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Ship That Niche!!! [Archive] - Page 4 - SOWPub Small Business Forums


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Sandi Bowman
January 20, 2007, 01:53 AM
Jim, somebody there missed the boat. You got your money out of it but what about the folks who bought it and closed it? Did they even consider contacting UPS (or other processors) to foster interest in a 'once and done' , well-organized system? Seems to me they just might have been interested if it was presented properly. They could've sold the setup to be moved, or just the layout and plans at least.

Y'know, if you wrote about the setup that you had and provided some basic drawings, pictures, ect, you could probably sell a how-to book or booklet about the way it was setup and the methods used etc. Be sure to include a list of resources for the supplies and list of vendors.

If nothing else, a hotsheet idea?

Sorry. I just get carried away with ideas sometimes.

Sandi Bowman

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