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More Food Surprises on Youtube [Archive] - Page 3 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
November 26, 2021, 10:27 AM
Hi Millard,

I did some sleuthing... Is this the video?

At the time I'm writing, this video has 8.4 million views... and YouTube says it was uploaded just 7 days ago!

My husband asks to cook this cake 3 times a week! 😋The tastiest cake! #244

(It probably added 1 million views since you saw it!)

YouTube allows channels to hide their number of subscribers nowadays, which this channel has done, so we don't know exactly how many subscribers they have...

Thanks for pointing this out! I had no idea a simple recipe video could get so many views!

(Thanksgiving may have helped, but it's still unbelievable!)

Best wishes, :)


Yes... this is the video.

Just got to find out how this was promoted. :)

The more I look, the more high view videos I find.

I am going to do more investigating. :)

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