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Dien Rice
December 15, 2022, 06:55 PM
Hi Millard,

Wow... Interesting!

I decided to see what I could find...

I couldn't find an ad like you described... But I found this interesting story from Jay Abraham, using this technique...

Here's the story, in his own words... of how he sold $28 million dollars worth of a $377 book, from endorsements...

This is the story of how he got the endorsements for his book... (I fixed one typo in the transcript.)

"Maybe I should tell you how we got the first book so popular. Cause I had 80 endorsers of the $377 book. This took me a long time, but it might be an interesting story.

"So I got somebody that I had helped back then. It was Nightingale-Conant who at the time was the largest publisher of audio books that were nonfiction. It published every business, every sales, every skillset author out there, spiritual person.

"And I got them to send a copy of the book. I underwrote it to every one of their key authors with a letter saying that I wanted to buy that person two hours of my time. And we denominated what that was worth, which back then I was getting $50,000 a day when I did a day. So whatever one eighth of 50 is times two, is $12,000. And that Jay will treat it like you paid for it at the end of that period, if you are impressed beyond imagination because of what he shared and you've perused the book, anything he shares is yours to use freely, but he'd love you to give him an endorsement.

"We did it to about a hundred people and I was fortunate. It took me a long time. It took me two full months of investment, but we got 80 of the top people in the whole world to endorse me. And that's how we were able to sell $28 million."

From https://www.legacylaunchpadpub.com/blog/jay

In summary...

He gave away copies of his book to other authors who had been published by Nightingale-Conant.
Jay offered the authors two hours of consulting for free, which he valued at $12,000.
If they were impressed by the consulting, Jay would love it if they would give him an endorsement.
He got 80 top authors to endorse him.
He credits this with helping him to sell 72,000 copies of a $377 book.

Not a bad idea... :)

- Dien

I may have mentioned it before, but I am looking for an original Jay Abraham where Jay explained that he would work of free if the person engaging him would endorse him to the moon, so to speak.

I found one ad that explained that he was the marketing guru who was afraid to fly... I am NOT looking for that, I have it. :)

As I remember it, the ad I am looking for explained that Jay would work for free as long as once he made you a pile of money, you would endorse him, but only after he made the business a lot of money.

If anyone knows where the ad is, I would appreciate seeing it again.

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