchange value to get what you need. And sometimes, an asset can be transferred from one to another so that voucher you got from the dentist for a cleaning and whitening could be used to get that website made.

You can be as creative as you want, as long as there is a mutual AGREEMENT in place; trade, barter, flip, pay, defer...whatever it takes.

But MONEY is only one of the ways to exchange value, thanks for asking.

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Old September 9, 2020, 06:52 AM
Millard Grubb Millard Grubb is offline
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Default Re: Question I didn't have time to answer, now I do.

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Q. You talk of value, instead of dollars, can you give me some examples, is this like barter?

A. Yes, barter is one form of a TRANSACTION.

I break things down from the transaction back to the first step, sort of a technique I used in social work with Developmentally Challenged people, it is called backward chaining.

In business, I think of the TRANSACTION as the beginning of a beautfiful friendship (like Humphrey Bogart)...

I hope the first TRANSACTION is the start of many, and some of you have made scores of transactions with me these past 30 years.

BUT, you have to get the first one under your belt before you consider the LTV, lifetime value of your relationship.

We all know what cash, credit and debit card buying is, and many of us have used PayPal or other online ways (I like Facebook Messenger for Chatteling locally)...

But those are forms of VALUE in the MONEY lane. You can also exchange goods, services, or even any form of an ASSET can be exchanged.

All it takes is an AGREEMENT, both parties have to agree to the exchange and the value which is within the agreement.

A service provider can trade services, from a web designer to a doctor, from a copywriter to a lawyer, services are great assets to use when money is an inconvenient way to do business.

Now Barter can get complicated, and regulated, here in USA, the IRS wants to know your barter deals, when they go over a certain amount. But for all intents and purposes here, today, we won't worry about that.

So, if you are cash strapped, then you can BARTER, or exchange value to get what you need. And sometimes, an asset can be transferred from one to another so that voucher you got from the dentist for a cleaning and whitening could be used to get that website made.

You can be as creative as you want, as long as there is a mutual AGREEMENT in place; trade, barter, flip, pay, defer...whatever it takes.

But MONEY is only one of the ways to exchange value, thanks for asking.


Barter can be good... I have used it for years. However, the biggest challenge I find is a good way to get paid. I don't like PayPal at all and haven't used other services. I have heard Stripe is pretty good. Most of the time I have someone just send me a postal money order, even though it does stop folks at times because of the extra effort.
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Old September 14, 2020, 04:33 AM
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Default Re: Question I didn't have time to answer, now I do.

Originally Posted by Millard Grubb View Post
Barter can be good... I have used it for years. However, the biggest challenge I find is a good way to get paid. I don't like PayPal at all and haven't used other services. I have heard Stripe is pretty good. Most of the time I have someone just send me a postal money order, even though it does stop folks at times because of the extra effort.

What is wrong with Paypal? I've been using it for years and I'm really satisfied.
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Old September 15, 2020, 12:27 AM
Steve MacLellan
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Default Re: Sure email is OK, but I'm going to repost your questions here, OK?

Originally Posted by GordonJ View Post
Here is an example of a project I don't have time to do...but I know it could be a money maker. Yesterday, on Sunday, I did my usual food prep routine, about 2 hours in the afternoon cooking and prepping food for the week.

I boiled some carrots, steamed broccoli, boiled eggs, and oven roasted peppers, onions, mushrooms and pan fried 5 hot peppers (different varieties). Also cooked celery, which I mixed with the carrot water, blended and strained with some tomatoes I cooked and created my own version of a V8 juice...


Since this pandemic thing, the grocery stores have been packed. Even with some restaurants opening up in a limited fashion, the grocery stores are still packed. People are cooking at home and trying to eat healthier. If you're a good cook, there is opportunity knocking.

Asked my daughter to bake a birthday cake for my friend. We were throwing him a party. She said what kind of cake would he like? I said carrot cake. It was his favorite. Well, I like it... supposed Carlos would too....

She has the knack. Everyone on her mother's side of the family has it. They just know how to make something fantastic, almost by instinct.

Four people at the party asked her to bake the same cake for them. They offered $40-60 per cake. And this was a small party.

I think for something like this to work though, you need to have them taste it and then take the orders. 'Cause I could bake a cake; just nobody would want to eat it...

Steve MacLellan
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Old September 16, 2020, 01:47 PM
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Default OH my back burner projects, if I only had a striker.

