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How to double your money in 90 days. [Archive] - Page 2 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Millard Grubb
February 12, 2022, 03:12 PM
Run to Costco, BJs or SAM's Club. Buy a thousand bux of chicken wings, freeze em, and sell them to restaurants in 90 days for twice the price.

Hopefully, they won't be recalled.

Speaking of Chickens, eggs have doubled in price where I shop, up from 99 cents a few months ago to 2.09 yesterday. I only do maybe a dozen a month, mostly for cooking with, so no biggie. But, thank goodness I don't have a lot of mouths in the family to feed.

Chicken Flu, Mad Cow, Salmonella...even the Vegans need be wary of our food chain supply. For opportunists, speculators, and even those selling high marked up food, let the good times roll.

Also, re: Chickens...."the sky is falling, the sky is falling".

Or is the bottom rising like the Spring tide?


I like your idea.

The challenge would be finding the space to put the thousand dollars of chicken wings. Maybe there is a place that allows you to put your frozen goods in their BIG freezer for the 90 days.

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