Originally Posted by Steve MacLellan View Post
Since this pandemic thing, the grocery stores have been packed. Even with some restaurants opening up in a limited fashion, the grocery stores are still packed. People are cooking at home and trying to eat healthier. If you're a good cook, there is opportunity knocking.

Asked my daughter to bake a birthday cake for my friend. We were throwing him a party. She said what kind of cake would he like? I said carrot cake. It was his favorite. Well, I like it... supposed Carlos would too....

She has the knack. Everyone on her mother's side of the family has it. They just know how to make something fantastic, almost by instinct.

Four people at the party asked her to bake the same cake for them. They offered $40-60 per cake. And this was a small party.

I think for something like this to work though, you need to have them taste it and then take the orders. 'Cause I could bake a cake; just nobody would want to eat it...

Steve MacLellan

Thanks Steve. Just yesterday, I had two people ask me for a recipe I don't even have, on something I have never made. YIKES, I just talked about my Aunt Betty passing away last week, at 91, and talking about her rum soaked fruit cake, maybe 200 proof (Wowza one piece and don't want to operate heavy equipment...ha).

Two people asked for the recipe. Which I will get from a cousin and make this year.

A striker in the United States Navy is a young sailor who learns on the job, not attending a school, but from assisting someone who has done the job for awhile, in my case, a Cook and BAKER. I had a couple of strikers and you mentor them, help them learn how to do it.

In our archives, about 15 years ago, I wrote about Arlene, who made cakes for weddings, and other events and at that time also had a candy store. I think she still gets requests for her cakes, like your daughter. If your daughter desires, this can be quite a nice little cash flow side hustle, or it could become a full time biz.

Anyhow, as for opportunity, and lack of TIME. Maybe I'll start something like ONLINE STRIKERS, apprentice programs. If I had the time that is.

So, what is on my back burner that someone could build into a decent business, and especially around the KITCHEN?

WAFFLEMAN MEALS. **** waffles. Diet waffles, sugar free, gluten free, protein loaded... stuffed for breakfast, lunch waffles, waffle sandwiches, dinner waffles...a waffle a day keeps the doctor away.

I try not to eat much wheat, especially processed. I like bean flours, oats and other grains. No salt, no sugar, no seeds, no gluten but loaded with flavor.

Spend an hour on Sunday, make waffle meals for the week. Stuffed pepper waffles, sausage anld egg waffles. Meat free, dairy free, VEGAN, vegetarian, flat waffles (like pizzelles) you name it, everyone loves a waffle.

I'd shoot tons of video, come up with recipe contests, give away prizes build a Waffle Club (cult?) have a membership, sell flours, spices, etc.

MUG MEALS. Pan Cookies (already did the one video long ago). Like waffles, I could do a complete course on MUG cooking. Microwave if you want and in a hurry, or over baking, even stove top (mugs in boiling water).

COOKING FOR LARGE GROUPS. Have scores of recipes, for 100 people, and have a ton of experience doing it.

ALEXANDER'S GREAT Soups, Sauces and Stews. Slow crock cooking, or flash cooking in a pressure cooker. Nothing beats a hot stew on a cold winter's day, and soups, like a character in SEINFELD (the Soup Nazi), I can create a killer soup and who doesn't like a great sauce on, well, just about anything.

All things galley, kitchen, cooking and baking related...based on actual experience are things I don't have time to focus on, but man, IF I had me a striker or two...we'd be in high cotton very quickly.


PS. As a professional sampler (again, in our archives), I agree with Steve, nothing beats a tasty sample to hook a new customer, and with repeat and referrals, well, a blueprint on building a biz.
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Old September 18, 2020, 03:29 AM
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Default Re: IDEAS from the report I didn't write.

For how long have you been vegan and what made you change your diet to the one you have now?
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Old September 18, 2020, 11:35 AM
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Default OH, I am not vegan, but my diet changed with old age.

Originally Posted by OliviaMeekins1977 View Post
For how long have you been vegan and what made you change your diet to the one you have now?

My daughter is Vegan, and I can cook that way for those who are. But I'm not. However with diverticulosis and some IBS, maybe a gluten thing (untested, but I do react to regular wheat).

I did spend a very painful few days in a hospital and they considered cutting some of my intestines out...which scared me enough to eliminate seeds and many other things. I do eat "healthily", from my perspective, but I've learned over they decades, that means something very different to those who have committed to their way of life.

But I was a cook/baker. In many places, so I'm able to adjust the kitchen to meet the diner, as it were.

Thanks for asking,

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